"Xiao Shuang!" Xie Yinci's voice was low, his eyes were cold, his eyes fell on her festered arm, and his whole body seemed to tense up.

Ling Shuang gritted her teeth slightly, "I'm fine! Let's go!"

Now is the critical moment of escape, and there is no room for distraction.

She burst out with amazing willpower in some places, but the girl who should have passed out at this moment gritted her teeth and persisted, her bloodshot eyes widened, and she raised her weapon to attack the zombies who attacked one after another!
After the two finally broke a path, Xie Yinci grabbed her hand and pulled the girl out of the alley.

The street was rendered extremely pale by the moonlight, but the zombie's body and the smelly flesh and blood all over the place gave people an extremely black and red vision.

The zombies that sprang out from the dark corners were like snakes preying on the night, which caught people off guard.

The pitch-black claws grabbed at the two of them, but was interrupted by Xie Yinci's turning around!

Ling Shuang's head became dizzy again, her eyes closed for a moment, her steps were stilted, and her speed slowed down.

Xie Yinci held her even tighter, even though there was a cumbersome person behind him, he didn't want to leave her behind.

Shi Jin raised his eyebrows slightly.

I am more and more curious about the relationship between these two people, a couple who love each other?Or just for the childhood sweetheart with deep affection?

With Xie Yinci's hypocritical character, is his love for Ling Shuang sincere or fake?
People will always see the truth in times of crisis.

And this is just a game, it won't involve life, so there is no need to show the sinister nature of human nature, and there is a live broadcast.

Xie Yinci, such a smart brain, naturally knows this.

So he will not leave Ling Shuang behind.

Of course, the above is just Shi Jin's "speculation" about the character traits that this young man is displaying at present.

After all, no one can truly understand a person.

"There is an iron gate in front, you can stop them temporarily." Xie Yin resigned, "Persevere, Xiaoshuang, we are almost there."

"You can take me with you, and you won't be far away." However, Ling Shuang frowned and said, "Let me go, I'll just quit the game."

Either being eliminated during the game, or quitting by oneself, both of which are regarded as game failure, but the latter will deduct a certain amount of reputation points, especially if you apply to join by yourself, but choose to quit halfway instead of persisting, you will be deducted. Lose more points, if the points are too low, it will have a great impact on participating in other team PVP or map games in the future.

"What stupid words?" Xie Yinci scolded softly, "What about your points?"

"I still have enough points, even if I get deducted a lot this time, nothing will happen," Ling Shuang said.

"It's just being scratched. I'll help you squeeze out the poisonous blood when I find a safe place."

Ling Shuang pursed her lips: "But I think this wound is not simple, it makes me want to eat you."

Xie Yinci squeezed her hand tightly, as if he was shocked by these words for a moment.

Ling Shuang thought it was poison at first, and those who were scratched would be poisoned to death.

But now, with the passage of time, her eyes fell on Xie Yinci's arm that was holding her, and she felt an inexplicable urge to eat it.

Ling Shuang swallowed, realizing that this virus might turn humans into zombies, she gritted her teeth, and suddenly threw off Xie Yinci's hand forcefully, pushing the boy forward and into the iron gate Among them, shouted: "You go!"

The young man was startled, turned around to catch Ling Shuang, but saw that she had already closed the iron gate, and the zombies swarmed behind him under the moonlight. Ling Shuang turned around and rushed into the group of zombies without hesitation, and then forced to exit the game directly!
The system suddenly issued an electronic broadcast: [Player Ling Shuang chose to quit the game halfway, it was judged as a game failure, and he was eliminated and credit points were deducted for processing. 】

She never expected that Ling Shuang would choose to quit in order not to drag Xie Yinci down.

How is this any different from committing suicide to save others? !

Many spectators in the square were teary-eyed, and they were deeply moved by the deep emotion between the two.

Shi Jin felt a little pity.

If Ling Shuang's willpower can withstand this virus attack, it will actually have a training effect on her mental strength.

In the map simulation, Shi Jin intentionally entered the feeling of enduring the virus into his brain. What he thought at the time was that if Xiaoyan was accidentally scratched, his physical fitness could not be exercised much, but his mental strength would be stronger than his willpower. In this way, it can save some time for physical exercise in the real world and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

In the end, Ling Shuang got the chance.

Unfortunately, she chose to quit.

After Ling Shuang disappeared, Xie Yinci's expression finally sank.

The corners of his lips are straight, without the slightest curvature.

Then turn around and continue to move towards the direction of the cross-sea bridge.

At the same time, a bicycle is speeding through the city.

Bicycles are very convenient, ignoring those cyclists blocking the way on the street.

An Suyu was very thankful that he had found this means of transportation, it didn't cost fuel, and he didn't worry about being blocked by cars.

The young man has good physical strength, and he can almost catch up with the speed of the motorcycle when he pedals the bicycle with both legs.

The zombies ran after him, but they couldn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

An Suyu is a peacock who will become proud when he has an advantage. At this moment, his nose is going to go up to the sky, and he is proud of his cleverness and luck.

But he was not happy for a long time, only heard a rattling sound, the bicycle - the chain fell off.

The speed of the bicycle was too fast, and the stop was too sudden. Due to the inertia, the young man's body directly overtook the front and swung it over!
An Suyu: "..."

His back hit the ground, and his bones seemed to be broken due to the pain.

I go to work on weekdays and I am a bit busy on weekdays, especially in the recent period, the number of updated words is not stable, but it will never be updated!In the future, I will strive to explode once a week on weekends, and I will go to the city to take an exam this Saturday, so I will update it on Sunday, thank you for your support!Before I knew it, it was 20 words, I wrote too slowly, only 20 QAQ in three months, so sorry!

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