
Chapter 93

When the three saw Jiang Shan reappearing, they were stunned by her bloody legs before they had time to be happy for two seconds.

"It's okay." Jiang Shan said.

If you believe what you shouldn't believe, you should suffer the consequences.

She casually tore off a piece of sleeve and tied it tightly on her calf to temporarily delay the bleeding.

Zhang Zheng was so angry that his teeth itched: "I said you shouldn't believe the words in that broken radio. It really isn't a good thing. What good thing can do something to trap us here?"

The shadow of Zhang Zheng being dragged by the shadow twice is still there, and there is new hatred and old hatred.

"The basement, let's not look for it anymore?" Zhao Ying said hesitantly.

"I still want to go." Jiang Shan said with a cold face. She really doesn't like being coerced by others, but if Zhao Ying's statement is correct, the human figure was blocked because the basement does not belong to the library itself, so they only have the basement this way.

In fact, Jiang Shan understood this from the beginning to the end, but she didn't want to give in to the shadow.

This is not a deal with the shadow, it is her own action.

The problem now is how to find the entrance. Facing such a huge and intricate library, everyone has no clues and no way to start.

"Hide trees in the forest."

Jiang Shan said suddenly, looking at the overwhelming bookshelves in front of her, if this place is compared to a forest, then these bookshelves are trees.

So the classic analogy, if you want to hide a tree, where is the best place to put it, the forest.

Jiang Shan expressed her thoughts, and the three teammates on the opposite side looked at her. To be honest, they all thought it made sense.

The main reason is that the physical strength of the three of them is almost at the limit now, and even Gao Wenwu has begun to have a little blurred vision, but everyone has tacitly kept silent, and they don't want to add psychological pressure to their teammates in this situation.

The next thing to think about is, if the bookshelf is the key, which one of these many bookshelves is the real "tree".

Jiang Shan couldn't help but frowned again.

The clue I know now is that although "crazy criticizing father and daughter" is not a kind person, whether it was the "nonsense" on the radio before, or they were hinted by various guides after they came to the library, in all these words, at least With real leads.

Since the human-shaped shadow wanted to guide them to the basement, the clues given to them would not be false, so instead, those "nonsense" were the most worthy of their belief.

Jiang Shan clasped her hands on the back of her head, and she began to recall from the beginning (from the first time she heard the call for help on the radio in the church, to every word that has come out of it up to this moment.)
"I don't know if my relatives can still hear my words. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I gave up on you for the library. This may be my selfish punishment."

"The knocking on the door, the knocking on the door again, I will be driven crazy sooner or later, even if I don't starve to death, I won't last long."

"In the dark, there are shadows that can devour everything, light sources, books, iron doors..."

"No one outside has responded to me... It seems that it is really over."

"If someone finds me in the future, I hope that I and these books will still exist at that time. At that time, what will the world look like?"


"Don't touch that bookshelf, there is a horrible monster hidden in its depths."

"When you walk into the depths of the library, watch out for the figure hiding behind the bookshelves."

Jiang Shan raised his head suddenly, his eyes burst out with a strong light, all three of them looked at her at the same time, Zhang Zheng was dumbfounded, this was the second time he saw Jiang Shan's eyes were so bright.

How could human eyes shine such light in the dark.

Jiang Shan said slowly: "Don't touch that bookshelf."

That, the bookshelf.

There are countless sentences that sound upside down, but this sentence is the only one that is very, very obvious, and the only thing it expresses is the "only", the bookshelf.

Jiang Shan's eyes were shining brightly. She had been sitting on the ground resting since just now, and now she stood up again with her hands propped up.

She asked, "What floor are we on now?"

To be honest, the flight up and down just now really turned a bit.

Zhao Ying hurriedly held up the flashlight, looked at the surrounding walls and said, "It should be the third floor. When we came all the way just now, we saw the number 3 on the wall."

When assigning the workload before, Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu were assigned to the first and second floors, and Jiang Shan took the initiative to choose the third, fourth and fifth floors with high difficulty and risk factors.

And Jiang Shan and the others were exactly the mutation that occurred when they searched the fifth floor.

Just now, the human-shaped shadow led them all the way to dive, and even directly crossed the fourth floor to the third floor.

Jiang Shan looked at Zhang Zheng with piercing eyes: "Do you still remember the bookshelf you knocked down?"

When Jiang Shan and Zhang Zheng started searching the third floor, something happened for the first time. Zhang Zheng went to touch the bookshelf engraved with pinyin.

"I said I didn't knock it over," Zhang Zheng muttered, "It fell by itself... Wait, what do you mean?"

Jiang Shan clapped his hands lightly, and everything was strung together: "That bookshelf is the only one that doesn't have a classification label, and it's the only one that is different."

The explanation given by Wei Yuan at that time was that the love bookshelf was used as a free donation.Now think about it, love ass.

Jiang Shan said: "Zhao Ying, do you still remember how you got to the third floor?"

Logically speaking, Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu should have stayed on the second floor.But now, they said they were on the third floor.

Zhao Ying: "...!"

Gao Wenwu also seemed dumbfounded.

They couldn't remember, no, they didn't realize that they had reached the third floor?Even Gao Wenwu, who was keen, was completely confused. Even if he was not well dehydrated, shouldn't he be unaware that he had gone up a level?

"The darkness blinded our eyes." Looking at the expressions of his teammates, Jiang Shan knew as expected, "The bookshelf collapsed at that time, blocking the stairs, right?"

When Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu wanted to escape, they found that the stairs leading to the first floor had been broken, and they had to be trapped.Jiang Shan and Zhang Zheng also faced the same situation of being blocked by bookshelves.

"I guess from the very beginning, his purpose was not simply to break the stairs. Those collapsed bookshelves were indeed designed to trap us in the library, to be precise, to trap us all on the same floor."

Jiang Shan thought she was smart enough to "hold" her father's shadow's arm to the third floor. Maybe it was the human-shaped shadow who pushed the boat along, otherwise why not throw her and Zhang Zheng to death in mid-air.

The three of them exchanged glances with each other, nothing but shock.But after the shock, there was another feeling of coldness crawling all over his back.

"Then how did Zhao Ying and I get here?" Gao Wenwu still couldn't figure it out.Obviously, the stairs going up and down are really broken.

Jiang Shan looked at them, they were different from her eyes, they would be completely lost in the dark.

"Books are the ladder of human progress." Jiang Shan said slowly, his eyes flickering, "Aren't these bookshelves the stairs?"

Jiang Shan has personally seen human-shaped shadows line up these bookshelves one by one. The tall and long bookshelves are laid on the bottom of your feet. Can you tell what is the real ground?

Jiang Shan stepped on the sole of his foot at this time, and the old wooden floor made a creaking sound.

Everything around, the floor, the bookshelves, are all wood.old wood.

Zhao Ying swallowed her saliva, only to feel that her feet were cold and the cold air entered her body.

Gao Wenwu was silent.

Zhang Zheng: "..." When he first came in, did he still talk about a scary urban legend about a wooden floor?

Let me state again, this book does not have cp or emotional lines. Some readers questioned that I wrote XX as if the male protagonist deliberately carried private goods, etc. Maybe it is still too few words in this book, and many foreshadowings have not been developed, so I can only It is said that Jiang Shan will not be manipulated by others, and she did not "listen to anyone". Everything she does has her own clear purpose.The medicine bottle and camera taken away by Wei Yuan are very, very important clues (throughout the whole text). Wei Yuan is indeed a special character, but it does not mean that he and the heroine are CP... All of these will be revealed later.

Although this is the first book I am reading, I am also an old author who has written for many years. I am very grateful to everyone for your enthusiastic discussion on this book. Please be patient and follow up, everything will be revealed.

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