
Chapter 94 Evolution Curse

Jiang Shan turned around and looked directly into the darkness: "It's better this way, we don't need to look for it." Far away in the sky, close in front of us.

Now the other three people have subconsciously stopped talking, and now they default to Jiang Shan as the leader, and they may be able to walk out of the library only by listening to her arrangement.

The wound on Jiang Shan's leg burst open again within two steps, and the sound of drops of her blood falling to the floor could be heard in the darkness. Originally, Zhao Ying and the other three were also depressed due to dehydration, but when they heard the drop by drop The sound was like dripping on their hearts.

Immediately, the steps that were taken out became much firmer.

"Everyone, be careful, those two shadows are on this floor now." The crazy father and daughter got together this time, and only hoped that the daughter would "sleep" longer and give them some time, besides, Jiang Shan has an intuition , this father and daughter love each other and kill each other, the father wants to find the basement, and the daughter probably has the opposite position.

"Let's go this way." Jiang Shan walked in one direction.

But Zhang Zheng remembered another road, "Isn't this way closer?" Zhang Zheng is not a vegetarian either, no matter how good he is as a driver, he still has a sense of direction when driving all year round.

Jiang Shan said: "There is a sleeping sweet girl over there to welcome you."

Zhang Zheng: "..." He really wanted to know how Jiang Shan could put a shadow to sleep.

Zhao Ying tugged at him, and said in a low voice: "Let's just follow Ah Shan and stop talking." It's all over, save your energy and wait for the changes.

The three of them shared a flashlight, and Jiang Shan walked in the front all the time. Zhao Ying wanted to help her shine a little, but Jiang Shan said that she didn't need it.

Looking at Jiang Shan's back in front of him, Zhang Zheng whispered, "Did you notice her eyes?"

Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu didn't speak, but they looked over at the same time.Jiang Shan's footsteps were so quiet that they could hardly be heard, and even though they had tried to lighten their footsteps as much as possible, the heavy voices of the three of them creaking and creaking could always be heard in the whole library.It was as if they were the only living creatures walking.

Jiang Shan's whole body seemed to have a sense of lightness, and Zhao Ying could see that she seemed to be slowing down as much as possible to adapt to them following behind.

Jiang Shan turned around and reminded: "Everyone follow."

The three of them clearly saw her eyes, which shone faintly in the darkness.

What animal's eyes glow in the dark?Like the price of human evolution is to become blind in the night.

Zhao Ying often feels that evolution is a curse that only belongs to human beings.

After walking through the long dark passage, Jiang Shan stopped in front of a row of bookshelves.She looked up.

Zhang Zheng hastily took the flashlight to shine a light on it, and sure enough, a few lines of familiar crooked pinyin came into view.There is the abrupt, English word save in the middle.

"This is the bookshelf."

Sure enough, the bookshelf was also restored by the shadow of the human figure, and even the books on it were neatly arranged neatly.

Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu quickly moved into action and began to check the bookshelf. The four of them fumbled here and there, but they couldn't find anything after being busy for a long time.

"But this bookshelf, I don't see any mechanism."

From the outside, this bookshelf is exactly the same as the countless ordinary wooden shelves around it, except for the lack of labels, they are all exactly the same.

Of course Jiang Shan also looked for it, but her amazing eyesight didn't come in handy, and she couldn't see where the bookshelf was hiding the mechanism.

It can't be a one-pass analysis that is as fierce as a tiger, but it's not here, is it?

Jiang Shan frowned again. She looked at the books on the shelf. There were a variety of children's books on the shelf. They had taken down these books and flipped through them just now, and there was nothing unusual.

Suddenly Jiang Shan noticed the letters marked on the book.These books are also sorted according to the 26 letters of abcdz——xyz, which is a very common library index catalog, which is convenient for readers to find books according to pinyin.

Jiang Shan suddenly remembered the only English word, save.

Her eyes lit up.

"Everyone, rearrange these books." Jiang Shan immediately told the three of them his idea. Zhao Ying was studying pinyin there, and she also saw the abrupt English letter.

When Jiang Shan said this, everyone took action without hesitation.

It happened that each of the four people moved the books according to one letter, took out the books belonging to the four letters one by one, and arranged them in the first four columns in the order of s-a-v-e.

During the moving process, several people also keenly noticed something.

"It's weight." Gao Wenwu said.

There is a very obvious difference in the weight of these books. Before they were arranged separately, even if they were pulled out one by one, they would not feel anything special.

However, when all the books of the letter a were grouped together with each of the letters s, v, and a, several people immediately felt the very obvious distinction.

There are four letters, and the weight of the book collection of each letter varies greatly. The entire class A books are very light, and Zhang Zheng can lift the thick stack with one hand.

As for Zhao Ying, it was extremely difficult for her to move the letter s, and it was Gao Wenwu who finally managed to put the stack of books back on the shelf.

And these books are so similar in appearance, size, and overall thickness that they can't even be distinguished from each other when they are placed on the bookshelf.

This look is to make so many books with similar appearance on purpose.blindfold.

Several people saw it from each other's eyes, and it seemed that the wave had stabilized.

As a few people put the last stack of books in the fourth row, suddenly, the whole ground seemed to tremble slightly.

Zhao Ying almost lost her balance, but was quickly supported by Jiang Shan.

The roaring sound resounded in this old library, and there was a feeling that the sky was about to fall. At this time, the tense people didn't notice that the headset switch on their chest was turned on again, and with the flickering Guang Guang and several people heard an electronic sound with reverberation in their ears: "Mom?"

"Mom? Where are you?"

Except for Jiang Shan's momentary stiffness, the other three were still a little dazed in astonishment. Zhang Zheng said dryly, "Who is this? She, who is she calling mother?"

Jiang Shan: "..." I'm really afraid that something will happen, why can't I give it another 5 minutes.

Looking at the slowly sinking bookshelf in front of him, there is obviously a deep passage slowly revealing under it.

The entrance (or exit) they were looking for was already within easy reach.

But the voice in the headset has also become gloomy in an instant, and there is even a feeling that it is about to approach: "Mom~~ What is this voice? You... are you lying to me?"

The sound waves gradually became sharp and deformed, with a pause and gnashing of teeth: "You, are you a liar?"

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