
Chapter 97 Wound Erosion

The four-person team gathered together, and the rest of their lives after the catastrophe was full of joy.

Gao Wenwu dug Zhang Zheng out, only to see that the place where they fell seemed to be a large ocean ball, and countless particles wrapped the fallen people and buried them.

But Jiang Shan's two legs were stuck in it, and she couldn't pull it out even though she tried hard.

Zhao Ying helped her remove the ocean balls around her legs, Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng hurried over to help, and finally rescued Jiang Shan.

"Your wound again..." The oil lamp in Zhao Ying's hand shined on it, and she wanted to say that Jiang Shan's wound was torn open again, but when she saw the appearance of the wound, Zhao Ying was stunned.

Jiang Shan also looked back at her leg. She felt numb at the wound just now, and she was extremely uncomfortable, and she didn't know what was wrong.

Zhang Zheng also came over, "Are you all right?"

The light in Zhao Ying's hand shone on Jiang Shan's legs, and her hands trembled a little: "Look, look at Ah Shan's wounds..."

Five bloody holes could be faintly seen on Jiang Shan's calf, except for a small piece of flesh that was torn off, which was the masterpiece of his father's shadow.At this time, what came out of Jiang Shan's five "blood holes" was not blood, but something black and wriggling.

Zhang Zheng was dumbfounded: "What is this?"

"Is it erosion?" Gao Wenwu was calmer. The black substance is really easy to associate with erosion.

Zhao Ying didn't seem to be able to accept it: "Ashan was eroded?"

That thing looks a bit different from erosion. If you look closely, there seems to be some off-white fluff mixed in the middle.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but as they kept staring at Jiang Shan's legs, the blood holes seemed to be a little smaller than before.

Gao Wenwu suddenly pressed Jiang Shan's leg tightly, "Don't move yet." After he finished speaking, he squeezed Jiang Shan's wound with both hands, and the squeezed blood hole began to twist, and dark blood was squeezed out immediately. It looked very creepy.

"What are you doing, old Gao!?" Zhang Zheng called out.

Zhao Ying grabbed him, Gao Wenwu's operation seemed to be squeezing pus and blood, did he still want to squeeze out the erosion?
Jiang Shan frowned, but still didn't say anything.

Although he didn't know what Gao Wenwu was doing, he just wanted to not harm her.

Seeing that Jiang Shan was calm, Zhang Zheng stopped screaming. Finally, Jiang Shanzi's blood turned from dark to red, and finally became a bit like normal blood.

Gao Wenwu stopped his movements, but he didn't feel much relaxed from his expression.

After all, he had never heard of rumors that erosion could be squeezed out, so what he did just now was more like an instinct.

Jiang Shan still said, "Thank you."

Just now Jiang Shan tore off half of his sleeve when bandaging the wound for the first time, now he tore off the other half very skillfully, and Gao Wenwu wrapped it up for her.

In fact, the sleeves were not sterilized or medicated, so they couldn't achieve the bandaging effect at all, but they have even done things like squeezing erosion, so it's okay to use the sleeves as gauze.

Jiang Shan shook his leg and took another two steps, as if the pain was gone.

"What did everyone find here?" Jiang Shan asked.

Gao Wenwu was the first person to come down, and was directly buried by the ocean ball. He struggled for a long time before climbing out alone.Unexpectedly, he waited for Zhao Ying after a long wait.

And the two waited for a longer time before waiting for Zhang Zheng and Jiang Shan who fell from the sky.

Zhao Ying shook her head: "This is a bit like a study room. There are wooden shelves nailed to the wall. There should have been a lot of books on the table and the wall, but they are all dusty now. We found candles and oil lamps from the drawers." No See what "manuscript".

Given the circumstances, can the so-called manuscripts still be preserved?
Jiang Shan also used the light to see the entire layout of the surrounding area. She turned her head and looked at the ocean balls. These things were arranged just below the mechanism, which was obviously done on purpose.

So many ocean balls obviously need to be transported in advance, and they have to be transported several times, which shows that - including this basement, everything has been carefully arranged very early.

Really thoughtful.

The entire space of this basement is about fifty square meters. There is a dilapidated sofa bed in the corner, and there is a rabbit doll on it.

It's hard to believe that the whole family lives here, it's no wonder that the daughter is not twisted and perverted.

"Have you searched all the places?" The human figure tried his best to get them to find the manuscript, and there was no way it would be missing.

Gao Wenwu said: "Zhao Ying and I did a rough search before you came down, and we've seen all the places that can hold things."

Gao Wenwu said that he did a rough search, but in fact the whole place is not big, so he obviously did a search.

Of course, there is no exit either.

Several people had bet that there might be a third exit in the basement, but it seemed that this guess was too optimistic.

There was a folding ladder inside the ocean ball they fell down, but even if they climbed up again, the way out was blocked by the bookshelf.

Even if it wasn't blocked, there were still two crazy fathers and daughters outside.

There is simply no other way out than this.

And this dead end, he jumped down by himself.

Jiang Shan didn't feel that way, there is a way out in every dead end, it just depends on whether you can find it.Jiang Shan took the kerosene lamp in Zhao Ying's hand, "Did you just say that there are other candles? Let's all light it up."

The original flint is used to light the fire. In the two drawers, one of them is full of candles, and it is wrapped in oiled paper. From ocean balls to candles and oil lamps, these things seem to be completely prepared for living here. .

Each of the four people lit a candle, and the basement immediately lit up. "Everyone separate the four corners and search carefully again."

Now that you've come, you can't leave without finding something.

The four immediately dispersed and started searching, but within a few minutes, they found that there was really nothing to search for. It was almost clear at a glance, even Zhao Ying, the rabbit doll on the bed, took a look.

Jiang Shan stepped on the ground slightly, and found that it was solid ground, no longer an old plank, which at least showed that they were really underground now.

Jiang Shan suddenly turned his eyes and looked at the wall in front of him.

Lighting it up with a candle, it seemed gray and nothing special, but she stretched out her hand and slowly touched it.

The touch is hard micro-cement, but it seems a little uneven. It is certain that the wall is made of solid bricks like the ground, and it is unlikely that there will be any secret passages or traps.

Jiang Shan pressed his palm flat on the wall, "Is the wall over there uneven?"

The three people next to him froze for a moment, and then began to touch the wall beside them. Zhang Zheng touched it for a while and said, "No, isn't that the same for all walls?"

Zhao Ying touched it carefully, but didn't feel anything, "This basement is old, and the wall may have fallen off."

Moreover, the underground is generally dark and damp, which is more prone to problems.When Zhao Ying first came to Beijing and Hong Kong for an internship, she lived in the basement for a while, and she has a deep understanding.

Jiang Shan said: "You all take the candles and light them."

Although the three of them didn't understand what it meant, they all walked over immediately.

Zhao Ying also brought over the oil lamp on the table, and five beams of light shone on the wall in front of her.Jiang Shan's eyes flickered, and he scratched the wall with his fingers: "Look, there is a waterproof coating on it."

The walls of the orphanage are old and cracked, and there is no money to repair and rebuild, so every time they just use inferior paint to mend it, and it needs to be repaired every once in a while, and this kind of coating is applied to it every time.

Jiang Shan pulled hard and directly pulled off a piece.

Seeing this, the other three suddenly acted in unison without a teacher, and the four of them turned into a house demolition team and directly peeled off this "wall".

At this moment, everyone saw the densely packed words carved on the wall.

"He knew that the real manuscripts could not be preserved, so they were all engraved on this wall."

Boys, Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

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