Chapter 26 [026] Mental Test

"It seems that the parents and daughters of the time are not as incompetent and cowardly as the rumors say." The blond boy propped his head, with a faint smile on his fair and handsome face.

If Xie Yinci's smile is polite and gentle, then this president has a trace of laziness and warmth.

Shi Jin said: "Give me a mecha, I'll activate it for you to see, it counts as my entrance examination, how about this president?"

After mastering the method of amplifying mental power with electric current, she is already very confident in activating the A-level mecha.

However, she hasn't tried mechas of S-level and above, so insurance is the main thing. The content of the assessment she requested from the president is A-level.

"Okay," the boy smiled, "However, I am not the only one who has the final say on this matter."

He pointed at the three sleepy people next to him, squinted his eyes and said, "You have to wake up all three of them and invigilate the exam together."

Shi Jin shifted his gaze to those people and said, "No problem."

She tried calling a few times at first, but the three of them didn't move at all.

Shi Jin's hearing was sharp, and the fluctuations in the airflow had already reminded her that the three of them had been awake for a long time, and they were just pretending to be asleep.

"One more thing," the blond boy raised his index finger and shook it lightly: "Wake up the three of them, don't make too much noise, don't have physical contact, you have to stand three meters away from the table, otherwise, even The test failed."

Shi Jin: "..."

There is also this kind of gameplay? !
She was a little surprised.

But I saw that the boy was not joking, but really stipulated this way.

Shi Jin pursed his lips and thought for a while.

Don't make too much noise, don't make physical contact, and even control the distance. Is this inappropriate to not allow her to wake up these people in the usual way? !
Then—for this group of interstellar people, is there any way to wake up these three guys who are pretending to be asleep?
Shi Jin glanced at the young man next to him again, who put his hands on his chin, as if he was watching some good show, and when he met Shi Jin's pensive eyes, he showed a cute smile, as if he was teasing the girl what to do at the moment .


Shi Jin sighed twice in his heart.

She finally understood that the president deliberately set the trap.

None of the above methods can be said, the only thing that can affect the people around is the unique spiritual power of interstellar people.

Physical contact is not allowed, and you have to stand at a distance of three meters away, and you can't make loud noises. That properly shows that you need to use your mental power to influence others and play a role in awakening.

However, Shi Jin's current amplified mental power is only aimed at manipulating mechs, so it doesn't work at this moment.

However, for her, it is not only spiritual power that can be used.

To deal with guys who pretend to be asleep, then make them unable to pretend at all.

Shi Jin stood still.

The hand hanging by the side moved its fingers slightly.

Electricity flashed across the fingertips, and in the next second, the three "sleeping" people on the table suddenly sat up in unison, looking terrified after being electrocuted.

"Damn it! I was electrocuted!" The girl with ponytails turned somersaults and moved two meters away from the table, her eyes stunned.

The twin boys also quickly got off the table, as if there was some kind of scourge on the table.

This sudden movement seemed to make the blond boy stunned for a while.

He looked at Shi Jin with some surprise, "Have you used your mental power?"

"Probably." Shi Jin said.

Actually a supernatural power.

Electricity, electricity, who doesn't get excited?
"Liar! That guy's mental power is the same as electric shock?!" The girl with twin ponytails immediately retorted.

The twins nod in agreement.

Shi Jin raised his forehead and said, "Everyone, don't use mental power, do I have other supernatural powers?"


This question directly asked the three of them.

Shi Jin smiled again and said, "Since the three of you are awake, can I take the mecha manipulation test now?"

"..." The girl with twin ponytails looked unhappy, she shifted her gaze to the blond boy, "President, do you really want to recruit new ones?"

The young man sighed: "It can't be helped, we really lack someone who sorts out the data. Classmate Shi Jin, congratulations, you passed."

Shi Jin raised his eyebrows: "No mecha assessment?"

"No, I just wanted to see if your mental power has reached the standard. Those who can release their mental power to affect others from three meters away are generally within the qualified range." After finishing speaking, the boy got up and applauded , with soft brows and a lazy smile: "Welcome Shi Jin, join our Rainforest Exploration Department."

"In the future, let us enjoy the fun of exploration in extracurricular time together."

Although the twin-tailed girl looked awkward, she clapped her hands in the end, "Welcome, but the patriarch of the time, she is obviously a C-level mental power, how can it affect us? Did you use any means to improve it?"

Shi Jin lied and came to Zhangkou: "Probably because my brain was knocked out before, and my mental strength suddenly improved a little because I broke through my Ren and Du two veins."

Girl with two ponytails: "...I'm not an idiot, Shi Jin."

"Let me introduce, her name is Jiang Yuan, my younger sister, the twin brother is Feng Yan, and the younger brother is Feng Yu," the blond boy said with a faint smile on his fair and handsome face, "My name is Jiang Yan, you should have heard that However, Jiang Shichu from the three empires."

From the early days of the empire to the present, there are three ancient families that have been in the upper class of the nobility.

The Jiang family, the Shi family, and the Chu family.

Every generation of the Shi family is excellent, and the Chu family is not bad either. These two families are relatively famous and flamboyant.

But the Jiang family is different. From the previous generation, the Jiang family had the faint intention of withdrawing from the political arena. Up to Jiang Yan's generation, everyone no longer paid much attention to fame and wealth, and preferred to muddle through with Buddhism.

When Shi Jin was reading in the library this morning, he also briefly learned about the three empires.

However, in this era of Queen's centralization of power, the three empires are just a false name left by the ancient nobles.

"Let's go." Jiang Yan picked up his uniform jacket and put it on his body.

Jiang Yuan frowned: "Where are you going?"

The young man smiled: "Celebrate the club's recruitment—it's rare to find students who are also interested in rainforest exploration in an environment of competition and competition. Naturally, we must have a good meal."

Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up when she heard about the delicious food: "Let's go! Brother, what shall we eat?!"

Jiang Yan glanced back at Shi Jin, "Go to the restaurant and order whatever you want."

Shi Jin just wanted to grab a rainforest pass, but the club members were too serious and even held a recruiting banquet for her.

She coughed lightly, a little guilty.

"It just so happens that we are going to go to the rainforest tomorrow morning, Shi Jin, let's go together." Jiang Yan said.

"What are you going to do?" Shi Jin asked.

"Collect some radioactive ores and come back to study. I have been paying attention to that ore for a long time. It is a little different. Some plants growing around it have a tendency to mutate." Jiang Yan explained.

Shi Jin frowned slightly: "Mutation?"

"Yes." The boy sighed, and said quietly: "It's very strange, the plants that have been irradiated have a tendency to eat flesh and blood."

(End of this chapter)

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