Chapter 13 [013] Thank you

A while after the second half started, Shi Jin returned to the cheerleading team, and the team member who asked her to see Ling Shuang was a little surprised to find that the girl came back intact.

"Are you alright?!" She exclaimed in astonishment.

Shi Jin wondered, "What can I do?"

"Miss Ling Shuang didn't bother you?"

"I found it." Shi Jin said honestly, "Warn me not to approach President Xie Yinci again, and teach me a lesson."

The team members looked at her body up and down, but couldn't see any signs of being beaten again, "Then, what about the lesson?!"

Shi Jin was speechless: "Why do you want me to get hurt, classmate?"

The teammate frowned: "I'm just curious, why did you come back from Miss Ling Shuang so easily this time? Didn't you always slap or kick twice in the past?"

Shi Jin was taken aback: "She hit me before?"

"Otherwise? Is the lesson just a few harsh words?"

Shi Jin: "..."

Sighing, she lied and said, "Actually, I was injured, but it was just an internal injury."

After the voice fell, the team member instantly understood and nodded: "I'll just say, how can you come back easily."

Shi Jin: "..."

This world without the love of classmates is really tiring.

The second half of the mecha competition has just entered a fever pitch.

The commentator was full of passion on the stage, and there was an endless stream of cheers and cheers from around.

An hour later, the second half ended.

Shi Yan deserves to be the top student in mecha practical skills. Although he was suppressed several times in the middle, he achieved a comeback with his solid skills.

Feitu and Xiongying left the arena, which meant the end of the first group of competitions, and each group had half a day of fighting time. Today's schedule ended, but everyone felt that they were still unsatisfied.

Shi Jin was not interested in mechs at first, but after watching the three duels, she suddenly found some fun.

It's a pity that the mental power of this body is only C-level, so it cannot be activated and manipulated.

After the game ended, the audience left the seats one after another, and began to discuss passionately about today's mecha competition.

Seeing Shi Ye in the auditorium, Shi Jin thought of the young man's body, and as the culprit, she still had to be concerned, so when the other party struggled to get up, Shi Jin walked up to him and put his hand on the young man's arm , asked: "Can I help you carry you back to the classroom?"

Hearing the girl's voice, Shi Ye raised his eyes to look at her, and slowly said with disgust: "No! The driver sent me here, and he wants to pick me up after the game. I have to go to the school gate."

"Oh, okay." Shi Jin withdrew his hand directly.

The arm lost part of its support, and the boy's body suddenly tilted, causing another burst of pain in his stomach.

He couldn't help frowning, and took a breath: "Hiss."

Shi Jin quickly supported him again, "Xiao Ye, don't be brave, just say it if it hurts!"

"Who is to blame for this!" Mentioning this young man felt furious.

Shi Jin comforted him: "Yes, yes, my fault, my fault, dear cousin, give me a chance to redeem my sins, and I will carry you on my back!"

Shi Ye looked the girl up and down, and sneered, "Can you memorize me?"

Although he is one year younger than Shi Jin, in terms of size, he is bigger.

Shi Jin: "With my strength, I can kick you into internal injuries, and you still can't carry it?"

Shi Ye: "..."

His anger suddenly became even worse.

"Get out!! I don't need your help!"

The roar involved the injury again, and the boy's facial features wrinkled together in pain.

Shi Jin hurriedly spoke a few more words of comfort, and finally straightened out the kitten who tended to blow its fur from time to time.

Then, she knelt down on one knee in front of Shi Ye, turned her back to the boy, smiled and said, "Come on, I'll carry you, trust me, Xiao Ye!"

Shi Ye wanted to stab her a few more words, but suddenly met Shang Shi Jin's sincere eyes.

The girl's eyes were like washed purple grapes, with a shimmer, and when she looked at him, she always had a clear feeling of seeing the sun in the rain and dew.

The mocking words were instantly choked in Shi Ye's throat.

The young man's handsome face suddenly blushed unconsciously, feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

He asked tentatively, "You...are you really good at reciting?"

Shi Jin blinked and nodded: "Of course!" She waved her skinny arm as she spoke, "Look! How strong!"

Shi Ye: "..." Sick!
He still chose to refuse.

But Shi Jin stood up suddenly, grabbed the boy by both arms, and pulled him directly onto his back.

"You—" The young man was stunned, his eyes slightly opened, and his mind was a little blank at that moment. When he realized it, Shi Jin had already firmly carried him on his back, looking very relaxed.

"How?" Shi Jin raised his eyebrows.

Shi Ye: "..."

He was slightly surprised, his lips were pursed, his cheeks were flushed.

It was probably the first time that he had such close contact with his cousin who grew up with him. The heart in the boy's chest suddenly accelerated, and his chest made a thumping sound.

"It's, it's okay..." Shi Ye said.

After the words fell, the people around seemed to have noticed this strange scene, and those students turned their eyes sideways, and their eyes fell on the two siblings.

"It can't be seen that Shi's parents and daughters still have some strength to carry classmate Shi Ye by heart."

"What happened to Shi Ye? Why did his cousin have to recite it?"

"I heard that he was injured and has limited mobility."


There were chattering discussions, Shi Jin's complexion didn't change, he was humming a ditty, and he was in a good mood, but Shi Ye was sitting on pins and needles under these sights, couldn't help but tugged at Shi Jin's collar and said, "Go, go quickly!" Come on! Do you like being surrounded by people so much?"

Shi Jin: "..."

This is really unfair, she just doesn't care what people around her think.

But my cousin is thin-skinned and doesn't like to be noticed, so she should walk faster.

"All right, all right, you're an injured patient, I'll listen to you!" Shi Jin nodded perfunctorily, quickened his pace, and walked towards the entrance of the academy.

Shi Yan and Shi Jue lived in the school, as did Shi Jin before, but the original owner was excluded in the dormitory because of her low mental strength and relying on her family to enter the military academy through the back door.

Her low self-esteem and cowardly personality cast a shadow over her dormitory, so after repeating another grade, she chose to go to day school, go to and from school every day, and reduce her social circle—no, she didn't have any social circle either.

All the way from the competition field to the school gate, it will inevitably attract the curious eyes of the students.

Shi Ye felt very dead, and buried his head on Shi Jin's shoulder the whole time, as if an ostrich was running away.

It was Xu's first close contact, and unexpectedly, Shi Jin smelled very good.

I don't know if I took a bath last night, but my body smells like the floral scent of shower gel, which smells very good, and it also relieved the burning and painful internal injuries.


Shi Jin suddenly made a sound, and Shi Ye raised his head, only to see that the girl was already standing in front of his flying boat that picked her up from school.

The driver opened the cabin door, "Miss, master, please."

After sending Shi Ye over at noon, the driver went back, and did not come back to wait for Shi Ye until the end of the game.

The teenager was injured and asked for leave and had to recuperate at home. He begged his grandfather for a long time before he was allowed to come and watch the game, but he had to go home immediately after the game.

Shi Jin carefully put Shi Ye into the cabin.

The boy's face was very red, and after he sat down firmly, he whispered to the girl awkwardly: "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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