Chapter 44 [044]

Seeing that he was still analyzing and coordinating the data, An Suyu raised his eyebrows and asked, "No way? What is the total winning percentage now?"

"Currently 20.00%." ​​Shi Ju said, "Our side."

An Suyu: " are joking, don't forget that she hasn't met our president yet."

"I also said it is now." The boy said: "When we completely match the president, maybe the winning rate will change..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, Shi Yan and Ling Shuang's force value reached its peak.

Shi Jue frowned slightly, and reminded in a low voice: "——they gave their best."

An Suyu straightened his lazy posture immediately, staring at the screen with burning eyes: "I can see it."

The red-haired boy's voice was also more serious.

Seeing the picture displayed on the blue light screen, Ling Shuang seemed to be annoyed. Snow Angel White Bird spread its wings, and the mechanical wings suddenly waved fiercely at the dark golden mecha!

The upper parts were disassembled one by one, and the rain-like dense silver blades all shot towards the opponent.

At the same time, Shiyan also fired a shell that looked like a giant round radish, surrounding the opponent and directly trapped in Ling Shuang's attack range. Once the opponent had any tendency to escape, even if he avoided Shiratori's blade, he would not be able to The danger of being blown up by shells cannot be avoided.

There are white birds in the sky, and scarlet rabbits on the ground. If you attack high and low, it depends on how the opponent hides.

There was a flash of swords and cannons, and the sound shook the sky and the earth.

This area was as bare as if all the green plants had been cut off with a scythe. After the ammunition exploded, the flames that burned the trees spread almost instantly.

The ground was scorched, smoke was billowing, and the temperature was scorching hot.

An Suyu stared straight at it, and murmured, "...was it successful?"

Shi Ju's eyes were serious, "Let's take a look first."

Not only the two teenagers, even Shi Yan and Ling Shuang were nervously waiting for the result of this attack.

Even though he knew that there was a net in the sky, that guy would definitely not be able to escape.

But before the results come out, they still dare not take it lightly.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the surroundings were peaceful.

The wind blows the leaves, and there is no sound from any trace of struggle.

Perhaps the besieged mecha in the middle has been destroyed in the artillery fire, and when the system completes its judgment, it will immediately announce its elimination.

However, after the thick black fog that obscured the field of vision finally revealed all the features in the center of the venue.

The ground was in a mess, but the dark golden figure could not be seen at all.

Shi Yan frowned, then her eyes widened suddenly, she suddenly raised her eyes and shouted at Ling Shuang in the sky - "Get out of the way!!!"

Ling Shuang's pupils vibrated, she was about to flee, but the scorching red light had already penetrated her breastplate!


The sound of metal impact rang in my ears.

She didn't even have time to turn her head, and her eyes darkened violently, and then the cold electronic announcement sounded in her ears - [Player Ling Shuang, has lost the ability to move, has been eliminated. 】

"Damn it!! How did you do it?! You can escape that tight encirclement. I really don't believe you didn't open it!"

"Do you think others are fools if you don't get angry! The speed limit of an A-level mecha is 250m/s, no matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to exceed this limit! It must be dead!"

"It's too arbitrary for you two. The critical speed of the mecha can also be changed according to the physical fitness of the human body. The critical value you mentioned is just the highest data obtained by the fastest person in the world after driving the mecha. If there is a guy who is faster than him, then this value can continue to improve."

"Who has improved directly towards the speed of sound?!"

The off-site live broadcast hall was full of noise, and many people insisted on supervisors to detect cheating to see if anyone deliberately changed the data.

However, after some testing, the supervisor regretfully told everyone: "Sorry, no third-party value modifiers have been detected."


(End of this chapter)

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