Chapter 12 [012] Distressed Appearance

The running speed of humans cannot compare to the flying speed of mechs.

Shi Jin didn't take a few steps when the mecha gunfire shot at her. After struggling in the doomsday for a long time, his sixth sense was trained very accurately. At the moment when the laser cannon was fired, Shi Jin's body was faster than his brain, and he slammed to the right. With a leap, he abruptly escaped from the diameter of the laser cannon's cylinder!

The beam blasted the ground into scorched earth, sending out bursts of black smoke.

Staring wide-eyed at the big hole at her feet, she swallowed involuntarily, feeling frightened for a while, this was the first time she felt the combat power of the mecha so intuitively.

Ling Shuang is serious!
That taste--so fucking bad!
"I told you I won't get close to President Xie in the academy! Don't be too obsessive, can you make it online?!" Shi Jin shouted loudly.

But Miss Ling Shuang sneered, with disbelief written all over her eyes: "A guy like you who has no strength and wants to eat swan meat all day long, if you don't teach him some flesh and blood lessons, he will never have a long memory!"

Shi Jin said: "Then don't use the armor! Let's fight with our bodies!"

"You think so beautifully!" Ling Shuang refused, her almond eyes narrowed slightly: "Only the artillery fire can make you remember deeply."

Shi Jin: "..."

She gritted her teeth, she was determined to let herself be blown into a cripple!

"Behind me is the Shi family! How dare you touch me?!" She took out her trump card.

In the end, I didn't expect that Miss Ling Shuang still didn't care at all, and sneered: "You think I will let you go when you move out?"

The snow-white bird-body mecha let out a long roar, and its blue eyes seemed to be locked on to its prey. One after another, artillery fire rang out around Shi Jin, chasing the girl's body that was running away in embarrassment.

Shi Jin clenched his fists and finally got a little angry.

She turned her head and glanced coldly at the snowbird who was chasing after her.

Such a beautiful mech is really reluctant to destroy, but now, either the bird will die, or he will take it with him.

Although the mecha needs to be activated by injecting the master's spiritual power, it is also difficult to move without energy support.

And the electric current that shuttles inside the mecha is like the blood vessels extending in all directions in the human body, playing the role of connection and energy transmission.

Shi Jin's ability in the last days is to control electricity.

The original owner probably didn't have much exercise on weekdays, so he was out of breath after running a few steps.

It seems that in the future, I need to be self-disciplined and train my body well.

Shi Jin stopped in her tracks, staring at the snow-white mecha that had once again gathered the energy cannons. With a slight movement of her fingertips, traces of electric current floated in her palm, like the central controller of a magnetic field area.

At the moment when the energy cannons were ready to be launched, she raised her eyes suddenly, and her gaze shot directly into Ling Shuang's pupils through the central control center on Snowbird's chest!
That icy look made Ling Shuang startled, and it was at this second of hesitation that the mecha she was controlling suddenly fell from the sky to the ground as if it had lost all power!

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the ground was dusty.

But as the second half of the game started, almost everyone cheered and cheered in the loud arena, so no one heard the movement in this empty area.

The snow-colored mecha fell down, and the sizzling electric current spread all over the body in an instant.

Ling Shuang felt the numbness and pain brought by the electric current, and couldn't help screaming when she was stimulated.

"Ah!" Her expression was unbelievable, she never expected that the mecha that had been with her for so long would have the lowest problem of electric leakage today!
The limbs of the mech and the human body are also connected by electric current, and the uniform on the body has a specific protective magnetic sheet, which can protect the human body from being hurt by the electric current, but the current intensity at this moment seems to exceed the maximum limit of the magnetic sheet protection, so the girl's body caused damage.

When Shi Jin heard her cry, he stopped immediately.

The controlled current returned to the most primitive calm and surging state, not as turbulent and terrifying as before.

The tingling and numbness on her body gradually faded away, and Ling Shuang hugged her body and curled up in the control cabin, dense beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, she was short of breath, and her beautiful face flushed from the unbearable pain.

Shi Jin was stunned. After being hit by the electric current, although the numbness will gradually fade away, the body will be stiff for a while.

Ling Shuang should not be able to move now. The magnetic disk in her uniform was declared useless due to the overload just now. If the mecha is restarted at this time, the transmission current that Snowbird comes with will cause secondary damage to her body.

Shi Jin was a little helpless, in the chaotic world, if it was brought by the Holy Mother Dog in the last days, not only would she not save such a guy who was determined to hurt her, but she would even send him to die quickly.

But now it is a peaceful empire era, it is not possible to directly kill the other party, and in the future it will be a classmate, if you really seduce someone here, if something happens, you will definitely not be able to get rid of it.

She stepped up to the front of the mecha, climbed to the position near the snowbird's chest in twos and outs, stretched out her hand to touch the transparent board that separated the central control center, electric current flowed in her hand, Shi Jin's eyes darkened, Concentrating all the strength on the fist, mixed with supernatural powers, smashed the transparent board with one fist!
Hearing the sound of glass shattering, Ling Shuang couldn't help raising her eyes, but her eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Shi Jin who smashed the transparent plate of King Kong with her fist in a look of astonishment.

Before she could fully react, her body stiffened by the electric current was dragged out by the girl.

The two of them landed on the ground. Shi Jin got up, looked down at Ling Shuang, pointed to the flame-out Snowbird mecha next to him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "You should still be able to talk, right? Tell me, how did you get this thing back?" ?”

Ling Shuang came back to her senses, frowned and asked, "You don't even know how to recover mechas?"

Shi Jin shrugged: "I'm only C-level mentally, and I've only touched a transport-type mecha, and I can't move it at all. How can I know how to play with this high-end mecha?"

Ling Shuang pursed her lips, her glamorous little face showed a complex expression.

She didn't expect Shi Jin to smash the transparent plate of King Kong with one fist, let alone the other party rescued herself from the mecha.

She had always hated Shi Jin, and one thing didn't change her view of the girl, but she felt a little scared when she thought of Shi Jin's terrifying strength just now.

——Fortunately, Shi Jin did not agree to fight hand-to-hand, otherwise he would definitely not be able to fight.

"This can only be controlled after it is activated," Ling Shuang said, "but I can't move it now."

Shi Jin said: "That's it, okay, then you stay here for a while, and then take it back when it can move, I'll go first."

Ling Shuang was taken aback, and stopped her: "Where are you going?! Did you leave me like this?"

Shi Jin didn't turn his head back: "Go cheer for my sister Yan! It's all your fault! The second half is starting, if I'm late and don't cheer for her, she won't be happy!"

Ling Shuangxiu frowned, speechless in her heart, and couldn't help but yell at her: "Your cheering up will only make Shi Yan feel ashamed!"

I don't know if Shi Jin heard these words, but the girl's back gradually disappeared in front of her eyes, Ling Shuang bit her lip, feeling humiliated in her heart.

Flames ignited in both eyes, unwilling to be reconciled to the embarrassment of today.

(End of this chapter)

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