Chapter 27 [027] Strange Ore

The end of the earth originated from a meteorite.

The meteorite was huge, and it fell from the high school, causing a volcanic eruption in that area, causing people around to relocate.

Volcanic ash covered the ground, and hot lava flooded the area.

For a long time no one dared to step in.

But just three years after the meteorite fell, the vegetation there recovered, and the plants grew taller and taller, forming a very large-scale forest. The plants were even stronger and more verdant than before the volcanic eruption.

This has attracted many scholars and investigators to study, maybe it is the problem of geological soil, or maybe it is the prosperity brought by the meteorite.Either way, it's something worth researching.

But unexpectedly, all the people who went to that forest disappeared.

A few days later, someone set off to investigate this matter again, and one of them started a live broadcast, intending to record the investigation process.

And they were surprised to find that a previously missing researcher appeared on the straight road leading to the forest.

The missing person's skin was dry, his eyeballs were cloudy, and his body was bumpy, as if he had been bitten by something.

Just as they were about to rescue him, the researcher suddenly opened his foul-smelling mouth, bit off one's ear and chewed it.

The frightening scene made everyone's legs paralyzed in fright.

During the struggle, a video recorder fell from the mutated researcher's pocket, and everyone quickly picked it up, got into the car, and returned the same way.

But the person whose ear was bitten off actually showed some symptoms of discomfort. After returning from the car, he suddenly bit his companion like the researcher just now.

In this case, no one realized the seriousness of the situation until the contents of the video were played.

In less than a month, the end came and the earth fell.

The doomsday tendency that first appeared was the lush growth and mutation of the plants around the meteorite.

They seem to have their own consciousness, and they are extremely thirsty for the flesh and blood of animals.

Human beings' abilities come from being bitten by mutants.

Some people become new mutants, and some people's bodies undergo unexpected evolution.

This may be the selection of the gods, an evolutionary frenzy.

"Has that radioactive ore always existed in the rainforest?" Shi Jin asked with a frown.

Jiang Yan shook his head: "No, it is currently in the F842 area of ​​the rainforest. When we investigated there before, it didn't exist yet. It appeared there very abruptly a month ago."

"That kind of ore is torn apart, as if it fell to the ground after being dropped from a high altitude, but the strange thing is that if there is any movement of a falling object, the academy has already sent people to investigate, but from the time the thing appeared until the In the past month, it seems that no one noticed it, and it was discovered when the community went to the rainforest to collect samples half a month ago."

It's just that the radioactive substances detected by the mecha at that time were too strong, and the current mecha's protection system could not completely resist it, so Jiang Yan and the members returned temporarily.

After entering that area again, the boy was surprised to find that some of the plants around the ore suddenly became taller. Their vines were hanging down at first, but now they were like octopus waving tentacles, attacking the mecha.

Jiang Yuan even found many animal carcasses with only white skeletons around the plants, which were eerie.

Shi Jin asked, "Have you reported this matter to the academy?"

She sounded more and more wrong, as if overlapping with the doomsday in her memory.

"I reported it, but the academy didn't reply." Jiang Yan shrugged, mockingly: "The mecha competition is more important than the abnormality in the rainforest."

"But isn't the final team exam going to the rainforest to perform tasks? If the potential threats are not ruled out, the students are likely to be injured or even killed." Shi Jin said.

Jiang Yan slightly curled her lips, and made an invitation gesture: "So, if Shi Jin has the courage and ability, would you like to go with us to investigate in private?"

 Something has happened in the past two days, try to keep it updated! QAQ is early, I'm catching the train!

(End of this chapter)

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