Chapter 42 [042] Fighting against each other

Shi Jin found a place under a big tree with many broad leaves and waited for Jiang Yan to come and join him.

Although his expression was relaxed, he still maintained his vigilance after so many years of crawling and rolling in the doomsday.

Her body is getting more and more compatible with the original owner, except that she didn't adapt to it in the first two days, but now it is exactly the same as in her previous life.

While waiting, Shi Jin observed the environment around the rainforest.

It was three o'clock in the morning, and the mental body was in the Xingwang training ground, but the real world was a quiet night.

She doesn't feel sleepy at the moment, maybe she's having fun.

nervous excitement.

The blue screen that was lit in front of her showed Jiang Yan's location, and the little blue dot was rapidly approaching her, and she would be there in 2 minutes.

Shi Jin was about to move his seat a little, but suddenly a wind came from his ear.

The wind is the easiest in the forest.

But the wind was fierce.

Shi Jin narrowed his eyes, immediately turned on the thrusters on his feet, and turned sideways to avoid the missile that was attacking him!
"Bang!" The missile hit the thick tree trunk behind her, and a big tree immediately fell to the ground, sending out a shock.

Shi Jin looked up, and saw the Scarlet Rabbit mecha holding a fluorescent yellow sword and slashing at her fiercely!
The speed was so fast, presumably it used Feitu's highest propulsion force.

Shi Jin clenched the red laser knife in his hand, did not dodge, and directly hit it head-on.

"Ping!" There was the sound of blades striking each other, and the powerful impact made the hand holding the handle tremble a little.

She took Shi Yan's attack, but suddenly another mecha jumped out from her side.

Snow Angel White Bird, Ling Shuang.

The icy-cold laser knife slashed towards Shi Jin's head, attacking from both sides, creating a dilemma.

Jiang Yan arrived at this time, the young man's eyes were a little colder, and he was about to step forward to help, but saw that the dark golden mecha suddenly raised its foot while blocking Feitu's attack, and kicked it on the ground. On the wrist of Shiratori Mecha!

The scorching light from the thrusters on the soles of the feet became a weapon at this moment.

Ling Shuang was startled, the anger in her eyes became even more intense, and she rushed forward again.

Shi Jin twisted his body, sideways avoiding the girl's cold light knife with a very flexible and treacherous posture, and the snow-white arc crossed the sky, drawing a deep knife mark on the ground.

At the same time, Shi Yan swung his knife over.

At the second when Ling Shuang's saber light landed, Shi Jin suddenly circled behind Feitu, so the fluorescent yellow long sword that failed to hit her directly slashed at the arm of Shiratori Mecha!

- Smash my teammates!
"Shiyan! What are you doing?!" Ling Shuang cursed angrily.

Shi Yan's complexion also turned pale. She didn't care about the matter of cutting Ling Shuang, but she didn't expect that in a two-on-one situation, the dark golden mecha still seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

"Sorry, accidentally hurt, don't call." The girl's voice was calm and indifferent.

Ling Shuang was so angry: "When the team game is over, I must beat you to death!"

Shi Yan: "Don't bark."


Shi Jin didn't know that his sister was fighting with her teammate Ling Shuang.

1V2, which requires higher sensitivity to avoid two simultaneous attacks.

But——she happened to have no shortage of these.

speed, power.

The physical strength of an S-level power user is hundreds of thousands of times that of an ordinary person, and the mecha magnifies this physique.

Feitu's speed is very fast, but in her eyes, it is still many grades slower.

Just as he was about to fight back, an electronic announcement suddenly sounded in his ears——

[Player Jiang Yuan has lost her ability to move and has been eliminated from the game. 】


——Jiang Yuan was eliminated!
When Shi Jin heard the announcement, he really didn't expect it.

Looking at the girl's swearing appearance before, she really thought that nothing would happen, but it turned out that it was gone in less than half an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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