Nosebleeds flowed out, and all internal organs were aching.

But now is not the time to cry, An Suyu endured the pain and slowly stood up, his eyes serious and dignified, no longer the foolishness he had just been doing.

He wiped away the blood from his nose and moved on.

The zombies running behind him quickly chased after him, and the red-haired boy fled with a limp, as embarrassing as he could be.

But I don't know if this boy is an optimist, even in such a situation, he can still stabilize his mentality and adjust his state after taking a deep breath.

Even if his body hurts to take a step, it feels like he is about to fall apart, but he still doesn't slow down.

——This kid is interesting.

Seeing this, Shi Jin changed his opinion of this flamboyant young man.

I thought he was just an arrogant and arrogant kid, but I didn't expect his willpower to be quite good.

It's a pity that the zombies after the second evolution are difficult to be repelled without hot weapons and only with cold weapons.

They began to have a little wisdom, knowing how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and their hunting minds will not only know how to eat, and rush forward regardless of what they did before.

A zombie suddenly attacked from the side, attacking with the other at the same time, attacking from both sides, if An Suyu only killed one at the moment, he would definitely be bitten by the other.

The boy also knew this, he gritted his teeth - he had to find a way!

At the critical moment, An Suyu seemed to have thought of it.

He suddenly squatted down, and the two zombies rushing out from both sides of the street directly collided with the opposite zombies!
The boy got up quickly, and the water hose swung, smashing the heads of the two guys together.

A disgusting stench came, but An Suyu was no stranger to the smell.

He escaped another catastrophe, but he couldn't breathe a sigh of relief. His wounds and bones had been hurting all the time. Since he was a child, he had undergone strict physical training, but he never once forced people into a dilemma like this game in the early hours of this morning. .

Many zombies also rushed out from other corners of the street and alleyways, front and back, left and right.

This night can be described as avoiding the well, and the chasing zombies came wave after wave, one after another.

I just got rid of the two double-sided attacks, but now I'm surrounded directly.

An Suyu suddenly felt powerless. The excitement of seeing the new map at the beginning had long since disappeared. Even if he wanted to break through the encirclement again, he was faced with the enemy at the moment, and he had no way out.

When he was desperate, the sound of a motorcycle suddenly came from behind him!
The sound attracted the zombies behind, and as the tires rushed up the rocker and jumped directly into the sky, the young man's calm words also entered An Suyu's ears at this moment.


The motorcycle rushed to the center of the zombie encirclement, An Suyu stared blankly at Shiji and knocked down all the tires of the approaching zombie's car, and then his eyes turned red instantly, as if he was in a desperate situation and saw some relatives, he rushed to envelop Shiji Crying loudly at the waist - "Shijiuah!!!"

Shi Ju pushed his glasses, and gave him the first disgusted look, "Don't rub your nosebleeds on me, or the zombies didn't bite you to death, I'll kill you first."

Knowing that he has a cleanliness habit, An Suyu immediately sat down in the back seat honestly, nodded with tears in his eyes, and said, "Of course!"

When the motorcycle started, even though the zombies were attacking at a fast speed with low roars, they still had a calm and indifferent expression.

"I'm in charge of driving, and you're in charge of dealing with those guys who pounce on you." The boy arranged the tasks.

An Suyu: "But I'm injured internally, can't I use your vehicle to directly kill them?"

Shi Jue said lightly: "Either work or leave."

The light words fell into An Suyu's ears like a heavy blow!

"Of, obey!" He had no choice but to agree with tears, clenched the water pipe in his hand, endured the pain all over his body and continued to fight.

Even though he had tried his best to conceal his figure along the way, Shi Yan was still attacked many times by hordes of corpses.

She tried to find some other means of transportation, but unfortunately they either ran out of fuel or had damaged parts, making them unusable.

It was already four o'clock in the morning on the map time, less than three hours before the dawn bridge bombing.

Although she is not far away from the Siam Gulf Bridge, it is still difficult to guarantee that she will reach her destination before the timeline.

Hungry and thirsty, the energy replenished in the alley house has long been exhausted.

She couldn't stop to rest, firstly, there was not enough time, and secondly, staying here could easily attract those zombies with a keen sense of smell.

Fatigue and loss of physical energy tormented her spirit.

In the past 17 years, even though they have experienced big and small duels and physical fitness training, there has never been one time as harsh as today.

How on earth did my sister come up with the rules?
Or—maybe, not necessarily figment of the imagination.

After all, no matter how imaginative the makers of the training map are, it is impossible to do this.

Shi Yan was suspicious, she really wanted to ask Shi Jin, but now is not the time.

There is no reason to quit halfway through the game.

At least the current task must be completed first.

The electronic announcement that Ling Shuang had quit the game had reached everyone's ears two hours ago.

At that moment, Shi Yan was a little surprised. Why did this guy join the game? !
Ling Shuang is here, does my sister know?

The girl's eyes are cold, some guys - but they just love to rub.

I thought I was the only one in this escape training, but I didn't expect there to be others.

However, Ling Shuang's voluntary withdrawal also surprised Shi Yan. Although she didn't like that guy, she belonged to the same team in the Xingwang training ground, and she had a lot of group training on weekdays, so she knew her better.

Ling Shuang is eager to win, strives for the top, no matter what the task is, she will never give up, so she will never be scared by the zombies and quit directly.

—Then what is the reason?
Shi Yan frowned slightly, the answer to the question could only be found after the game was over, and he had to watch the replay to find out.

She didn't dare to stay in place for too long, and after a minute or two, she continued to move forward.

There are no street lights to guide the alleys under the night, and only the faint moonlight reflects some pale colors on the ground.

Shi Yan held his breath, his eyes were cold and serious, and he carefully tested the surrounding situation.

The place without the moonlight was pitch black, and there was a damp smell, and it was unknown what would be inside.

Shiyan wouldn't go to places where she couldn't see her five fingers. Even if her mental power spread out and she could perceive, she wouldn't waste her mental power in such places.


A pair of hands stretched out from behind her, covering her mouth tightly!


Shi Yan's eyes widened, and his body reacted subconsciously to attack, but the hand holding the saber was stopped by the opponent one step faster!
"It's me, don't worry."

A deep and magnetic voice sounded in her ear, very familiar, Shi Yan stopped, and she guessed the guy behind her.

"You're here too," Shi Yan said in a low voice, "Thank you Yinci."

The boy behind him smiled softly.

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