
Chapter 99 Puppets

Thanks to Gao Wenwu, he can still insist on standing still in the corner. If it was Zhang Zheng, he would probably have jumped.

"Why is there a 'shadow' here!?" Zhao Ying lost her voice.

Shadow people, they have heard the term from Jiang Shan countless times, and it has no greater impact than seeing it with their own eyes.Moreover, this thing is actually hidden under people's feet like this? !

As if knowing that he had been discovered, the shadow suddenly barked its teeth and claws. Several black threads quickly climbed up Gao Wenwu's ankles, winding and tightening his feet like snakes.


Gao Wenwu suddenly felt that he was being pulled forcibly. He lowered his head in disbelief, watching his two legs take a stiff step forward uncontrollably.

Gao Wenwu's face changed, "It, it is controlling me!?"

The headset switches on everyone's chests, which were originally dead, suddenly began to flicker again. It was a nightmare like restarting.But this time there was only harsh and sharp turbulence in the ears, and no one spoke.

Zhang Zheng turned his head to look at Jiang Shan: "Didn't you say that the shadow father and daughter were all left on it? Could it be that they also came down at some point?"

Jiang Shan felt that there seemed to be a drum beating violently in his head, and it was about to explode. No, the appearance and behavior of this shadow were different from that of his father and daughter, and it could be seen in this form!
This is the new shadow!
I saw a few snake-like black streaks that stretched extremely long in an instant, before Jiang Shan and the others could react, suddenly a fire light hit them in front of them!

Gao Wenwu was stunned, his right hand was still in the motion of throwing candles.

"Be careful!" Jiang Shan pulled Zhao Ying away, and the burning candle hit the wall behind him heavily, then bounced to the ground, rolled twice and went out.

Zhao Ying seemed to be shocked, she didn't know what happened so quickly.

Jiang Shan looked at Gao Wenwu again, and saw that Gao Wenwu's wrist was tightly wrapped with black threads, and he was pulled into a strange and stiff posture like a marionette on a string.

"Hurry up and go..." Gao Wenwu's face was bloodless.

The shadow found the intruder, but did not act immediately, probably because Zhao Ying also came down from behind.

After Zhao Ying, there are others.If it hadn't been discovered by Jiang Shan, it might still be "hibernating".After all, who would be okay to count the shadows.

"Don't bring such a playful person..." Zhang Zheng was dumbfounded.

I thought I had finally escaped, but who would have thought that there would be something even more explosive here.

The veins on Gao Wenwu's neck were forced out, and the result of wrestling with the shadow was obvious, he lost.

The point is that this place is so big, where can a few people go?Gao Wenwu approached them stiffly step by step, as if he had turned into a "marionette", but this time, the person became a puppet, and the shadow became a "person".

Looking at Gao Wenwu's appearance that life would be better than death, one can know how desperate he is at the moment.

In this short period of time, Jiang Shan's mind has been stuffed with many thoughts. In fact, she had some guesses just now, but she is not sure, but now she can't help thinking about it. She stared at the black shadow under Gao Wenwu's feet. Izumitsu: "You're that 'mother'? Right?"

As the words fell word by word, the missing piece was made up. The family of three only saw the father and daughter, and the mother was always "invisible".

Gao Wenwu's stiff movements suddenly froze, and he stopped abruptly in the middle of the road.The shadow under his feet began to gather and pour down like thick ink.

Jiang Shan's heart was changing almost instantaneously. She said her guess: "You have been trapped below here, and your husband and daughter are trapped above?"

The father and daughter were trapped in the library and couldn't get out, and the mother in the basement couldn't get up because of some kind of restriction.

If Jiang Shan's guess is correct, the mother's resentment will only be deeper than the father and daughter above, and it seems to explain why the daughter hates her father so much.

So this is the truth! ?
I saw Gao Wenwu standing in the middle with a pale face and motionless.

Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng, who were standing beside Jiang Shan, were even more shocked. What kind of mother, why is there another mother here?

In everyone's headsets, a fuzzy electric voice suddenly came in, vaguely saying: "Intruders, drive away..." The voice continued several times before it became clearer and clearer, gradually resembling an emotionless person who just learned to speak. AI.

Afterwards, Gao Wenwu, who had been stagnant in the middle, moved again!

Jiang Shanxu held her sweat-stained palms, she didn't expect things to develop like this, she just felt that everything in this library was so absurd.

The black shadow covered and tore him again, forcing him to move forward step by step.

"What's going on?" Zhao Ying was shocked and held Jiang Shan tightly.

At the same time, Jiang Shan gritted his teeth and thought, either this mother has no human consciousness, or she needs something to stimulate it.

Suddenly, Gao Wenwu, who was walking to the table, raised his hand stiffly, and stretched it straight to the drawer beside him... He fumbled for a while, and then, there was an extra pair of scissors in his hand.

Gao Wenwu's eyeballs were about to pop out, a rusty tailor knife.

Gao Wenwu approached step by step with a tailor's knife in his hand, as if he had turned into a butcher on a rainy night.

Zhang Zheng was about to jump up, "Fucking old Gao!"

Even though he knew that Gao Wenwu did not do it voluntarily, the scene was really terrifying.

Gao Wenwu was also desperate. For the first time, fear appeared on his face, something he had never felt in the library before.He may not be afraid of death, but like now, he wields a sharp weapon at his teammates...

"Do you know Little White Boat?" Jiang Shan blurted out.

The shadow that tore Gao Wenwu did not respond.

She tentatively sang: "In the blue sky and the Milky Way~ there is a little white boat~"

The hissing electronic sound stopped in his ears, and Gao Wenwu was stuck in place again, retaining a look of horror.

After a long time, there was a sound mixed with electric current from Mic: "Daughter, daughter?"

The mother responds to the nursery rhyme, just as the daughter responds to the nursery rhyme.

The bond of mother and daughter.

Everyone saw that Jiang Shan hummed a song suddenly, and it was such an old-fashioned nursery rhyme, and as the song started, the wriggling shadow gave them a little time to breathe again.

But Zhang Zheng suddenly pulled Jiang Shan at this moment, and he seemed to notice a slight change in his face: "No, Lao Gao's protective clothing..."

There were cracks on the outer layer of the protective clothing on Gao Wenwu's legs and arms. At this time, there were more and more black lines, and they were almost wrapped around the edge of the damage.

What would happen if the black thread got into Gao Wenwu's body?Everyone dare not think.

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