Chapter 21 [021] Duel Victory

— Blow up the opposite side to pieces.

What a coincidence, Shi Jin thought so too.

The field is so big, and the mech I'm driving doesn't have any weapons that can destroy the tracking missiles.

Therefore, if you want to avoid it, you must let the opponent bear all the power of the missile for you.

Shi Jin's eyes narrowed, and his face became more serious.

While avoiding the pursuit of missiles in the field, she planned a route for herself to get close to the blue and white mech on the opposite side.

Finally, after luring those seven missiles to be on the same level as him.

The corners of Shi Jin's lips hooked slightly, and suddenly his right hand clenched into a fist, and he galloped all the way towards his opponent!

The airflow drawn from the tail of the missile followed the trajectory and left arcs in the air.

Zhang Yuan, who had no vision, could only determine Shi Jin's position by peeking at the barrage.

Suddenly, he found that the speed of the barrage screen swiping became faster again——

[I rely on it!What do you want on the other side? !Suddenly fly to Zhang Yuan! 】

[Gan!Run away from Zhang Yuan!She wants to lure the missiles to you! 】

Seeing these two barrages, Zhang Yuan stared wide-eyed, and then immediately activated the injectors on the soles of his feet, and dodged towards the sky.

Shi Jin saw his intentions, and temporarily had no time to think about why an opponent without vision could find himself approaching him. The missile behind her was closer to her position, and Shi Jin's eyes became sharper—she must not let him run away.

The mecha rushed into the sky, Zhang Yuan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but in the next second, he suddenly couldn't fly.

The ankles seemed to be tightly grasped by a pair of strong hands.

The young man was stunned, his face changed, and he quickly increased the power, the injector emitted a more powerful light beam, but unfortunately the red and white mecha below still bit him tightly!

Zhang Yuan's face was livid, and he slashed fiercely at Shi Jin with the long laser knife in his hand.

At this time, Shi Jin suddenly exerted force and directly pulled the flying mecha down!
She didn't give the other party any chance to escape, and clamped Zhang Yuan's arms from behind in twos and threes.

The boy's heart flustered, he couldn't move, all the key joints were caught.

No matter how hard he exerted the power system on the soles of his feet, it would be difficult to support two mechs of equal weight to fly.


The seven missiles tracked Shi Jin and would not automatically detect obstacles in front of them, so they hit Zhang Yuan's mecha one after another!
Zhang Yuan's eyes widened in disbelief.

The electric current penetrated the whole body of the mech in an instant, making a sizzling sound.

He was affected by the electric current and couldn't help crying out in pain.

When the third missile hit, the system that detected the scrapping of the A-class mecha directly made the winner.

[The blue team has no action power, congratulations to the red team for winning this game! 】

Electromechanical sounds sounded in the venue.

At the end of the duel, every remaining missile suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The virtual venue flickered several times, and it returned to its original appearance in an instant.

Shi Jin looked down at the blue and white mecha that he was tightly clamping. The other party seemed to be a lifeless person, with his limbs drooping limply.

The headless scene seemed a little scary.

She immediately let go, and the mecha slipped from her arms and fell heavily on the ground.

It was teleported and disappeared in the next second.

Shi Jin's points began to change. She directly won a victory with an A-level mecha, and her ranking suddenly changed from being on the list to 234. At the back of the ranking, there was also a win: 1.

Scrolling up, the students after two hundred basically only won one game.

The field of vision changed, and when Shi Jin came to his senses, he had already returned to the square at the beginning.

There were endless discussions around the square, and when Shi Jin looked up at the big screen, he caught a glimpse of his own mech!

It came up on someone's stream, and it just ended.

"My God, you are pulling your head with your bare hands! Who is this?!"

"Also let Zhang Yuan be his shield, didn't he load it himself?"

"Don't tell me, I saw it from the beginning to the end. The A-level mech only used a laser knife at most. I think he either didn't have other weapons loaded, or he felt that Zhang Yuan couldn't get into his eyes."


Shi Jin heard these words in his ears.

Only then did she realize that the pilot of the blue and white mecha just now turned out to be the third grader who had fought against Xiao Yan during the daytime today.

After the fight, to be honest, this melee combat ability is too bad.

He doesn't know how to reverse grappling, and he can't dodge attacks fast enough. It's not good to rely on the toughness of the laser long knife and the high level of loading weapons.

Watching Shi Yan's scene during the day, Zhang Yuan's skills were not bad in some aspects, Shi Jin thought, maybe both sides relied on straightforward weapons to fight, so there was back and forth.

The discussion in the square is still enthusiastic.

Shi Jin was a little tired.

She yawned, she had also tasted the mech duel tonight, but it was just like that.

After the momentary interest passed, the endless plainness returned.

Shi Jin chooses to quit Star Network on the game system interface.

The next second, she woke up in the mech she was riding in.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and Shi Jin climbed out of the cockpit.

However, as soon as he stood on the landing platform, he saw Shi Ye walking out of the elevator with a dark face.

The moment he met Shi Jin's eyes, he suddenly said, "I knew you wouldn't give up! You came to the training ground at such a late hour!"

Shi Jin: "..."

She maintained the landing posture, and suddenly felt a guilty conscience of being caught.

The takeoff and landing platform sent her to the second floor, Shi Jin walked up to Shi Ye, smiled and said, "It's just curiosity, come and give it a try."

The young man looked at her and raised his eyebrows: "How did the test go?"

Shi Jin said honestly, "It's just like that."

Shi Ye: "..."

That appears to have failed.

"Does your head hurt?" he asked.

"No," Shi Jin said, "It's quite normal."

There was a trace of relaxation in the boy's eyes, which was caught by the girl.

"That's okay, go back to sleep quickly!" Shi Ye said.

Shi Jin stretched out his hand with a smile, and rubbed the boy's head.

Shi Ye was taller than her, and she had to raise her hand to touch the boy's hair.

"What are you doing?!" Shi Ye suddenly took a step back and raised his voice, his fair cheeks suddenly flushed a little, and he looked at Shi Jin in astonishment, as if resisting her touch.

"Ah, I just wanted to rub you, did I offend you?" Shi Jin blinked, thinking that the young man was displeased, and said, "If you don't like it, then I won't do it in the future, I'm sorry, Xiaoye."

Shi Ye: "..."

The boy pursed his lips and met the girl's apologetic eyes, the fire in his heart suddenly went out again.

He's not actually annoying.

It's just that I'm not used to it—the cousin I've always hated and looked down on will one day get so close to him.

It stands to reason that the two should face each other as before.

In the past, Shi Jin was indeed cowardly, but in front of himself, he would inexplicably have more self-esteem.

So the relationship between the two is not good.

Today's Shijin is like an ocean.

No matter how he pricks, he can still tolerate himself with a smile, making him feel like hitting cotton with a fist.

When Shi Ye thought of the picture of the girl carrying her back during the day, her cheeks became redder and she became more awkward.

He turned his head, restrained his beating heart and said, "Hurry up, go back to sleep! You have to go to school tomorrow, I won't call you again!"

Shi Jin: "..."

She stared at the boy's back with a clear expression.

——Hey, Tsundere.

 Good night! ~~ Ask for a wave of favorite message tickets! !If there are more comments, more may be added! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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