
Chapter 98 There Are Two Shadows Under His Foot

Everyone kept their eyes on the wall and watched for a long time, engraving those words twisted and twisted: "What kind of equation does this seem to be?"

From the excitement just now to now a little embarrassing, it seems that I can't understand.

Zhang Zheng doubted life: "This is what can save her daughter?" What the hell is this.

Zhao Ying pointed to one of the strings and said hesitantly: "This looks like some chemical formula, but I have never seen such an arrangement."

The chemical molecular formula is just like the multiplication table, which is fixed and memorized. Although new molecules are discovered all the time, the existing fixed formula will not change.

Like water, always H2O.

Gao Wenwu also said: "It seems that many known equations have been mixed together, nothing looks like anything." Four different.

Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu's academic background is naturally solid to be admitted to the graduate school, but even they are dumbfounded.

Zhang Zheng looked at the two people next to him, and wisely kept silent.

Not to mention Jiang Shan, she has only received the most basic compulsory education, and her level of mathematics, physics and chemistry is about the same as the ninety-nine multiplication table, but no one expected Jiang Shan to stare at the densely packed various equations on the wall and suddenly pop out : "I seem to have seen this thing."

Zhao Yinggao Wenwu, who was thinking hard, was taken aback, what?
Zhang Zhengxiang was startled: "Really? Where did you read it?"

Jiang Shan himself felt a little unbelievable... replied: "Orphanage."

All of a sudden, the three people beside him froze.Orphanage?This is simply a shocking answer.

It's reasonable to say that I saw it in some university or high school. In the end, the orphanage?
Zhang Zheng couldn't help but said, "Could you memorize the equations in the math book like this?" In the eyes of Zhang Zheng, who had not studied systematically, he felt that the equations were all similar.

Jiang Shan shook her head slowly, her bright eyes were fixed on the wall: "That's it, the dean called it "God's Equation"."

The old dean, who usually looked depressed and decadent, always moaning about the funding of the orphanage, stood in front of the blackboard that time, writing equations all over the blackboard with his eyes shining.

At that time, they were about nine years old. There were very few children in this age group in the orphanage, because eight years old was a watershed. For children who were not adopted before the age of eight, there were almost no families willing to adopt them after that.

At the age of nine, there are memories that have been formed in this life, and they can hardly be erased and reshaped.

At that time, there were only a few sallow and emaciated children in the classroom, listlessly listening to the dean's impassioned words that they could not understand, with no expression on their faces except numbness.

But Jiang Shan listened carefully, and those characters were like a vivid painting, which was always recorded in Jiang Shan's subconscious mind.

When these things reappeared, the painting in Jiang Shan's mind was activated.

"God's equation?" Zhao Ying repeated in a murmur.

This name makes people feel inexplicable and creepy, what kind of equation should be named like this.

(The mathematics world knows that there is a God's formula: Euler's formula. In the quantitative sense of physics, Euler's formula just expresses the macroscopic and microcosmic movements of the universe, called the first formula of the universe)

And who is the director of Jiang Shan's orphanage, why is there this equation, and it is also called God's equation...

"We should go to Old Wei for this, he is good at it." Zhang Zheng said regretfully.

Over there, Jiang Shan suddenly said. "Gao Wenwu."

Gao Wenwu was stunned: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Shan didn't look at him, but said in a voice: "The wall you searched just now, I seem to see something in the corner, can you go back and check again?"

Is there something on the wall he searched?Gao Wenwu couldn't help but look back, and Zhao Ying also turned her head curiously: "Could it be there too? I'll go and have a look too."

"Zhao Ying." Jiang Shan's voice stopped her, "You and Zhang Zheng continue to help me illuminate more, I want to see if there is anything I missed."

Zhao Ying stopped immediately, that's right, if she left Jiang Shan's place again, she would lose two candles.

So Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng immediately raised the candlelight and oil lamp again after hearing the words, and surrounded Jiang Shan to help her continue to shine on the wall.

But Jiang Shan's eyes seemed a little erratic.

Seeing this, Gao Wenwu had no choice but to walk towards the corner he had searched before with a candle alone, and soon Jiang Shan heard his footsteps stop.

Then Gao Wenwu raised the candle to shine it on the wall in front of him, and looked carefully again, "It doesn't seem to be there."

His wall is the most common brick wall, and there is no waterproof paint on the wall.

He subconsciously turned around, and saw that Jiang Shan had also turned around at some point, with his back to the wall just now, looking at him quietly from afar.

"Gao Wenwu, don't move now."

Gao Wenwu: "...?"

Gao Wenwu was a little shocked, but he really didn't move.

At this time, Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng also stood two steps to the left and right of Jiang Shan, looking at Gao Wenwu with her, but their eyes were full of fear at this moment.

Gao Wenwu had a bad premonition in his heart. He looked at the three teammates opposite and asked slowly and softly: "What's wrong?" What happened?
"Your shadow..." Zhao Ying couldn't help but said in a trembling voice, and then bit her lower lip.

Jiang Shan was expressionless, she could see clearly now, there were two shadows under Gao Wenwu's feet.

Under certain lighting conditions (such as in the afternoon), people will have multiple shadows, but their situation is obviously not right now. Except for Gao Wenwu, Jiang Shan, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying, each of them only steps on one shadow under their feet.

Zhang Zheng felt that his young heart was about to collapse from stimulation: "You, when did you find out?"

No wonder she suddenly asked Gao Wenwu to look at some corner, so it was to distract him alone.

Gao Wenwu lowered his head slowly, and under his two feet, there were two long black shadows that diverged and protruded obliquely... Among them was a slender, twisted shadow that stretched out in a weird shape, obviously not human limbs , revealing a ferocious fangs and claws...

From just now, Jiang Shan felt the unevenness of the wall, and asked the three people who were searching other corners to help her illuminate.

At that moment, she looked at the three teammates who were walking towards her, and Jiang Shan caught a glimpse of Gao Wenwu's feet, which was a completely different "shadow" from the feet of the other two.

A ferocious black shadow that seemed to be laughing.

But Gao Wenwu himself didn't realize it, and he had already come to Jiang Shan's side holding a candle.The shadows of the four of them were intertwined immediately, and Jiang Shan didn't even have a chance to distinguish whether it was his eyesight or not.

Just now Jiang Shan was almost in a cold sweat trying to restrain himself from acting normally, but fortunately Gao Wenwu listened to her and passed alone.

Gao Wenwu subconsciously squeezed the candle in the palm of his hand, and it could be seen that although his face had lost all color, he still did not move casually out of panic.

It seemed that because he knew he had been discovered, he saw the abnormal shadow and suddenly squirmed.

like a snake.

Thanks to Unknowable State, Vary Goode, Hezhu Baozi for their monthly tickets, and everyone’s recommended tickets

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