Killing people and killing people has long been commonplace for the children here.

But for those who have just come here, it is the first time for them to turn a living life into a cold corpse with their own hands.

The new boy originally didn't want to kill them, but the momentum of the two of them to either die or die was too scary. When he came to his senses, his hands were already stained with the blood of the two people.

In the second half of the night, the boy was in shock.

He hadn't fallen asleep and was even retching vaguely, which made him want to leave this hellish place more and more.

Finally it was daytime and he couldn't wait to go out. Because he didn't sleep last night, his eyes were dark and he looked exhausted.

Accompanied by the usual mechanical and electronic sound, everyone began to run towards the alloy door at the end of the corridor.

Xie Yinci was used to this place. He left the corridor and within two seconds, the boy rushed out.

Everyone was calm today and did not make any sneak attacks when leaving the room.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief after running out. Then he looked at the surveillance robot next to him and said bluntly: "Mr. Xie, I regret it. I don't want to stay here anymore."

No one present was expecting his bold statement.

I'm afraid this is the so-called newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He has no idea what his situation is.

Xie Yinci glanced at him, said nothing, turned and walked towards the training ground.

Seeing that there was no man's voice coming from the robot, the boy frowned slightly and wanted to speak again, but the robot had already raised its gun and shot a bullet through his palm!


He screamed, and his eyes suddenly became frightened.

He lowered his eyes and looked at his hand with a bloody hole, and couldn't stop shaking.

At this time, the man finally spoke, and his voice came out faintly from the robot, "Can you please say it again, kid, what you just said?"

"..." The boy didn't dare to speak anymore. He was completely awake and knew what kind of place he had arrived!
He stopped talking, turned around tremblingly, and followed the other children to the training ground.

Due to injury, his performance in the morning was not very good. He was many points lower than Xie Yinci, ranking thirteenth.During the lunch break, only Xie Yinci could eat a piece of fragrant and soft bread.

The boy's hand no longer hurts as much as it did in the morning. After another morning of painful training and witnessing several children who died during retraining, he seemed to have completely lost his soul. In just one morning, he became silent and numb.

He saw the bread in Xie Yinci's hand. He had not smelled the fragrance of milk for a long time. He couldn't help but swallowed. Nutritional supplements were like chewing wax to him. A child next to him saw the longing in his eyes and sneered coldly. He said with a voice: "Don't think about it, only No. 1 can eat it."


The boy was taken aback.

It's No.1 again.

No.1 can live in a single room and eat soft bread.

"More than that," the child said with a slight smile, "No. 1 can also have a delicious dinner tonight."

After today's training total score, Xie Yinci still ranked first, and there were twelve boys who were highly favored by Xie Wei.

He stared at the blue-light electronic screen and relaxed slightly. The sense of crisis from last night dissipated a little.

——Xie Wei really found a good guy, but it's a pity that this good guy's hand was injured, and it was Xie Wei who did it himself.

The boy looked at his ranking and seemed a little regretful.

He glanced at Xie Yinci quietly. Although his life was saved by the other party's reminder last night, under this situation, he still couldn't live in a humid and messy multi-person room all the time. The taste of the drink was hard to swallow. nutritional supplements.

and so.

He clenched his fists.

If he wants to live a better life here, he must surpass this No. 1.

I want to resign, I want to resign, I want to resign... I really don’t want to go to work anymore...

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