Chapter 30 [030] The Battle Begins

Game start--!
Among the lush and towering forests, when the bell on the arena rang, three mechas of different shapes rushed out.

The mechas of Jiang Yan and Jiang Yuan should be exclusive, not only the shape and appearance are very recognizable, but even the material of the exterior panels looks very tall.

In comparison, Shi Jin's ordinary A-level mechas are much cheaper.

The mecha's weapons were simply loaded with two lightsabers and a cannon barrel. She checked the number of cannonballs, and there were only three.

Sure enough, it is for training. In the training ground, you don't need too much ammunition.

"How much does Shi Jin know about the members of Kervey?" Jiang Yan suddenly asked with a smile.

The mechs shuttled through the dense forest at an extremely fast speed, and the three were side by side, heading towards the designated route.

Hearing the boy's question, Shi Jin replied, "Just the students from the Student Union."

"Yeah, your younger brother Shiji and younger sister Shiyan are also here, do you want them to put some water on you later?"

Shi Jin: "...That's not necessary, besides, I don't really want the other party to know who I am."

"Why?" Jiang Yan asked: "We're all classmates, so in fact, there won't be conflicts in reality because of a virtual game."

Shi Jin: "..."

This is not because of the competition, after all, the conflict with Ling Shuang has been very deep before.

She honestly told the other four people the reason.

Jiang Yuan was shocked when she heard this: "She fired directly at you who didn't have a mecha at that time?!"

Shi Jin nodded, "Yeah, so she probably hates me very much. If she knew that I was in the Exploration Department, she would definitely be targeted to death."

"It's too much!" Jiang Yuan frowned, with a bit of displeasure appearing between her brows, "You can report this kind of thing directly to the inspection team, and they will deal with it. Anyway, use mechas to attack flesh and blood. It's all against school rules!"

"However, two or three days have passed now, and there is no surveillance in that place. Can the inspection team believe what I say?" Shi Jin asked.

The smile on Jiang Yan's lips was helpless: "It's not a question of whether you believe it or not, Shi Jin, even if what you said is true, the inspection team will not punish Ling Shuang."

This is the truth.

Compared with a grade-C repetition trash with mental power and a genius mecha girl with S-level mental power, the latter must be easier to be sheltered.

"Then you can only swallow this dumb loss yourself?" Jiang Yuan's tone was still aggrieved.

Shi Jin said: "It's okay, the past is the past."

After all, she wasn't at a disadvantage, except that she was a little bit embarrassed when she was dodging the laser cannon, and it was nothing, besides, it was Ling Shuang who was struck by the electric shock behind.

Jiang Yuan wanted to say something more, but Jiang Yan suddenly interrupted her—"The chat is over, Xiao Yuan, start the investigation mode."

Jiang Yuan immediately stopped talking, pursed her lips, and responded seriously: "Yes!"

Her mecha is of the type that is biased towards scouting and walking.

In the subordinate classification of mechs, there are transport type, main attack type, auxiliary defense type and reconnaissance type.

Generally, a team will be equipped with two main attackers, two assistants and one reconnaissance.

However, Shijin is the main attacker, which leads to a non-standard configuration of the team.

She worries about whether the non-traditional configuration will affect the team.

Jiang Yan seemed to see her worry, and comforted her with a smile: "Don't worry—Xie Yinci and his group are all the main attackers."

Shi Jin: "..."

Is this equivalent to the output of all five players in a MOBA game? ?
"By the way, classmate Jiang Yan, in terms of reconnaissance, what aspects are you mainly responsible for?" She didn't know much about team reconnaissance, so it was obviously more convenient to ask directly now than to find information to learn later.

Jiang Yan explained patiently, and his eyes did not forget to be alert to the wind and grass around him: "The initial reconnaissance is mainly responsible for setting up monitoring landmarks, ambush circles, and the main battle area, and also planning and formulating plans to avoid native monsters in the rainforest, as well as monitoring them. actions so as not to be entangled."

Shi Jin had never seen the native monsters of the rainforest before, so she thought for a while and asked, "So in reality, do the native monsters of the rainforest exist?"

Jiang Yan shook his head: "It doesn't exist, it's just some large carnivorous animals wandering around. It won't be as scary as the map of the Xingwang training ground."

It turned out to be the case.

As soon as the boy's voice fell, the blue light screen in front of him began to show the images monitored by the monitoring landmarks.

Every time a place is successfully set, a new screen will be displayed.

Jiang Yan stopped talking, and said to Shi Jin: "Xiaoyuan's monitoring has responded. At three o'clock, the estimated distance is 500 meters. There is a large object approaching rapidly. Classmate Shi Jin, take cover first."

Shi Jin nodded, activated the stealth mode of the mecha, changed its appearance and color, and hid itself among the green leaves and bushes like a chameleon.

After 20 seconds, the alarm transmitted back from the monitoring landmark became louder and louder.

Shi Jin raised his eyes, and suddenly saw a dazzling golden mecha rushing from the three o'clock position. She had seen that mecha before, and it ranked fourth on the ranking list.

"An Suyu." Jiang Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and his voice was deep and magnetic, and it was transmitted to Shi Jin's ears: "It turns out that it is that idiot who likes to show off. He is better at close combat and likes to fight alone."

The boy smiled, "Student Shi Jin, this is our best breakthrough."

Good at close combat, like to fight alone...

Shi Jin's eyes lit up: "Really? Then leave it to me!"

"Can you?" Jiang Yan asked.

"Of course, I also like melee 1V1."

1Vn had already vomited in the doomsday, and she really liked this kind of fairer heads-up duel.

A young man with cool red hair is galloping among the dense forests. He looks good, with ear piercings on his ears and pointed eyes, giving him a delicate beauty.

A girl's slightly indifferent face appeared on the blue light screen floating next to his cheeks. The girl frowned slightly and said dissatisfiedly: "An Suyu, you acted without authorization at the beginning of the game. You always underestimate the enemy like this, and you will always be at a disadvantage. .”

"Student Shi Yan, it's not that I underestimate the enemy, it's that you are too cautious and dare not rush." ​​An Suyu raised his eyebrows, and he didn't care about the girl's reminder, "I heard about the Rainforest Exploration Department in the college, it's just a pension club , without deploying the device."

"So what if there is a ginger banquet? Can't I find the people who are on their orders to defeat them one by one?"

The young man spoke confidently, and did not pay attention to the Rainforest Exploration Department.

Just after his mecha entered a new area, the blue light screen in front of him suddenly flickered twice, and then an alarm sounded——

[It is detected that there are large objects around, please prepare for the battle. 】

An Suyu was stunned, and a eager smile suddenly appeared on that pretty face. He raised his eyes, slowed down his forward speed, and murmured in a low voice: "We met so soon..."

There was the sound of broad leaves being blown by the wind.

His speed slowed down a little more, his eyes froze, and the smile on his lips remained unchanged. When a gust of swift wind suddenly blew behind him, the boy immediately dodged sideways, and in the next second, he summoned a laser shield to block it directly. That hit!
The dark golden mecha came into view, and An Suyu raised his eyebrows. It was just an ordinary A-level machine, and even the laser knife used was of ordinary training quality.

The red-haired boy's left hand is a shield. After blocking the attack of the dark gold mecha, his remaining right arm suddenly ejected a higher-quality laser knife, and slashed towards the opponent!

Seeing this, Shi Jin took a few steps back to avoid An Suyu's attack.

A red light flashed, and the affected broad leaves burst into flames.

The injection device on the bottom of the mecha activated again, and she summoned the light knife in the other arm. She did not have a shield, so Shi Jin could only choose to use offense as defense.

 Good night! ~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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