The boy's fighting spirit seemed to be aroused, just to become No. 1 and eat those delicious foods.

The injured hand did put him at a disadvantage in retraining at first, but as the wound healed, the pain gradually disappeared, and the nutritional supplements promoted wound repair, he gradually caught up.

Coupled with the fact that he already had four more years of training experience than these children, the boy's training effect became more and more obvious, and his ranking gradually followed up.

The most recent time, the difference between him and Xie Yinci was less than three points.

This means that as long as he works harder, he can have all the benefits that Xie Yinci enjoys now.

After the rankings were announced that night, the boy finally had light in his eyes again.

On the contrary, Xie Yinci seemed to stay in place.

Even though there was an expression of shock and disbelief on his face, the faint cold light in his pupils and the slightly smaller pupils than usual revealed his trembling at the moment.

Three points.

The difference is only three points.

The sense of crisis that had existed before finally reached its peak at this moment.

Xie Yinci suffered from insomnia that night. He huddled under the quilt, his eyes were red and he clenched his teeth. He could not stop hating the new guy in his heart.

I want to kill him, I want him to disappear.

In this cruel competition for survival, only when everyone around him dies can he stand out and get what he wants.

Shi Jin looked at the boy facing the wall, left the mecha, and stood on the side of the bed observing his expression.

Only in an environment where no one is watching at all does the boy reveal his true self.

"You are still stupid. At this time, you should be very regretful for speaking out to stop the two guys in the room from killing him." Shi Jin raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Xie Yinci admitted frankly and generously: "I thought it would be beneficial for me to use one person's sword to kill two opponents, but I ignored this guy's adaptability."

Shi Jin looked at him, "Then you also said that he may not have a wolf-like will like the children here?"

"Because, at least people who have been domesticated -" the young man narrowed his eyes slightly: "will not choose to commit suicide." *
As if seeing hope, the boy worked harder and harder.

Similarly, Xie Yinci lives in more anxiety and fear of being surpassed every day, training excessively and struggling to maintain his ranking.

He didn't care about the single room or the extra delicacies, he was just afraid that after losing No. 1, he would lose the chance to see Xiaoshuang.

Two things kept him alive - revenge and protecting Xiaoshuang.

Therefore, he worked a hundred times harder to surpass his opponent.

But for things like mental power, the higher the person, the better the results will be obtained in less time.

Although Xie Yinci and the other party are both S-level, S-level is just a big threshold. After stepping through, there are still differences between those before and after them.

The boy's S level seemed to be higher than Xie Yinci's, so his progress and score increased faster.

One day a week later, Xie Yinci, who almost pushed himself to the point of losing all strength every day, was surpassed by the other party.

0.1 points difference.

——Just [-].

But Xie Yinci was completely thrown into hell.

His whole body was so stiff that he could hardly move, as if he had been placed in a world of ice and snow and buried in an ice cave at temperatures of tens of degrees below zero.

"Not bad, not bad." Xie Wei suddenly appeared in front of all the children, applauding.

The man looked very satisfied and said to the boy who had successfully surpassed Xie Yinci: "You are great, little guy."

He reached out and touched the boy's head, "Then tonight, not only can you enjoy delicious food, but you can also live in a single room with an elegant environment."

The boy's eyes were very bright. He still didn't look as fierce and dead as the wolf-like children here. He still seemed to have a glimmer of hope for the future.

I was transferred away last week and worked as a volunteer for a week. I came back these two days to work overtime to make up for the work I missed last week. I felt like I was going to die. I wanted to quit and die so much.I really don’t want to take this bad class. I will be busier in the next three months of the year. If I stop working, it means that I am working overtime... working overtime... working overtime...

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