Chapter 2 [002] Hurry up to school

Ten minutes later, at the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the Shi family's main residence.

Everyone gathered around the sofa, all looking worried.

This scene is somewhat familiar, except that the protagonist being watched has changed from Shi Jin to Shi Ye.

The family doctor who rushed over was sleepy, and the clothes should have been simply put on. After the scanner checked the boy's body, the man looked at the data, and then sighed: "There is internal bleeding, and he needs to be treated at home for two days."

The medical technology of the interstellar world is advanced, and injuries such as damaged internal organs do not require a long period of rest.

Even so, Shi Ye still couldn't accept it: "Two days?! I'm going to participate in the mecha summer camp this afternoon! This time there is that bastard Chu Yan among the participants! If I can't go, he will be in front of me again It's been a long time to show off your power!!"

"But you are not in good health now, you need to be treated properly." Shimu said worriedly.

Shi Ye's expression changed, and he wanted to say something more.

At this time, old man Shi also began to persuade: "Xiao Ye, the body is the most important thing."

The most prestigious old man in the family spoke, and the words the boy wanted to say suddenly stuck in his throat.

Those dark pupils were full of resentment and resentment, and finally gouged out the perpetrator, gritted his teeth and said, "It's all your fault!"

Standing behind the crowd, Shi Jin didn't think about making excuses, and admitted following the boy's words: "Yes, yes, it's my fault, but I really didn't do it on purpose, I'm sorry."

In the apocalyptic world, we must always be vigilant, which also led to the fact that when Shi Jin first came to this new world, once she sensed that someone was touching her body, she would subconsciously react with an attack.

Shi's mother looked at her with reproachful eyes: "Tell me about you, my cousin came to wake you up out of good intentions, but you kicked him like this!"

Shi's father also looked serious, "Since you kicked Xiao Ye and hurt him, then you can go for him!!"

Shi Jin paused, "Me??"

Shi Mu said: "Your younger brother has been recuperating at home for two days now after being kicked by you! It's not like you don't know that he has conflicts with that kid from the Chu family. Anyway, you have to participate this time for Xiao Ye, and the summer camp competition is coming soon." It’s not a place to eat people, but it just happens to change your timid and cowardly character!”

"What? Ask her to go for me?! She's a C-level guy who can't even drive the most common transport mechs, let alone those powerful battle mechs!" Shi Ye frowned and looked at Shi Jin's eyes were full of disgust: "Second Aunt and Second Uncle, I would rather be absent than let her tarnish my reputation with my name!"

The young man was not polite in his words, even if Shi Jin's parents were by his side, he would still say what he said.

No one in the family reprimanded him for disrespecting his sister. Shi Jin listened silently, and probably understood the original owner's status in the family—no, it has no status at all.

"Xiaoye doesn't even want me to go, so I won't go." The girl spread her hands and smiled: "Anyway, my mental strength is only C-level, so I probably can only be a spectator if I go."

"Don't worry, you can't be a spectator." Shifu looked at her and said, "To participate in the summer camp, no matter how high your mental strength is, you must have a duel."

Shi Jin: "..."

Isn't that equivalent to dying for the original owner, a mental waste?
No wonder she refused to let go of her hunger strike.

Not long after getting along, Shi Jin was unable to make a comprehensive judgment on the original owner's family, but from the current point of view, she felt that there was something wrong with the family.

Parents who don't respect their sister's cousin and force their daughter to compete.

Probably the original owner's parents wanted to change their daughter's temperament by participating in the competition, but it's not so easy to change her personality.

Fortunately, old man Shi is quite normal, Shi Jin put his eyes on the old man, sighed and said, "Grandpa, what do you think?"

"It's just a competition summer camp, there will be more competitions in the future, not bad this time." Old Man Shi said.

Shi's father and Shi's mother disapproved, and looked at Shi Jin with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Shi Ye pursed his lips and did not speak. The young man disliked Shi Jin, a mediocre elder sister, but if she was really asked to participate in a life-and-death mecha competition with a C-level guy in mental strength, it would still make people a little worried .

"Speaking of which, have Xiao Yan and Xiao Jiu signed up for that competition?" Mr. Shi asked suddenly.

Shi Ye said: "Shi Jie is the head of the Mecha Department of the Student Union. He participates in various competitions in the academy as the organizer. Generally speaking, the organizer is not allowed to conduct competitions."

"Where is Xiaoyan?"

When mentioning the second sister, Shi Ye's eyes softened a lot, and he was also faintly proud, "Of course she will sign up. Sister Yan is at the 2S level of mental power, and she is No.1 in our grade!"

Shi Ju and Shi Yan, these two are also Shi Jin's younger siblings, there are four children in the Shi family's generation, except for Shi Jin himself, the other three are very famous in the academy.

Shi Ye is the second in the grade, Shi Yan is the first, and Shi Jiu is even stronger, he is the head of the mecha department of the student union.

The old man smiled, and said to the young man on the sofa: "Since Xiaoyan will participate, then you don't have to worry. You can rest assured of your injuries these two days. If she confronts that kid from the Chu family, let your second sister avenge you."

Shi Ye seemed to be in a better mood, but when his eyes fell on Shi Jin, there was a hint of boredom.

For his cousin's contemptuous eyes, Shi Jin directly ignored and just smiled.

It's normal for a young man of this age to be rebellious and arrogant. She doesn't care about it. Naturally, others will care if they don't like it in the future, so don't worry about it.

She was planning to go back to sleep, but at this moment, Shi Ye urged her impatiently: "Are you still dressing and tidying up?"

"Pack what?" Shi Jin asked with a blink of an eye.

The handsome young man's expression was ugly, as if he was staring at a pile of mud that couldn't support the wall: "School bag! Go to school! I have to go to class today! Did you hit your head yesterday and make you even more idiot?!"

Shi Jin: "..."

She took back what she just said.

Teenagers are rebellious and arrogant - it's actually very abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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