Chapter 40 [040] Dispute in the forest

"She should go to our next fort to set up now," Ling Shuang said with cold eyes, "then start with her first."

"But she may not be alive now." Shi Yan recalled the screen that Shijiu had sent her earlier, and there were seven or eight long-legged savages wandering around at the edge of the F-125.

Ling Shuang was slightly stunned, and then a clear smile appeared on her red lips: "It turns out that there is a nest of savages in the northeast corner."

The explosion will definitely attract the attention of those guys. Once they are noticed by the sharp eyes on their heads, even a chameleon will have difficulty escaping.

The two are planning to break into the ambush area on the opposite side again. Even if it is a full output mecha, they will retain some reconnaissance systems.

In this way, even if someone is missing in the team, another person can be directly replaced.

After An Suyu was eliminated, it was Shi Jiu, and Shi Yan was in charge of this work after Shi Jiu was eliminated.

"The area is so big, and we don't have enough manpower now. If reconnaissance and attack go hand in hand, I hope there will be no more differences between the two of us in the future." Shi Yan's voice was cold and his tone was indifferent.

Ling Shuang was noncommittal to Shi Yan's words, she had never had much affection for Shi's family, especially Shi Jin, "I hope, as long as you don't hold me back like your good-for-nothing elder sister, I won't lose my temper on purpose."

"It seems that Miss Ling Shuang still doesn't understand what unity is." Shi Yan said.

"...What do you mean?" Ling Shuang frowned slightly, she could hear the irony in the other party's words.

In the next second, a laser knife suddenly appeared in front of her!The red light of Feitu's sword body was scorching hot, and that move was as fast as lightning, making Ling Shuang gasp.

Shi Yan's words of warning came to my ears: "No matter how trash Shi Jin is, she is also the daughter of Shi's patriarch. I can't allow you to talk about her. Before you troubled her, I don't think it was too much for President Xie's face." After all, Shi Jin was the one who pestered him first, but that doesn't mean you can offend her one after another in front of me."

She had been a little impatient with Shi Jin before, because she didn't like her cowardly appearance.But the last time when Shi Jin came to cheer her up in a cheerleading uniform with confidence and flamboyance, although it looked embarrassing, it was rare to show a non-cowardly look.

Anyway, she is also the daughter of the elders of the time, so what is it to be submissive in front of others?And it's not the turn of other people to make irresponsible remarks.

Ling Shuang didn't pay attention to Shi Yan's warning at all. The girl snorted coldly and narrowed her eyes slightly: "What? A cowardly guy who can only embarrass the family, do you really think of her as your sister? Really caring, you How dare you let Shi Ju and Shi Ye target her for so long?"

"...are they targeting her?"

Ling Shuang seemed to have heard a joke: "You can't see it?!"

The laughter was even more mocking, "Shi Yan, don't accuse me with righteous words. In terms of bullying, how can you give as much as your own members of the Shi family? Besides, you really care about her. Just go to her class and you will know How did that guy Chu Yan bully her on weekdays... Oh yes, how can a person like you who concentrates on studying and training and doesn't listen to things outside the window take the initiative to care about the life of that trash?"

Shi Yan wanted to say something more, but at this moment a loud noise from the east suddenly interrupted the dispute between the two.

Surprised, Ling Shuang called up the area map, but saw that the fixed-point cannon in the eastern corner had also extinguished the signal light!
"Could it be that - that chameleon didn't die in the siege of savages?!" She felt incredible, even if she encountered so many savages, it would be very difficult to escape unscathed.

"Shiyan, let's put aside our grievances first," Ling Shuang said coldly: "Now is a competition, don't bring your personal emotions into it."

Shi Yan didn't respond, obviously he didn't want to pay attention, but the mecha still turned around and rushed towards the next fort point, hoping to find the chameleon before it was destroyed and eliminate her!

"Ah!" Shi Jin suddenly sneezed.

Hearing her voice, Jiang Yuan asked, "Have you caught a cold?"

"No," she shook her head, "it's just a sudden itchy nose. I always feel that someone is discussing me behind my back."

"You are overthinking." Jiang Yuan said.

"No, my sixth sense is very accurate." Shi Jin smiled, "The movement was quite loud just now, and I think people will come to our place soon."

Jiang Yuan said: "Currently the entire fort in the northeast has been destroyed, you can safely and boldly fight a duel in their ambush area."

"Then where are we going now?" Shi Jin asked.

"I'll send you my brother's location, you go and meet him, and I'll go deeper to investigate. We are currently the upper hand in this match. I never thought that one day we would be able to win in Kervey's hands." It's been so long." Jiang Yuan's tone was full of complacency, her nose almost turned up to the sky.

Her personality is indeed a bit like a child, but she is also very reliable when she should be serious and calm.

"Okay." Shi Jin nodded, "Can I do it by myself?"

Jiang Yuan said: "As long as there are no alien monsters, I will never be caught by others!"

(End of this chapter)

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