Chapter 29 [029] Rainforest Exploration

The moment Jiang Yuan saw this name, her face turned pale.

Apparently she also knew what the team stood for.

" about giving up the match and choosing another one?" Jiang Yuan asked dryly.

He cast a look of help at Jiang Yan.

Brother Feng Yan also frowned slightly, thinking that the team's running-in PVP doesn't need such a strong opponent.

Jiang Yan saw what they meant, and kept the corners of his lips curved. He didn't respond to the three of them for the time being, but looked at Shi Jin and asked, "If the opponent is Kervey's team, can Shi Jin do it?"

Shi Jin wanted to listen to other people's opinions, but Jiang Yan suddenly handed over the choice to her, which made people a little tangled.

For a strong opponent, she is a little eager to try, but looking at the expressions of that girl Jiang Yuan and Feng Yan brother, it seems that she is not willing.

There is still a five-second countdown, and the end of the countdown is not confirmed, so it should be cancelled.

So in the end she thought about it and said, "Why don't you just forget it? It's just a running-in, and you really don't need a difficult opponent."

However, as soon as the voice fell, the match confirmation countdown sent out a reminder: [The match countdown is over, since it has not been selected, the system has confirmed it by default, and the match is about to start——]

Four people: "..." Oh, Huo.

Jiang Yan, on the other hand, smiled indifferently and comforted them: "It's okay, friendship comes first, competition comes second."

Shi Jin: "..."

But if there is Miss Ling Shuang among the opponents, it is probably not friendship first, but life and death.

Fortunately, they knew that Kervi's team members were Xie Yin, but the other party didn't know their identities.

Shi Jin had to cover his vest, otherwise Miss Ling Shuang would find out and chase him to death?That's so annoying.

Jiang Yuan's face was ashen, but she still insisted on finishing this round of PVP.

As the words that the game is about to start appeared in the pop-up window in front of them, the vision of the five people changed again.

This time the map is the rainforest, and the virtual map is a projection of reality, and this is also Jiang Yan's purpose—to let Shi Jin adapt to the rainforest environment.

The moment he opened his eyes, there seemed to be wind in his ears.

Shi Jin frowned slightly, the sunlight from above the rainforest was a bit glaring.

There are large green leaves in front of you. The broad leaves and towering tree trunks seem to make you step into the Amazon jungle in an instant.

Those vines are very thick and hang down high, as if they have a history of many years.

Shi Jin controlled the mecha and looked around. Jiang Yuan and the others were beside her. Behind the five of them, there was a towering tower surrounded by glass on all sides. There was an electronic flag standing there, bright red and very beautiful.

Jiang Yan's voice suddenly came from the ear, and the handsome boy explained with a smile: "That is the flag we want to protect. If it is taken away by the opponent, we will directly lose the game."

Shi Jin's eyes were serious and he said: "Understood, I must obey the command of the captain and try my best to protect it!"

Jiang Yan smiled: "That's not necessary, you don't need to protect the flag."

Shi Jin: "Why?"

The young man said: "The troops are divided into two groups. Feng Yan and Feng Yu are in charge of guarding the tower. You, me, and Xiao Yuan, the three of us will go to capture the flag."

Jiang Yuan frowned when she heard this, looked at Jiang Yan and said, "Brother, Shi's parents and daughters have never played team PVP before. Would it be too hasty to let her follow us to capture the flag? Tomorrow we will explore the rainforest There is only one data collector missing, she can stay in place and wait for the data transmission."

In other words, she doesn't want Shi Jin to go with her to capture the flag, it's better to let the girl stay and guard the tower.

Jiang Yan said lazily and casually: "It is precisely because I am a newcomer that I have to practice. Even if I lose, it's okay. The most important thing is the process. Let Shi Jin familiarize himself with the environment of the rainforest. In this way, if there is any problem on the way, she We can also help you in a timely manner.”

After Jiang Yuan heard this, even though she was still a little dissatisfied, she didn't know what to refute.

The overhead preparation time ended, and the two brothers Feng Yan and Feng Yu were in charge of exploring around the tower and guarding the tower.

Jiang Yan activated the mecha, and the boy's casual expression finally became a little serious at this moment, "Then, if there is no problem—let's go."

"Rainforest Exploration Department?" Ling Shuang looked at the name and frowned slightly: "The newly-built club is not yet listed on the team leaderboard. How did it match?"

"The system doesn't make matches entirely based on points." Shi Zhu pushed his glasses, and the young man explained in a calm and flat voice, "As long as the mental strength of the five members of the team meets the level of all A-level mechas, they can be randomly matched. "

Although there is a team with all S-level mechas, the upper limit of the system is A, so the matching mechanism is always a little unfair.

"Do you need water later?" Shi Yan asked suddenly.

The handsome young man standing still inside the mech with a smile on his face shook his head, his voice was soft but gentle: "No need."

Xie Yinci stared at the name of the enemy captain with a gentle expression, but the light in his eyes was a little cold: "Jiang Yan is not an opponent who can be underestimated."

 Happy Labor day! !good night, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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