
Chapter 96 Krypton Gold and Hacking

Zhang Zheng, who was behind him, suddenly opened his arms and hugged Zhao Ying tightly. Zhao Ying was completely unprepared, so Zhang Zheng hugged her upright, and threw her into the black hole in the next second. !

Before Zhao Ying could utter an exclamation, she disappeared.

"I'll just stay and wait by myself." Looking at the black hole, Zhang Zheng couldn't help panting twice while holding his knees.

Zhao Ying is petite, but the protective clothing is too fucking heavy.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zheng quickly rushed to the bookshelf, pushed it hard with his shoulders, trying to stop it from closing, but it was somewhat futile.

He stared at the direction where Jiang Shan disappeared just now, and the veins on his neck burst, "Come back quickly..."

Jiang Shan ran wildly, and didn't care about anything else. She heard Zhang Zheng's words in her ears, but her daughter's shadow was chasing her, and the murderous look followed her everywhere.

"Die, die, die, you liar..."

This "daughter" really hates her. The so-called love is as great as hatred.

For the first time, Jiang Shan's scalp became numb. At the same time, a question arose in her heart, where is the mother of this family?

In the pinyin of that bookshelf, there is a mother.

My mom, melted like ice cream.

This sentence is impressive.

However, since entering the library, I have gone through several waves of exhaustion and fighting, but I have never seen that "mother".

Jiang Shan faintly felt that this was an uneasy factor.

Jiang Shan originally wanted to play peek-a-boo again, but before she started to implement it, she suddenly found that all the bookshelves around her began to "resonate".

And when she turned her head, the daughter who had been chasing her had disappeared.

Suddenly invisible is even more terrifying, Jiang Shan suddenly slowed down and became vigilant all over.

She slowly moved to the shadow of a bookshelf, at the same time not daring to relax at all, listening to all directions and watching six directions.

Zhang Zheng's voice came faintly: "I don't want to owe you favors..." The voice seemed to be on the verge of exhaustion.

Jiang Shan found that the bookshelf attached behind him began to vibrate slightly, and black dust drifted out.

Jiang Shan: "..."

She suddenly remembered the previous time, she obviously hid quietly, and did not see the daughter's shadow following her, but when she looked up, she found that she was right in front of her.

Jiang Shan's back bounced off the bookshelf like an electric shock, and he suddenly turned around to see an incredible scene.

Countless black dust on the bookshelf drifted silently, and gradually gathered into a vague human shape. It turned out that, as expected, it was really cheating.

Can this ability be possessed by humans? ?

Jiang Shan ran away. To be honest, she was numb. This was the same as the cheating player in the game. She thought she was cheating, but it turned out that the opponent was Krypton Gold.

Jiang Shan felt that once she got out of this ghost library, she would definitely be a ruthless and hard-hearted person in the future, and no one should expect her to be kind to anyone. Isn't it a good thing.

"Run away, run away, the white rabbit is bleeding..."

It seems to be a horror nursery rhyme adapted from the little white boat nursery rhyme. It is Jiang Shan who is bleeding, and it is Jiang Shan who is struggling to escape.

In fact, with Jiang Shan's current speed and strength, there are not many situations where she can be so embarrassed, as long as she meets "people".

"Little white rabbit, your neck is broken." The eerie electric sound is close at hand.

The voice didn't come from the microphone, but directly into Jiang Shan's ears.

Jiang Shan never thought that she would not even have time to react. In a split second, she heard the sound of bones cracking from her body.

She fell forward directly, and a huge force stepped on Jiang Shan's back, trampling her on the "sole of her feet" like an ant.

Jiang Shan couldn't remember how long it had been since she felt such heartbreaking pain, God, she thought she was going to die.

"Bad bunny, zip, bloody bunny..."

Jiang Shan's original idea that he might be able to communicate a few words was also shattered. Seeing this, his relatives do not recognize him now, and he does what he wants.

Moreover, the shadow does not need to go through the headset now.

Although he didn't understand what this meant, it clearly meant that the shadow had become stronger. Realizing this, Jiang Shan knew that he might be really in danger this time.Will her good luck end this time?
Zhang Zheng pressed against the bookshelf desperately, and he was pushed back little by little by the huge inertia of the bookshelf. Zhang Zheng was already dehydrated and hadn't eaten for more than ten hours, so he supported himself entirely with a spirit.

Even so, he still didn't give up. Seeing that the hole was getting smaller and smaller, the sweat in Zhang Zheng's protective clothing was already drenched all over his body.

His gaze was fixed on the direction where Jiang Shan left. For some reason, he firmly believed that Jiang Shan could and would come back.

I don't know if his prayers worked, his vision was blurred by his sweaty eyes, but he seemed to see a figure running towards this side.

From that figure and movement, it was the person he was most familiar with.

Jiang Shan was almost running for her life, her hands and upper body were even leaning forward as hard as she could, and her whole body seemed to be running obliquely.

"Come in!"

Zhang Zheng seemed to hear Jiang Shan's voice coming from afar.

He wanted to rub his eyes, but of course he couldn't, when he saw a face spring up and approach him slowly.

Zhang Zhengcai belatedly believed that it was really Jiang Shan.

"I knew you..." He just wanted to show surprise.

"It's too late to explain! Let's go!" Jiang Shan raised his hand and pushed Zhang Zheng hard, and Zhang Zheng, who was already exhausted and weak, was simply pushed into the black hole under the bookshelf by her.

Then Jiang Shan looked back at the heavy darkness, his eyes turned cold, and he jumped down without hesitation.

In the next second, the bookshelf finally closed completely.

In the deep library, there seems to be a faint singing sound.I saw an old radio lying on the ground.

Jiang Shan felt as if she had fallen on a layer of foam, that kind of soft and uncomfortable touch. When she jumped off, she jumped vertically. As a result, her leg seemed to be stuck in some kind of gap, pressing on the On her bleeding wound, the pain became more severe.

But soon, a familiar and pleasant voice came: "Jiang Shan! You finally came down!"

Jiang Shan turned his head and saw a small light source rapidly moving towards him in the darkness around him. When he got closer, he saw a person approaching with something like a kerosene lamp in his hand.

It was Zhao Ying.

"Great! You're fine." Zhao Ying's face looked like she had cried a lot, her eyes were still red.Soon the voices of Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu also rang out. Zhang Zheng's voice was closer, and he seemed to be not far from Jiang Shan, so he hummed lightly.

He was pushed down by Jiang Shan with his face on the ground, but fortunately the place where he fell didn't seem to be hard, and there was a helmet blocking him, which also made him feel like he had a concussion.

Hacking players meet krypton gold bosses

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