Chapter 3 [003] Was Finding Faults

After packing his schoolbag, Shi Jin left home under Shi Ye's laser-like gaze.

There was a driver driving a flying boat to take her off outside the door, which saved me the trouble of looking up the map.

The driver wore sunglasses, opened the cabin door for Shi Jin, and asked respectfully, "Do you need to take Miss to the classroom?"

"Yes, yes," she nodded hastily, "You also know my situation. If you go alone, you will definitely not be able to find it."

So after the driver took her to school, he got off the spaceship and took the girl to the classroom.

Shi Jin studied at the highest mecha academy in the entire empire. After graduation, people here either became professional mecha fighters or joined the army to fight for the queen of the empire.

The college's admission requirement for mental strength is B. Shi Jin, a C-level person, can only get in through the back door of his family, otherwise he can only go to those ordinary universities.

What happened to Shi Jin last night spread widely in the circle, so today in the academy, almost everyone who saw her would cover their mouths with their classmates and point at her.

Shi Jin's hearing was very good, and all those words fell into her ears, some of which were ridicule, belittling and gloating.

"I heard that I didn't want to participate in the mecha summer camp and committed suicide by going on a hunger strike, but I accidentally lost my memory when I was hungry and fainted."

"I have low mental strength, why don't I go to mech academy, why don't I just go back and study in an ordinary university?"

"What do you know? How can the Shi family not be linked to politics and the military? Even if they go through the back door, they will force their daughter in!"

"Speak politely, don't let people hear you haha."

In this way, even if Shi Jin heard it, he ignored it as if nothing happened.

In her previous life, she had just experienced a magnificent life, from a weak and supernatural being to the position of a human leader, which caused her to completely ignore those unnecessary disputes after she woke up in this life, and just wanted to be a salty fish waiting to die.

Gossiping behind your back or being the subject of gossip, compared to fighting with an army of zombies on the battlefield, is simply seeing a blue whale, and there is no comparison.

Arriving at the door of the classroom, the driver bowed to her, then turned and left.

Shi Jin had no choice but to go in by herself, but as soon as she entered, two girls blocked her.

One of the girls was delicate and beautiful, with a pear-blossom curly hairstyle. When she saw Shi Jin, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "I heard you lost your memory?"

Shi Jin stopped in his footsteps, and generously admitted, "That's right, what's the matter?"

The two girls looked at each other, then stared closely at Shi Jin's eyes, as if they wanted to see something from her eyes.

But Shi Jin's eyes were so clear and stupid that he couldn't find a trace of lying.

A few seconds later, the two of them gave up and said, "I thought you were pretending to have amnesia to avoid the competition, but I didn't expect it to be so mysterious."

It's rare for these two words to come out of the interstellar population.

Shi Jin asked, "So what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay." The two spread their hands together: "Just watch the fun."

Shi Jin: "..."

Okay, gossip is human nature, she understands.

"You lost your memory, do you still remember your seat?" Another girl asked.

"I don't remember, can you tell me?" Shi Jin said.

The pear flower roll girl said: "It seems that I have really lost my memory. I am so stupid that I forgot that the seats in our classroom are random."

Shi Jin: "..." Co-authoring the sentence just now is a temptation.

Since the seats are random, take one at random.

The location of the classroom is the same as the public classroom when I was in college, with semi-circular staircase-shaped seats, which get higher as you go up.

The first row is reserved for good students, Shi Jin naturally ran to the last row, and purposely took the seat near the window.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she sat down, several students in front shot her with strange eyes, "You, you sit here?"

Shi Jin felt baffled: "Can't it work here?"

The pear roll girl just now sighed: "Although I look down on you on weekdays, I won't really let you die. That's Chu Yan's exclusive seat. If you don't want to be targeted and bullied again, get up quickly."

Shi Jin had only heard the name Chu Yan from his cousin this morning.

I thought it was just Shi Ye's deadly enemy, but I didn't expect this kid to bully the original owner before?
Shi Jin said, "Thank you for reminding me, I'll change it right away."

Although touching the fish sign is indeed very enjoyable, if it causes unnecessary troubles, it is better to sit elsewhere.

However, before she could stand up, a young boy broke in from the back door of the classroom, shouting triumphantly: "Hahaha, that guy Ye's name was kicked out of the competition list early this morning!" Already! I knew that guy was a coward, and when I saw I was going, I immediately withdrew from the competition!"

Shi Jin looked towards the door, only to see that the young man who came in had dyed non-mainstream red hair, had good facial features, and was rather handsome, but the expression on his face was arrogant. Somewhat similar in demeanor.

——It’s no wonder that the two will become rivals, they have the same attributes, so they can’t be tit for tat?
After Chu Yan entered the classroom, he suddenly noticed Shi Jin in front of the window. Seeing her, the boy immediately shouted in disgust: "Shi Jin?! Who told you to stay here! Don't you know this is my place?!"

Shi Jin found out that people here like to yell at people for no reason.

She got up quickly, and apologized with a smile: "I'm sorry, my brain is not working well these two days, I forgot."

As soon as he mentioned his mind, Chu Yan immediately showed contempt: "You can be regarded as self-aware, get out of here."

Shi Jin carried his belongings to the middle seat in the last row and sat down again.

But even so, Chu Yan didn't seem to intend to let her go.

The young man looked arrogant, leaned against her seat, raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey, why did that guy Shi Ye retire?"

He was still a little curious about the reason for his rival's retirement.

Shi Jin said: "I'm injured, I need to rest at home for two days."

"How did you suffer?" Chu Yan's eyes were gloating.

Shi Jin was too embarrassed to say that he was kicked by himself, so he said, "It was injured during training."

Mecha training itself is also dangerous. Chu Yan does not doubt that he has him, but he is even more proud: "Look, God is on my side! This time the first prize must be mine!"

His confident expression really made people unable to bear to disturb him, but Shi Jin still said: "But Shi Yan also wants to participate? She is the oldest."

Chu Yan sneered: "So what? The first grade is because of her theoretical points. She is just a woman. The actual combat competition of the mobile armor is not as good as us men!"

Shi Jin: "..."

Chu Yan's words were taken for granted, he strode to a seat by the window, put down his schoolbag and started playing games.

Maybe because he was in a good mood today, the boy didn't make things difficult for Shi Jin.

It's just that within a few minutes he started calling people around.

"Hey, buy me a bottle of water!" Chu Yan said lazily like an old man.

Shi Jin didn't move.

It wasn't until the boy urged her repeatedly and stared at her impatiently that the girl blinked and asked in a daze, "Are you calling me?"

"Is it you or who?!" Chu Yan said angrily, "Your wings are stiff, and you have been told several times that you should not answer. Is there something wrong with your brain and even your ears?!"

Shi Jin: "..."

There is no harm without comparison.

Compared with Chu Yan, she suddenly felt that her haughty cousin seemed to be a little more refined.

She is a salty fish and doesn't want to pay attention to disputes, but that doesn't mean she can tolerate other people's eyes.

Shi Jin said: "I don't want to go, you can go by yourself."

It was probably the first time the girl refused his order, which made Chu Yan's eyes widen, and his face turned red with anger, "What did you say?!"

His younger brother also came over at this time, and said loudly: "Young Master Chu told you to go shopping and hurry up! Don't force us to do anything to women!"

Shi Jin blinked innocently: "I said I don't want to go, is there something wrong with your ears?"

Chu Yan: "Do you dare to say it again?!"

It was the first time I heard Shi Jin's refusal to reply back, and the surrounding students also turned their eyes.

The girl who was combing the pear roll frowned slightly, and whispered: "Sure enough, my brain is broken."

Otherwise, with Shi Jin's cowardly character, how dare he directly contradict Chu Yan.

Among the upper-class families, the Chu family and the Shi family have always been political enemies, and the two families are evenly matched in strength. Apart from his own dislike for Shi Jin, Chu Yan also has an additional feeling of family grievances, so he always likes to find various reasons to humiliate Or order her.

(End of this chapter)

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