Chapter 36 [036] Reinforcement Arrives

A mech without a weapon is equivalent to having no left hand and right arm.

No matter how powerful the fighting skills are, the shell can hardly withstand the blow of the light saber.

Shi Jin could only dodge Shi Zhu's attack, trying to find some other way to counterattack.

Jiang Yan noticed something wrong with the girl's expression on the blue screen, and asked with concern, "Did something happen?"

Shi Jin said: "It's nothing, it's just that this kid Shi Jue is very clever and knows how to destroy weapons to affect my attack."

The corners of Jiang Yan's lips twitched slightly: "Isn't that common sense? In a duel, destroying the weapons mounted on the mecha is also a means of winning, just like you tear someone's head and destroy your vision."

Shi Jin: "..."

Jiang Yan asked again: "Do you need my help?"

"No need." Shi Jin said with a smile: "You should stay at the beam, so far I can handle it, if Ling Shuang and Xiao Yan are really lured here, if you make a surprise attack again, won't you just kill them all in one go?"

"Okay. I believe in you, classmate Shi Jin." Jiang Yan's voice was like a spring breeze, deep and gentle, and he himself was like a warm winter sun, so it was very comfortable to get along with.

Since there are no weapons, create weapons.

When Shi Jin raised his eyes again, seriousness and sharpness appeared in the dark pupils.

She manipulated the mech and rushed forward, Shi Jue pushed the glasses, and the lightsaber shot out instantly, slashing towards Shi Jin's head!

Unexpectedly, the opponent's speed suddenly increased by more than one level, as if it was just an appetizer before, and now she has moved a little bit for real.

After controlling the current for a long time, even the body can be as fast as lightning.

Obviously, she was still out of breath when she avoided the attack of Lingshuang's artillery fire, but now Shi Jin found that her body was getting closer and closer to her physical fitness when she was on Earth.

Shi Ju was taken aback, his eyes widened slightly.

It was just a moment of dullness - the wind passing by his ear seemed to have really blown onto his skin, bringing a little coolness.

When he came back to his senses, the dark golden A-level mecha had already restrained the mechanical arm that ejected the light knife.

It was tightly clamped, as if it was nailed to death by something, and it was difficult to move.

The boy had never been flustered before, but at this moment, for the first time, he felt the hairy feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake.

The heart, which was beating at a constant speed, suddenly accelerated a bit.

The gold-rimmed glasses cast a slightly cold light, reflecting on the boy's brows.

He immediately mobilized the barrel on his shoulder, trying to force his opponent to let go.

However, before he could fire the cannon, the joint connecting the arm and the shoulder was suddenly torn off in the hands of the dark golden mecha!
After pulling the head with bare hands, Shi Jin launched a new skill - tearing the arms with bare hands!


The metal shattered and the current tube disconnected!

The left hand of the blue tiger mecha was forcibly torn apart, and sparks and electric currents were emitted from the fracture. The mecha, which lost gravity, shifted to the right, and it was extremely astonishing. Although the feet subconsciously stabilized the figure, but He still crashed into the thick tree next to him!

Shi Jin grabbed the left arm of the blue tiger mecha that ejected the lightsaber, pulled out the area connecting the blade directly on it, and held it in his hand, as if he was holding the hilt of a sword tightly.

Time to destroy her lightsaber, she took away the boy's lightsaber, wouldn't it be fairer?
With the weapon, Shi Jin no longer delays time.

She started the propeller, the soles of her feet were blown by wind, she raised the lightsaber in her hand, and slashed at the blue tiger mecha.

Shi Zhu's reaction was also very quick, he quickly adjusted his state from the astonishment, no matter how surprised he was, he couldn't get confused.

Losing one arm, he still has another arm, and the shield ejected from his right hand, blocking Shi Jin's attack.

The young man's breathing quickened. He was excited, nervous, and perhaps even a little scared.

It was the first time he met an opponent who operated like this.

The whole process of melee combat, shell interference, not only speed but also strength, are all extremely superior people.

To be able to appear in the Xingwang training ground in the college area, it must be a student in the college
But who is it?
Which grade?
If so, why haven't I heard of such a similar existence?

When Shi Zhu activated the loaded laser cannon, Shi Jin went one step faster, swung the lightsaber and directly hit the beam so that it changed the direction of the jet.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, preparing to end the duel with the next sword strike.

But the freezing light beaming from a distance disturbed her thoughts!

Wherever the frozen light passed, the plants and trees became ice sculptures.

Shi Jin was slightly stunned, looked sideways, and then his eyes lit up!
Finally—Ling Shuang and Shi Yan rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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