
Chapter 95 The Sense of Death

The mechanism of the bookshelf in front of him has been activated, and the passage opened is getting deeper and deeper, a dark passage with no bottom and an unpredictable path ahead.

There is no arrow to turn back when you open the bow, but everyone is still a little bit heartbroken in the face of the unknown road ahead.

"I said, this is not right..." Zhang Zheng looked a little nervous, "What if this is another trap?"

It was to lure them in, catch the turtle in the urn, and wipe them all out.

And the "pit" in front of him, Zhang Zheng called it a pit, looked like a specially dug grave.

I can't say they are very similar, I can only say that they are exactly the same.

Zhao Ying had already been violently broken by Gao Wenwu because of the communicator. She couldn't hear the ecstatic voice of "Daughter's Shadow", but she acted calmer than the two big men next to her.

"The worst can't be worse than it is now," she said, "and I believe in Ah Shan."

Zhao Ying glanced at Jiang Shan beside her.

"Zizizi..." The gloomy and cold words in the headset were full of resentment, "You are not my are just a liar."

The sound from the dark hole and the ears seemed to chill the surrounding air by eight degrees.

"Hurry up and go in, I'll deal with her." Jiang Shan took a deep breath to make a decision, and turned to face the unknown darkness in front of him.She seemed to be able to see the thick black in front of her.

Gao Wenwu was also very alert to danger, he stared in the same direction as Jiang Shan, even though he couldn't see anything, the alarm bells in his heart were already full.

"Liar, to be expelled, expelled..."

Jiang Shan saw at the corner of the bookshelf in front of him, the human-shaped "shadow" that was rolling over quickly with black air.She felt a little cold in her heart, is she dazzled?This "daughter" seems to have grown taller?
Jiang Shan heard her heart beating like thunder in her chest, so her previous inference did have some truth. These creatures are actually more similar to "spiritual bodies". The stronger the power of spirit (or resentment), the more powerful they become. fear.

And the whole "appearance" of this daughter now is like billowing black smoke, no, it's not smoke anymore, it's more like a black cloud.

A thick, overwhelming black cloud that enveloped several of them.

Jiang Shan controlled his breathing, he couldn't panic, he couldn't panic, suddenly the flashlight in Zhang Zheng's hand shone in the air, and in the dim light beam, there were traces of black specks like dust floating.

"Fuck..." Zhang Zheng flicked his wrist in stress. All of them were almost suffering from PTSD (traumatic disorder) from this black substance, and they were all startled.

The light of the flashlight shines on more places, and the black "dust" in the air is floating more and more, and the direction of the floating is exactly from the front right where Jiang Shan is staring.

Seeing that the three teammates were still standing there in a daze, Jiang Shan reminded again in astonishment: "What are you still doing in a daze, go!"

If he stays here again, he might be torn to pieces by this soaring resentment. Seeing the "daughter's shadow" who seems to have become stronger again, Jiang Shan's heart is already pounding.

Gao Wenwu gritted his teeth and said calmly, "I'll go down first."

As soon as he closed his eyes, he lifted his feet and jumped into the hole first.Take the lead and be a strong man.

The problem is, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying didn't hear anything after jumping from Gao Wenwu. This deep black hole seemed to swallow people completely, without even making a sound.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying, who were standing on the side, felt cold. Zhang Zheng felt a little weak in his legs, but he dared not say anything.

A black thread sprang out from the darkness, attacking Jiang Shan's face a hundred times faster than a poisonous snake spit out a letter!
Jiang Shan didn't even have time to think about it, she just rolled on the ground a few times, the black strands almost cut off her hair, Jiang Shan felt a chill in her ears, and a few strands of her hair had already fallen from the side.

It's terrible, this speed seems to be faster.

"Jiang Shan!" Zhao Ying immediately wanted to rush over.

Jiang Shan sternly said: "Don't come over!"

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng stayed where they were, and saw Jiang Shan suddenly dived to the side, as if avoiding something in the air, and when Jiang Shan was fully concentrating on avoiding the black silk thread, she turned around and suddenly saw I saw that strong "human shadow" standing quietly opposite Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng.

The facial features on daughter Ying's face are still so clear, her neck seems to be a little crooked, looking curiously at the two "fragile rabbits" in front of her.

Perhaps, in front of the shadow, the two humans are more vulnerable than the rabbit.

The kind that will be decapitated if you pinch it casually.

Its hand stretched slowly, and the five fingers were inside Zhao Ying's neck.

And Zhao Ying didn't notice anything.

"Good girl, mom is here." Jiang Shan gritted his teeth. "Don't you know your mother so soon?"

The hand is stuck.

Zhao Ying still turned her head in a daze. She didn't know this movement, as if she had turned her neck into the hands of Hei Ying.

Then, she saw Jiang Shan's eyes.

Jiang Shan's gaze was frighteningly bright.

At that moment, Zhao Ying obviously understood something.Horror appeared in her eyes.

Jiang Shan stood up, patted the "dust" on his body, and deliberately evoked a smile: "I don't even recognize my mother, so you are so obedient."

This is completely desperate hatred, and finally the two vulnerable rabbits are no longer in the eyes of her daughter Yingying, and all her anger is turned on Jiang Shan.

Then Jiang Shan felt as if a huge black curtain was pressing on him crazily.

Crazy and distorted electronic sounds flashed on the headset: "You are not a mother! You are not a mother!"

Jiang Shan immediately turned around and ran away, and started her most commonly used routine again, run away if you can't beat it, I run and I run.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying felt a very cold wind blowing beside them. Seeing Jiang Shan rushing into the darkness without looking back in the opposite direction, they knew without thinking that Jiang Shan was helping them to lure the invisible enemy away. .

Just like in the toilet.

And in the headset, the voice has been distorted to the point that it is completely distorted, like a mechanical AI repeater: "The bad guys will be expelled, expelled, expelled, expelled..."

Until the last expulsion, the sound changed a little, as if it became "die, die, die..."

It's really chilling.

Zhang Zheng said with a pale face, "Zhao Ying, you go down first. I don't know what to do with Lao Gao alone."

The lesser of two evils, you can do multiple-choice questions.

Zhao Ying clenched her lips, but shook her head firmly, "No, we... can't leave Jiang Shan behind this time."

Every time, she enjoys the safe space that her teammates have won for them alone. How can this be called a team, and Zhao Ying's sixth sense is also very strong. At that moment just now, she really felt close to death.

This time the shadow man seems to be different.

The previous encounters between her and Gao Wenwu were more or less teasing them, such as throwing them in the air and swinging around.

But just now, it was the feeling of pure death.

The uneasiness in Zhao Ying's heart became more and more intense.

At this moment, both of them suddenly heard a tremor from the bookshelf next to them, followed by the sound of creaking and sliding rails. Zhao Ying immediately turned her head to look, and saw the black hole that was originally exposed. Slowly close again.

"Something's wrong! This bookshelf will be restored automatically!"

Seeing this, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying exploded almost at the same time.

Thank you Qiongbi Baozi for the rewards and monthly tickets, and thank you for all Baozi's recommendation tickets

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