Chapter 28 [028] Team Training

The investigation time is set for tomorrow morning.

"Log in to the Xingwang training ground tonight, let's add friends and try team PVP. Shi Jin just arrived, and after entering the rainforest, our teamwork is needed in many places." Jiang Yan said.

Jiang Yuan pursed her lips, "The mental strength is only so little, can you log in to Xingwang?"

Jiang Yan asked Shi Jin: "Have you tried to log in before?"

Shi Jin nodded: "I tried it once, so I went to have a look."

The corners of the young man's lips curled up slightly, and his brows were gentle, but there was a bit of joking in those beautiful eyes: "So Shi Jin's mental strength is actually not C-level at all."

"..." Shi Jin denied: "No, the mental strength test is still C-level, but there are auxiliary tools, this is my personal secret, forgive me."

When Jiang Yuan heard it, her face was shocked: "Did you use mental power contraband?!"

Shi Jin: "...That's not true, don't worry, it's all legal."

Jiang Yuan didn't believe it, and swept her up and down.

It was Jiang Yan who finally said softly: "Since Shi Jin has joined the club, we have to trust our teammates, Xiaoyuan."

The young man opened his mouth, and the girl's complexion improved a bit, but the worry in her eyes was still there. She pursed her lips slightly, and said after a while: "Then let's have a look at the Xingwang training ground tonight."

Shi Ye's injury is almost healed, and he will be able to return to the academy in the next few days.

On the way home in the afternoon, Shi Jin sat in the back seat with the young man. She glanced at Shi Ye who was staring at the optical computer screen and carefully watched the replay of today's game, and suddenly asked, "Xiao Ye, do you still have a portable phone at home?" Mecha?"

After hearing this, Shi Ye frowned slightly: "Why are you asking this?"

Shi Jin said, "Play."

"Play?!" The young man showed sarcasm, turned on his poisonous tongue attribute again, and said with a sneer, "The mechas that can be carried with you are basically A-level or above. With your low mental power, is it you playing it or it playing it?" You, that is really unknown."

Shi Jin: "..." Damn you stinky brother.

"Just tell me if you have."

Shi Ye raised his eyebrows: "Yes, the A-level mechas in the warehouse of the training ground can be converted into portable equipment as long as you enter your information. Why, you still want to try?"

"What's wrong?" Shi Jin looked at him amusedly.

Seeing her attitude of not paying attention to A-level mechas, Shi Ye felt a little annoyed, and snorted coldly: "Then you go, I will be your last name if you succeed!"

Shi Jin: "Look at what you said... Thank you for your trust."

"!" Shi Ye suddenly reacted: "..."

He opened his mouth and wanted to stab her a few more times, but seeing Shi Jin's smiling expression, he couldn't come out with the shocking words that came to his lips.

I don't know how to describe it, but Shi Ye found that Shi Jin has become really big recently.

In the past, I didn't like socializing, I hated talking to others, and I was very resistant to mechs and going to school.

But now girls not only like to smile and be generous, they even show a little curiosity about the annoying things around them, and they start to be willing to try.

Shi Ye hated Shi Jin in the past. Sometimes he also hoped that this guy with the name of the eldest daughter would be a little bit more uplifting and useful, so that he would not be ridiculed by others every time his family appeared at a banquet: "Why is your eldest daughter?" Didn't come... Oh I forgot, she was timid, hahaha."

Shi Jin is a disgrace to the Shi family, if she can work harder, her family's attitude towards her will not be too bad.

Shi Jin himself is unwilling to work hard, he is dull and timid all day long, as if he has lost his soul, cowardly, and loves to slow down others.

This also made it impossible for Shi's family to see something good about her.

After dinner, Shi Jin went to the training ground of the mansion.

Going to the rainforest tomorrow, I naturally need a mecha that can be carried with me.

Although the popularity of the previous red and white mecha video has faded a lot, it is still recommended on the homepage, so Shi Jin wants to get a new mecha.

She scanned around the observation deck on the second floor, and suddenly saw an A-level mecha that was similar in appearance to Feitu. It had a dark golden body, and the color was not as bright as other mechas, but it had a low-key and luxurious beauty.

Shi Jin moved it to the field through the console, and then climbed into the cabin.

Shi Ye is in the bedroom at this point. Tonight the boy will undergo the last re-examination of the treatment equipment. If there is no problem, he will fully recover tomorrow.

So he will not come to the training ground.

The dark gold mech feels different to the touch.

Shi Jin injects mental power and mobilizes his abilities. The moment the current intensifies, the value of mental power also reaches the activation point.

The same network connection information pop-up window as last time popped up, and appeared in front of Shi Jin's eyes-【Mecha has been detected to be activated, do you want to enter the Xingwang training ground? 】

She clicked to enter, and her vision changed instantly!

Turning around again, Shi Jin had arrived at the initial square of the training ground.

It was as crowded as before.

The big screen seemed to be showing the top few PVP battles from morning to night, Shi Jin glanced at it and then looked away.

She searched for the team information that Jiang Yan gave her during the day in the column of the friend box, and after entering the five characters [Rainforest Exploration Department], a club really appeared in front of her.

Application sent.

The information passed over there was returned almost in seconds.

Then the blue light electronic screen ejected an invitation message from the president Jiang Yan—[The head of the Rainforest Exploration Department invited you to participate in the team PVP, do you accept it? 】

Timing Click OK.

In the next second, her body began to be transmitted like data. When she opened her eyes again, Shi Jin had already returned to the cockpit of the mecha, and in front of her eyes, the remaining four different mechas also appeared!

[Team PVP is about to start, and teammate communication is being connected. 】

The moment the electronic broadcast sound disappeared, the faces of Jiang Yan and others suddenly appeared in the blue void in front of Shi Jin, like a video call in a group chat.

"Good evening, classmate Shi Jin." The boy's eyebrows were gentle, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his voice was soft like a spring breeze.

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised, she didn't expect Shi Jin to be able to log into the training ground of

The Feng Yan twins were not surprised. After a simple greeting, they were speechless.

Shi Jin said: "I haven't played the team's PVP yet, can you briefly introduce it to me before we start?"

Jiang Yan explained patiently: "It's very simple. Before starting, the system will randomly select a map—wasteland, desert, rainforest, or abandoned city. .”

"During the game, in addition to fighting the enemy's mechs, you also have to be careful of the native monsters on the map. If the whole army is wiped out, or if the field flag is taken away, it will be considered a failure."

Shi Jin roughly understood it, and it was somewhat similar to the MOBA games he had played before, except this time he was playing from the No.1 perspective.

"Then have our opponents been matched?" she asked.

After the voice fell, a pop-up window popping up with a successful match suddenly popped up.

However, what surprised everyone was that the opponent displayed above was named Kervey.

 Happy Friday everyone!The update is not stable during this period, I am very sorry, try to adjust the time of the three-dimensional QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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