Chapter 1 [001] Interstellar Crossing

When he was dragged out of the room, Shi Jin was still holding a piece of pig's trotter in his hand, and his face was covered with greasy food.

Can't blame her, she is really hungry.

She thought that her magnificent life would come to a successful conclusion when she died with the zombie king at that time, but unexpectedly when she opened her eyes, she found that she had come to a strange interstellar world.

The original owner was probably angry with her family and locked herself in the room without eating. Even if a servant brought food in through the small window above the electronic door, she stubbornly refused to eat a single bite.

Then——she accidentally bumped into the table because she was dizzy from hunger, and killed herself.

This also led to Shi Jin's first thing after waking up was to crawl towards the pig's trotters at the door step by step with his head covered in blood.

The fragrant glutinous pig's trotters are kept warm in the box with a lid, and the moment the lid is lifted, the aroma is tangy.

To be honest, if the original owner could smell this smell when he was too hungry, he might not have died.

Shi Jin opened her mouth and ate voraciously, not only because she was hungry, but because she was hungry and full in the apocalypse, the whole team had a hard time. It was true that she hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and she even gnawed on it. I was so moved that I burst into tears.

At this moment, the electronic door of the room was kicked open suddenly, and a young man in a college uniform rushed in angrily.

"Shi Jin! How long are you going to be so angry?! You—what's wrong with you?!" Shi Ye was about to curse, but when he saw the blood on Shi Jin's head, he froze on the spot in amazement. The words spoken also followed a turn.

He stretched out his hand in horror, dragged the girl out of the room like a hungry tiger, and shouted downstairs: "Grandpa! Second uncle and second aunt! Shi Jin's forehead is bleeding!"

As soon as these words came out, the downstairs was still discussing how to make Shi Jin soften, and everyone who came out to eat obediently raised their eyes and looked upstairs.

I saw the girl who locked herself in the room and was angry and hungry for three days was standing at the railing with a bloody head gnawing on a pig's trotter.

The old man reacted the fastest, knocked on the crutches and said directly: "Then why are you standing there?! Why don't you go to the doctor quickly?!"

Ten minutes later, at the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the Shi family's main residence.

The crowd surrounded Shi Jin, with different expressions. The doctor cleaned the blood scab on the girl's head, disinfected it with medicine, wrapped it in a bandage twice, and said: "The wound is very serious, it should be fatal, but Miss Shi It looks like it's very healthy, but it's just very hungry."

Even while the wound was being bandaged, the girl sitting on the sofa did not forget to continue gnawing on the pig's trotters.

There were more than a dozen bones scattered on the table, and Shi Jin kept talking. After the doctor finished speaking, she was finally willing to say, "Thank you, the wound is no longer painful."

The doctor tidied up the medical box, stood up and bowed to everyone, "Miss Shi just needs to cultivate well in the future, and you can call me anytime if you need anything."

After the man left, Shi's mother looked at her stubborn daughter, and sighed helplessly: "It's just that you go to a mecha summer camp, why do you always think we are killing you?"

Mecha summer camp?
Shi Jin put down the bone in his hand, took out a tissue, wiped his mouth and asked, "What mecha summer camp?"

Looking at Shi Jin's puzzled eyes, Shi Ye next to him couldn't help but said, "Did you really break your head? The second aunt wanted you to participate in the competition that I mentioned to you a week ago, but you refused to cry to death." Sign up, did you forget?"

At this time, Shi Jin, who had a full stomach, finally noticed the clothes and appearance of the group of people in front of him.

The young man who spoke was handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, wearing a college uniform, and a tall and straight figure, but his brows were full of impatience and disgust, as if he looked down on himself.

Shi Jin: "..."

It's not that she forgot, she really didn't know.

Perhaps this is the reason why the original owner was angry with his family.

Shi Jin said sincerely: "I've lost my mind, and I don't remember many things before."

After the words fell, everyone was stunned, and they looked at the girl with some disbelief in their eyes.

"Are you kidding?!" Shi Ye's mouth twitched.

"I'm not joking, for example now—" She suddenly stared at the boy seriously, and asked the famous three words: "Who are you?"


The air was suddenly silent.

When the parents and daughters lost their memory.

The news became a hot topic in circles overnight.

In the era of the great interstellar empire, apart from royal gossip that can make people devote themselves to digging, the gossip in the circle of upper-class aristocrats is also a joke for everyone after dinner.

As a more prestigious and status family in the upper class of the empire, the Shi family almost lived under the eyes of netizens.

Any trouble in the family can't escape the paparazzi's eyes.

As soon as Shi Jin was revealed to have amnesia, he became a trending search on Xingwang that night.

There are quite a lot of discussion items, but more comments in the comment area are the gossip of the eldest daughter, which can be read or not. It is more gimmicky to dig out the information of the two noble sons of the Shi family.

As a result, the amnesia issue was only a hot topic for one night, and it was dismissed by other gossip the next day.

Early in the morning, the electronic alarm clock kept ringing.

Shi Jin stretched out his hand to turn it off in a daze, turned over and wanted to sleep on the bed.

Unexpectedly, just a few seconds after she turned off the alarm clock, Shi Ye, who claimed to be her cousin yesterday, kicked open the door of her room, walked to the girl's bed with a dark face, raised her head slightly, and said arrogantly: "Hey, get up."


The sound of even breathing echoed in the room, someone on the bed closed his eyes, and seemed to have no intention of getting up.

Shi Ye clicked his tongue, and directly stretched out his hand to lift off her quilt: "Hey, get up!! It's time for school!!"

As soon as his body was cold, Shi Jin opened his eyes in an instant, and a stern look flashed across his dark pupils at that moment. His body was faster than his brain, and almost reflexively kicked sideways at the boy beside the bed, and shouted—"Level [-] alert!"

"Bang!" Shi Ye's eyes widened when his foot touched the boy's soft belly. The movement was so fast that he couldn't think at all. In the blink of an eye, his back was against the snow-white wall of the room!

The sound was so loud that the table next to it shook twice. The servants who cleaned the corridor heard the movement and looked into the room one after another, saying in surprise: "Third, third young master?"

Shi Ye felt a burning pain in his stomach, and a fishy-sweet taste in his throat. It was the first time he had been treated like this, and his eyes turned red involuntarily for a moment, and he stretched out a hand pointing at the girl, tremblingly said: "Shi... Shi Jin! You actually—?!!"

As soon as the words came out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, dyeing the neckline of the boy's fair uniform red.

"!" Seeing this, Shi Jin immediately realized that it was no longer the end of the world, and there was no need for any first-level security.

And the person she accidentally hurt just now is her cousin in this world!

"No, are you okay?!" The girl immediately ran to the boy, trying to help him up.

Shi Ye's handsome and handsome face had already turned black into the bottom of the pot. The moment Shi Jin approached him, the boy stopped her loudly with lingering fear: "Don't come here! Don't touch me!"

So Shi Jin's outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and finally he could only look at the servants at the door and said, "You guys... come and help me."

These words made the stunned people wake up like a dream, they quickly put down their work and came in to slowly help Shi Ye up.

And the moment the boy stood up, another mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth and dripped on the floor, frightening the servants into paler expressions, and hurriedly sent someone to find Mr. Shi again.

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(End of this chapter)

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