"The president came in with Ling Shuang?" Shi Yan asked.

"There are still times to follow An Suyu." Xie Yin said: "I was waiting for you to come up for team training, but I didn't expect—"

The boy's eyes flickered slightly, and he curled his lips into a chuckle: "You are already teaming up with the guy from the Rainforest Exploration Department."

"So the president is blaming me?" Shi Yan's voice was indifferent and cold.

"No, just to express my feelings." Xie Yinci smiled and said: "After all, we have been teammates for five years. If we lose a top-level mech pilot in the last year of graduation, maybe everyone will feel sorry. .”

That delicate and handsome face could not conceal its magnificence even in the dark, with curved eyebrows and gentle smile.

Xie Yinci's appearance has a kind of beauty that cannot be ignored, especially when his face is smiling, he is even more attractive.

However, Shi Yan has no feelings for it, or it can be said that Shi's family members are not born with beauty control, and they don't have much concept and pursuit of beauty and ugliness.

When Shi Yan joined Kervey at the beginning, she also chose the top team in order to get the best ranking in the team competition after graduation. She probably guessed what Xie Yinci was worried about, and said directly: "Since I chose Kervey at the beginning Ervi, I won’t quit halfway, the president doesn’t have to test me like this.”

"Sorry, that's not what I meant," Xie Yinci looked a little more apologetic: "It's just that the ranking in the graduation competition is really important, and I have to consider these."

"It's okay, I understand the president," Shi Yan said, "Ling Shuang was eliminated two hours ago, was she with you before?" She continued to ask.

Xie Yinci nodded, and regret flashed across his eyes: "Yes, she was scratched by a zombie, so she withdrew from the competition."

"Then it's better not to join in the first place." Shi Yan said unceremoniously: "When did you apply for admission?"

The young man smiled: "Just when you and the person from the Exploration Department were preparing to start, probably the application for joining and the application for watching the battle were mixed together, and you agreed with one click."

Shi Yan: "..."

Although the girl's face was as expressionless as Shi Jing's at the moment, Shi Jin could clearly feel a trace of disgust from it.

At such a close distance, Xie Yinci can naturally see clearly.

But it should be said whether this boy is thick-skinned enough, even so, he always maintains a gentle smile, like a mask that has been worn on his face for a long time, and he can't take it off. look.

"It will be dawn in less than three hours, we must hurry to the bridge." Shi Yan said.

Xie Yinci nodded: "Let's go, the two of you are together, there is always someone to take care of you on the way."

"Actually, Yin Yan's CP is also pretty good."

It is not a big deal for the audience in the square to watch the excitement.

"A cold girl and a gentle boy, Miss Shiyan's cold face is the easiest to be melted by such a gentle man!"

"In the front, don't you be disgusting? Yin Shuang's CP is the real one! Ling Shuang sacrificed so much for the chairman, don't dismantle the official role!"

"Official partner, who authenticated it?!"

Shi Jin: "..."

Seeing that the barrage painting style has been completely transferred from the escape game to the CP, her thousands of words have become speechless at this moment.

——It’s enough to drink Yinshuang, don’t get involved in small cigarettes!Don't come here! Hey! !

Why do you think that Xiao Yan will be melted by Xie Yinci's hypocritical smile? ?I'm afraid it's just more disgusting!

Shi Jin turned off the barrage, he didn't want to see these people quarreling over this kind of thing anymore.

Her eyes fell back to the electronic screen, because Shi Jue and An Suyu merged, Xie Yinci and Shi Yan merged, the previous four-part screen had been re-divided into two at this moment.

At that time, there were motorcycles on the way, and the speed was much faster. In two hours, we should be able to reach the Gulf of Siam.

As for Xiao Yan and Xie Yinci running on foot, it might be more difficult.

The knife and stick in Shi Yan's hand killed many zombies along the way. She was already exhausted, but maybe she played in this escape game. The idea of ​​dying or something.

Sore muscles, weakness in legs.

Shi Yan's body was already drenched in sweat, she panted heavily, wiped off the sweat that almost slipped into her eyeballs with the back of her hand, and continued to rush forward with her wet hair.

Time is running out. To escape before the bombing of the city, they must speed up. Up to now, they have no chance to rest at all.

Xie Yinci is fine, his physical strength and fitness are stronger than Shi Yan's, and so far, he hasn't had a big respite.

After successfully surviving another round of zombie siege, Shi Yan's legs went limp, and his body suddenly collapsed.

"Are you okay?!" When Xie Yinci met Shiyan half-kneeling on the ground, supporting his body with a knife and stick in his hand, he squatted down in concern with an exhausted look, and said, "Your physical strength should be exhausted. Yes, I'll carry you on my back."

Shi Yan shook her head, her voice was hoarse: "No need."

She rejected the boy, propped herself up with a knife and stick, and raised her eyes again: "Go on."

Even though the walking legs were as heavy as if they had been poured with lead water, Shi Yan didn't dare to stay again.

Two hours passed slowly.

The first light of dawn in the sky finally appeared before the eyes after this long night.

The clouds of the morning glow in the distance are churning, and they are dyed a touch of pink by the rays of the sun, intertwined with the color of the blue sky, turning into a light spot called hope.

The winding bridge with no end in sight stands quietly on the sea. The towering bridge towers and cables give people a majestic and solemn momentum, as if a powerful god used rope to level the bridge deck of this huge monster in the ocean. above.

Shi Yan looked ahead.

The Gulf of Siam Bridge.


But that doesn't mean they've escaped successfully.

The bridgehead was tightly bound with layers of iron nets, and many zombies crowded in front of the iron nets, as if they wanted to break it with their bodies.

The bridge deck was congested with cars, and there were many overturned vehicles. Some vehicles had been burned into a pile of abandoned iron frames, and some vehicles were turned upside down and stained with blood.

Some people who died on the bridge also mutated into zombies wandering around.

Shi Yan and Xie Yinci hid in an alley under a building.

After two hours of fleeing, maybe the belief in living has surpassed the limit of physical exhaustion. Shi Yan can no longer feel how tired he is, but the actions of his hands and feet seem to be without the control of the brain. Her limbs reacted subconsciously.

When they were thinking about how to break through the crowd of zombies in front of the iron net, the sound of a motorcycle speeding suddenly came from behind the ears of the two of them, accompanied by An Suyu's young and arrogant voice: "Go straight! It's about to succeed!"

The sound of motorcycle engines resounded in the street, attracting the attention of many zombies.

Even those guys in front of the iron net roared and ran towards the speeding motorcycle with their legs open!

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