Chapter 41 [041] The Eagle in the Sky

Shi Jin: "..."

The flag stood up and flew up.

She suddenly became a little worried.

However, Jiang Yuan's appearance was full of confidence, so she could only say: "Okay, then you should be careful."

Jiang Yuan gave her a thumbs up to show she received it.

The twin ponytails swayed slightly as the girl turned around.

The chameleon hid among the bushes in the next second, Shi Jin was slightly stunned, but he couldn't find any more traces.

Jiang Yan's coordinates were sent to Shi Jin's blue-ray screen, and the young man's voice reached her ears at this time, "If the forts in the east area are cleared, now is the best time for us to attack directly."

"I'm here to find you!" Shi Jin said.

"It's okay, just wait for me at the same place." Jiang Yan's lips curled slightly, "Your position is closer to Kervey's tower, so don't waste energy."

"Your sister Jiang Yuan went to explore again by herself. Is it really not necessary for me to follow this time?"

The young man smiled: "Shi Yan and Miss Ling Shuang will be attracted by the news of the destruction of the fort, and Xie Yinci is guarding the tower again. If you don't get close to F-126, there will be no danger, so behind Xiaoyuan, there should be It's going to be smooth sailing, don't worry."

From the north area to the northeast corner, the place where the fort was set up was shrouded in clouds and mist. It was the thick smoke from the flames and lasers burning the trees, and there were bursts of burnt smell in the air.

Ling Shuang stared at the long-legged savage corpses scattered all over the ground, her pupils flickered, and she pursed her lips slightly: "... Chameleon, does she have such great ability?"

"Looking at the incisions on the stumps and corpses, you should know that the scout didn't do it, idiot." Shi Yan said bluntly.

Ling Shuang stared at her coldly: "Are you really going to quarrel with me about your useless sister?"

"Is this a quarrel? I'm just telling the truth. Could it be that Ling Shuang is too sensitive?" Shi Yan responded lightly.

"You—" Ling Shuang's eyes widened, revealing a sullen expression. She seldom gains the upper hand in words, so she prefers gunfire and strength. Those who can beat the ground will never speak too much. If she can, she will do it now He wanted to have a duel with Shi Yan, but in a team game, the partners couldn't fight each other.

"Let's go, our Eastern District has already fallen. The next two main attackers on the opposite side want to attack the tower directly. Now I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore."

After Shi Yan finished speaking, he took the lead in turning the direction of the mecha, and quickly moved towards the place close to the control tower.

Feitu's gliding speed on the ground was like a gust of wind, and the broad leaves blown by it made a rustling sound. Ling Shuang endured this breath, and the white bird mecha spread its mechanical wings, followed closely in the narrower forest. Speeding on the trail.

A road leading directly to the control tower was planned by Jiang Yuan. This road can perfectly avoid all sirens, and it takes about three to ten minutes.

In this way, it was difficult for the surveillance to detect Jiang Yan and Shi Jin's positions in their own ambush area.

There are still forts in Kervey's west area, but there is no need for reconnaissance and clearing of that area for the time being, and the road to the east is enough for two people to fight to the tower.

Jiang Yuan is very satisfied with her work efficiency. When she enters the military reconnaissance station in the future, she will definitely become the top leader there!

The girl parked the chameleon under a very tall giant tree, using its broad leaves and hanging vines to cover her figure.

The current location is a bit dangerous, because it is very close to Kervey's control tower, which means that she is only a few kilometers away from Xie Yinci.

Jiang Yuan marked the route that would not trigger the alarm on the map of the entire Eastern District, and then transmitted it to Shi Jin and Jiang Yan.

The transmission took a minute, and she stretched, trying to relax a little.

The sun shines through the green leaves, bringing the laziness and tranquility of the afternoon.

Jiang Yuan felt that this kind of weather was very suitable for taking a nap.

But suddenly.

Mishaps happen!

The wind blows in the ear, and the surrounding atmosphere is filled with a strange calm.

Jiang Yuan stretched her waist halfway, and her body stiffened immediately!

She stared wide-eyed, and when she came back to her senses, the silver knife light had already flashed, cutting off the chameleon from the middle!
Without even giving people any time to think and react, the mechanical electronic announcement sounded in Jiang Yuan's ears——

[Player Jiang Yuan has lost her ability to move and has been eliminated from the game. 】

"!" The last thing she saw was a tall, cold mech figure as swift as an eagle in the sky!
Suddenly, a person appeared in his mind.

Mecha silver blade long eagle.

That is - Xie, Yin, Ci.

 There is another chapter tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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