Chapter 20 [020] Tracking Missile

The moment the electronic announcement ended, the cool blue and white mecha on the opposite side had already attacked!
A long laser knife protruded from the right arm of the mech with a "chuss" sound, and slashed at Shi Jin unceremoniously with a cold look.

She reacted quickly, moved the soles of her feet outward, and dodged sideways.

The mecha he was in was currently only equipped with laser knives and a long-range photon cannon.

Shi Jin pulled out his own knife, the blade was glowing red, like a burning flame, and there was even a faint scorching heat.

He failed to make a successful cut, and the blue and white mech on the opposite side immediately launched the next round of attack with his backhand. His movements were smooth and smooth, and it was done in one go. It looked like a veteran who had participated in mech duels all year round.

Shi Jin hadn't fully adapted to this high-level vision in actual combat, so she seemed a little passive in the early stage, but she quickly adjusted her state and increased the current connected to the mecha, making the control of this pile of equipment more flexible with her limbs .

【My God, did Zhang Yuan drive the A-level mech to fry fish on purpose? 】

[He has S-level mental power, and he came to match the A-level mecha? ! 】

Although Shi Jin didn't turn off the private mode, her opponent did, and even turned on the live broadcast room.

Only the top ten duels with PVP records will be played on the square.

And Zhang Yuan ranked seventh.

He just lost to Shiyan in the summer camp match today, and he was already upset, but when he logged in to Starnet at night, he found that his No.6 had been robbed by others.

The boy was upset, so he deliberately fried fish to vent his anger.

But he didn't expect to be matched with a good A-level driver in the first game.

However, even if it is flexible, so what?

A-level mechs controlled by A-level mental power are not at the same level as S-level mental power.

The actions of the blue and white mecha became more and more fierce, and the A-level mecha on the opposite side retreated in a row, and even some cracks appeared on the red laser knife.

There are more and more bullet screens in the live broadcast room:
[Zhang Yuan is venting his anger on purpose! 】

[Normal, when did my Brother Zhang lose to Shiyan and not go to Starnet to fry fish?All old fans know that this person is narrow-minded, hahaha. 】

[Cry to death, Brother Zhang and Miss Shi Yan are true love!No matter how badly he was beaten, he was not willing to hurt her in reality! 】

[Upstairs, don't fucking get involved, Miss Shiyan is beautiful! 】

Naturally, Shi Jin couldn't see the eager comments on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

After fully adapting to the mecha's height vision, she began to counterattack.

In the doomsday, what humans are best at is fighting, fighting with supernatural powers, or direct hand-to-hand combat.

Of course, they are also extremely good at long-range weapons. After all, in order to survive, everyone develops their bodies at all costs, just to become stronger.

When his own laser knife was completely chopped into pieces by the blue and white mech on the opposite side, Shi Jin's eyes froze, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the guy's metal arm tightly, and directly kicked towards it with the simplest fighting method !
The previous mecha battles basically relied on weapons, and the pilot of the blue and white mecha was obviously surprised by her almost hand-to-hand blow.

Shi Jin narrowed his eyes slightly, his body was almost muscle memory, after kicking that kick, he backhanded and clamped the opponent, turned sideways behind the person, grabbed its head with both hands, and twisted it hard!
"Crack!" The sound of metal breaking and the connection current being blocked came from the head of the blue and white mecha!
The audience in the live broadcast room stared wide-eyed, watching in disbelief that the red mecha that had just been destroyed with laser knives went directly behind Zhang Yuan, holding the head of his mecha with both hands, and twisted it abruptly. up!

The electric current carries sparks in all directions, and the mech without head connection is equivalent to the driver losing the pair of eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

Zhang Yuan was extremely surprised. The welding of the head of the mecha is the strongest. Generally speaking, even if the body is destroyed, the connection between the head and the neck will not be broken.

Unexpectedly, today, after losing his lightsaber, a little-known A-level mecha would tear off that metal head with just his hands!
After the mecha is connected to the human body, it can amplify the physical quality of the human being itself.

Zhang Yuan's back felt chills—then how strong is the pilot in the mecha in front of him! !

Tore off the head with bare hands, Shi Jin was used to killing zombies in the doomsday.

I didn't expect to use it subconsciously in mecha melee combat.

When she recovered, she was already holding a mecha head in her hand.

The broken part of the head, chin and neck was still emitting a sizzling electric current. She threw away the other end, and her heart tightened—speaking of the competition on the virtual network, it shouldn't affect the reality, right?
The head of the mecha in reality should still be there? ?

Zhang Yuan lost his vision, and the actions of the blue and white mecha suddenly became uncontrollable.

He was extremely angry, although he was a little nervous, but in the end his reason was burned by the anger, especially after seeing some slightly mocking remarks in the barrage.

[Hahaha deserve it!Zhang Yuan, you also have today, and you like frying fish so much, wouldn’t you be blowing up sharks? 】

[Maybe the other side is also a big boss, Zhang Yuan, if you match him, you are considered unlucky! 】

The young man was so angry that the veins on his forehead were exposed.

He was already irritable because of losing to Shi Yan in the opening game, but now he was humiliated by an A-level mecha.

Even if he has no vision, he will smash the bastard opposite to pieces!

Shi Jin suddenly found that the fighting spirit of the blue and white mecha became even higher after her head was twisted off.

Yes, this mentality is good.

The girl blinked and returned to a serious state.

However, that mech no longer chose to fight with laser knives. At the moment when Shi Jin approached, it suddenly pulled back a certain distance, deformed its hands, retracted the long knives, and transformed into two imposing cannon barrels!
Mech weapons can be loaded freely.

But the mecha in reality must be fully loaded before it can be used in the virtual star network.

Zhang Yuan could not see the enemy, but he was not worried.

Because—these things are tracking missiles, which can automatically track the enemy.

The sound of cannons continued to ring in the field, full of gunpowder.

The tracking missiles were launched towards Shi Jin's position. She was startled, and immediately activated the power system on the soles of the mecha to evade, but those missiles seemed to have eyes. No matter where she evaded, they would follow her. Follow the track!

Shi Jin was aware of its stalking nature, but he was not in a hurry.

In the spacious field, six or seven missiles chased a red and white mech.

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room began to flash:
[It came from the big screen in the square, who can tell me what's going on? !Where is the head of Zhang Yuan's A-level mecha? ? 】

[Fuck!Seven tracking missiles, what a hatred! 】

[Zhang Yuan's head was twisted off by the person opposite! 】

[Upstairs, are you kidding me? ? 】

All the bullet screens in the back are describing the previous scenes.

Zhang Yuan has long since lost the mood to watch the barrage, and his mentality exploded by frying fish, so he won't be able to sleep well tonight.

Unless these seven tracking missiles can blow up the opposite guy to pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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