Chapter 37 [037] The time of elimination

Shi Jin suddenly withdrew. It seemed that the two had agreed to a duel, and suddenly one of them found foreign aid, while the other was forced to flee.

Shi Yan came to Shi Zhu's side, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The young man's breathing quickened a little, and the tension that he was almost cut off by the dark golden mecha just now still lingered in his mind, which made people feel lingering.

Shi Jiu adjusted himself, stretched out his hand to push the gold-rimmed glasses, a bit of coldness appeared on Qing Jun's face.

Eyes raised slightly, looking in the direction the other party left, with a gloomy expression.

——That was a formidable opponent.

From the battle just now, he was able to realize very clearly that if the opponent used a mecha of the same quality as his own, he would not be able to survive three moves.

"Do you want to chase?" Shi Yan asked with a frown.

That guy ran away just like that. Being able to push Shi Jue to this point shows that his strength should not be underestimated, but why did he run so fast after they arrived?

But Shi Yan had already got the answer before he could speak out the question in his heart.

The position of the three of them suddenly trembled!
Shi Zhen was startled, and estimated his current position and the range of the cannon in the ambush area in his mind, and then he was the first to react.

The boy suddenly shouted sharply—"Hide!"

The moment the voice fell, shells and light beams fired from the southwest attacked the center in the blink of an eye!

Shi Yan's eyes widened, and he immediately manipulated Feitu to jump high into the sky, avoiding the light cannons that were parallel to the ground.

Ling Shuang and Shi Zhui also activated the propellers on the soles of their feet very quickly, deflecting to both sides. Although they didn't completely avoid it, they also avoided most of the shock waves.

"Why didn't you say it earlier in the ambush area?!" Ling Shuang said angrily.

Shi Zhu's eyes darkened, "I was unknowingly introduced into the range by the opponent, and I only reacted when I felt the vibration from the cannon."

No wonder that guy ran so fast after Shiyan Lingshuang arrived.

"In short, get out of range now to avoid being attacked again." Shi Yan said calmly.

The three of them were about to evacuate temporarily, but when they turned around, a flash of saber light that was as fast as lightning rushed out from the dense forest!
The dark golden mecha held a lightsaber and slashed fiercely towards the blue tiger mecha that lost an arm in the middle. It was so fast that people could hardly react. The protective plate on the back of the blue tiger was cut off!

Shi Jing was astonished, he never thought that the opponent would dare to show up and attack in the presence of two teammates.

The young man was about to make a shield with his right hand, but he was one step too late, and the sharp and hot lightsaber pierced his heart from the back!

The current went berserk in an instant, but it wasn't over yet. I saw the opponent swipe fiercely upwards, and this S-class blue tiger mech was cut upwards from the heart by its own top-quality lightsaber—— In two halves!

Not only Shi Jiu, even Shi Yan and Ling Shuang were stunned by this scene.

In the past, mech battles basically ended with destroying the cockpit and destroying the control center.

Who would have thought that someone would use such a cruel method to make the mecha missing arms and legs, or even cut it in half.

"Shi Jue!!" Shi Yan shouted, but he couldn't stand the ending of the boy being eliminated.

Shi Zhu gritted his teeth slightly, "Be careful! This time——we underestimated the enemy."

The blue tiger mecha disappeared in place, and it should have been sent to the viewing area.

It's just that the contestants can only see their own team when watching the game, and there is no way to see the overall situation.

After eliminating Shi Jiu, Shi Jin turned around and ran away.

She often used that trick just now in the end of the day. In the early stage, zombies would not die unless their heads were destroyed. In the later stage, some mutants need to attack specific weaknesses, some are the heart, some are the brain, and some are the eyes.

So Shi Jin will try every weakness.

She thought that Yan Lingshuang would chase after her when she was angry, but she underestimated the rationality of those two girls.

Shi Jin wanted to lure people to the fire center in the ambush area, but Shi Yan and the others were not fooled.

——Melancholy, if only Miss Ling Shuang could think calmly like this in the real world.

At least she won't be like a crazy woman thinking that she still covets Xie Yinci, and finally has to teach her a lesson.

Kervey has eliminated two so far.

The broadcast room in the square was already full of people.

This kind of team PVP will automatically play the overall battle situation and watch it from a third-person perspective.

He never expected that Kervey, who ranked first in points, would be the first to lose two people in a match where the average mech level was only A-level!
"Just kidding! Who is the other side? Rainforest Exploration Department? I haven't heard of this name!"

"It's time to focus on An Suyu! Ahh, the second and fourth place in the rankings, how could he be eliminated so easily?!"

"When did such a strong guy appear in the academy? Could he have tampered with the mecha? It's not like there are no cheats to change the strength and speed of the mecha in the training ground!"

"Okay, don't always cheat and cheat. If there is cheating, do you think the supervisor won't find out?"

The square was full of voices and discussions were endless.

Someone checked the ranking of the Rainforest Exploration Department, and found that it was just a team that had not been registered for a long time, and one of the club members joined today.

The man's name was chosen very casually, the simple word "Jinbo", but there was no other information, and the mecha registration was only an A-level mecha.

Shi Jin didn't know that someone was picking her up outside the venue.

After Jiang Yuan finished her ambush area, she began to sneak into the opponent's area to detect and destroy artillery fire.

She was careful, and after destroying one of the beam cannons that had been set up earlier, a sudden wind sound came from her ear!
Jiang Yuan's heart tightened, and she immediately turned on the stealth mode to a state of absolute concealment.

There was no difference between the color on the shell of the mecha and the green leaves of the surrounding trees. She used the surrounding environment to cover herself, and held her breath to observe the surrounding situation quietly.

The sound of the wind died away quickly, as if something wandering nearby had left.

Jiang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to her brother through the blue light screen: "The northern beam cannon in the ambush area opposite has been destroyed. I'm going to the northeast corner now."

Hearing her voice, Jiang Yan warned, "The northeast corner is close to the F-126 area. There are alien monsters wandering there. You'd better pay attention."

"Don't worry!" Jiang Yuan raised her lips arrogantly: "My mecha is a chameleon, and it will never be discovered by people or monsters!"

"Don't take it lightly." Jiang Yan reminded her: "Shi Jiu set up one of the beam cannons in the northeast corner. He took the risk to set it up. Naturally, it won't be destroyed so easily."

"Shall I go with you?" Shi Jin suggested.

Jiang Yuan shook her head and refused: "No, you are the main attacker. You want to capture the flag with my brother. If you follow me to remove weapons, what if my brother is besieged by Ling Shuang and Shi Yan?"

She is very concerned about the division of labor between the teams, and she is unwilling to break this feeling of performing their duties.

(End of this chapter)

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