Chapter 45 [045] The Eagle in the Sky

Having said that, there are still many players who are questioning whether the regulatory system needs to overhaul itself.

Everyone in the off-court hall is paying attention to this game.

There are also people broadcasting and recording screens on the Optical Brain Network.

In the middle of the night, nearly half of the college students were still staying in the Xingwang training ground.

After Ling Shuang was teleported to the spectator room, she still had that pale face of anger.

She took two steps forward and sat down on the sofa next to An Suyu, angrily said: "Check! I must know who this guy is!"

An Suyu leaned forward, brushed his handsome bangs, smiled at the girl and said, "Don't be angry, Shuang'er, you are already very good, look at me, the first one will be gone."

"Shut up!" Ling Shuang scolded: "Don't call me so greasy! The first guy to be eliminated, if you don't reflect on yourself, you have the nerve to mention it here!"

She is like a bomb now, whoever hits it will blow it up.

Just when An Suyu stepped into a minefield, Ling Shuang reached out and grabbed his ear, and began to output: "I want to scold you for a long time! I don't obey orders, I'm arrogant, I don't do reconnaissance work well, I break into other people's ambush by myself In the district, you have to compete with others when you encounter a hard problem, and your head is gone and your heart is pierced by a sword! I haven’t seen you reflect much in the spectator room now, and you are so complacent! Shuang’er? Ugh! Shuang your mother!"

An Suyu: "Don't talk, don't talk, eh, eh, it hurts! Sister! I hurt! I was wrong, I was wrong."

"And Shiyan that bitch! He insisted on finding fault with me in the competition!" Ling Shuang's eyes were cold, and she gritted her teeth: "Then let's meet in reality tomorrow!"

An Suyu: "Sister, you don't need to scold Shiyan, you can still pull my ears... Eh, be gentle!"

Ling Shuang snorted coldly and let go.

His eyes caught sight of Shi Jiu, who was concentrating on analyzing the data, and his tone was cold: "I scold Shi Yan, Shi Jiu, you won't start protecting your family, will you?"

Thinking about Shi Jin and Shi Yan's face suddenly turned cold, Ling Shuang felt bored for a while.

"That's about Shi Yan and you, it has nothing to do with me." Shi Jiu said indifferently, the light of the blue electronic screen shone on the young man's handsome face, but it seemed to be coated with an unkind and cold light.

After hearing this, Ling Shuang sneered and said mockingly: "Then you are family members, it's really interesting."

Shi Yan, who seems indifferent, will protect Shi Jin, and Shi Jing, who seems to be polite to everyone, is the most indifferent and ruthless.

Thinking about it this way, only Shi Jin and Shi Ye are the most honest. Everyone knows that they are trash, and that they are stupid and everything is written on their faces.

The sound of Ling Shuang being eliminated fell into Shi Yan's ears, the girl's eyes were solemn and gloomy, and Fei Tu jumped up, shooting two powerful tracking beams high in the sky.

The body of Snow Angel Shiratori's mech became transparent and slowly disappeared in mid-air. The two beams of light immediately penetrated Shiratori and shot straight at Shijin behind it.

Looking at this scene, Ling Shuang felt angry again.

There is a feeling of being pierced by the beam of time smoke, and I hate it when I think about it.

The dark golden mecha fell back to the ground, and its body was carried by the jetting device on its soles, and it stopped at a position less than one meter from the ground, levitating.

The tracking beam suddenly changed its trajectory, reversed its body and shot straight at it!
Feitu took this opportunity to deform his arm, the lightsaber disappeared, and transformed into a cannon barrel, condensing a super-quantum light cannon and firing it at the evasion track he had determined.

Shi Jin really stepped into the position she predicted while avoiding the tracking beam.

The super-quantum light cannon produced a huge energy wave, which shocked the two kilometers around.

Its energy instantly destroyed the surrounding trees, and a huge circular pit appeared in the rainforest F-125 area in the blink of an eye. The vegetation in the middle was turned into ashes, thick smoke was billowing, and scorched earth was everywhere.

Feitu avoids the impact of energy with its unique ability to burrow into the ground.

Shi Yan thought, this time he should be able to eliminate the other party.

However, staying in the soil, I couldn't hear the system's announcement for a long time.

She frowned slightly, feeling uneasy.

Of course, it took less than two seconds for this feeling to come out—it was confirmed.

The soil above his head suddenly loosened twice.

Shi Yan was stunned for a moment, and just as he looked up, a red light slashed past his eyes!

She was so stunned at this moment that she even forgot to dodge!

The fiery red lightsaber went from top to bottom in the middle, passed through Feitu's head and neck, and reached the cockpit below!

Like skewers.

Shi Yan looked at the tip of the lightsaber that was less than one centimeter away from her eyes, perhaps it was the first time she discovered that this thing can still be played like this.

[The player is smoking, has lost the ability to move, and has been eliminated. 】


It is said that the cunning rabbit has three caves.

Shiyan did make other escape routes underground.

It was just the swiftness of the lightsaber, in the blink of an eye, it pierced Feitu through the head, destroying the control center.

So much so that she didn't have time to change her position.

In the viewing room, the three of them watched this scene. It took a long time before An Suyu quietly defended himself: " the opponent is too strong, and the first one to be eliminated can't be completely blamed on me."

"This kind of combat ability is not necessarily a college student." Shi Jie gave up searching for similar information in the college's database, and said bluntly: "Another way of thinking, maybe the foreign aid invited by the opponent, after all, the team PVP, there are no five people who can't do it at all." match, and there are only four members of the Exploration Department."

The transmitted energy light flashed by, and Shiyan's body appeared in the viewing room.

She rubbed her brows and feet, walked to Shi Zhu's side, and asked, "What was my numerical value just now?"

"The power is 190 N, and the speed is [-]m/s. Unfortunately, it still can't break through the critical point." The boy said lightly.

Shiyan has been stuck at this critical point for a long time, and no matter how much he strengthens his body, he still cannot break through.

She sat down beside Shi Zhu and looked at the spectator screen.

The eliminated players can only see the battle situation of their own team. After she is also eliminated, the only person left on the screen will be locked and displayed at this moment.

—— Xie Yinci.

Looking at it from the boy's first perspective, a tall wolf-shaped mechanical armor with black and red body colors suddenly appeared in Xie Yinci's field of vision.

"Jiang Yan, the exclusive mecha Sirius, ranks ninth in his grade. Judging from the current data, he is not even as good as Shi Ye." Shi Yan said.

Shi Zhu pushed his glasses and reminded: "Jiang Yan hardly participates in any ranking competitions, and the data he left is from the time of the first-year entrance examination."

The data of the first grade can still be ranked No. 9. No wonder some people think that he should not be underestimated.

The Sirius transforms into an upright beast. Its forelimbs transform into arms and hind limbs transform into legs. Its armor is shiny and its head is in the shape of a wolf. Under half of the wolf mask, one can see a sharp-edged metal face at first glance. .

Blue and gold intertwined colors, gorgeous and dazzling.

The wind in the rain forest stirred up the dust on the ground.

Jiang Yuan followed her brother with her eyesight, and through Jiang Yan's first-person perspective, she finally saw the figure of President Xie opposite him.

S-class mechs can magnify a person's physical fitness several times. If the maximum speed of an A-class mecha is 230m/s, then the same person driving an S-class mecha can reach 270m/s.

And the critical speed of Sky Eagle is exactly 270.

The eagle head mask covered half of the handsome human face, only revealing the metal nose bridge and mouth.

The red eagle with its wings spread quietly suspended in the air, looking down at Sirius with its eyes down, with a sense of contempt from the superior.

From the inner wing to the tip of the mechanical wings, it presents a layer of deepening red. The outermost dark red is like pigeon blood, and the inner color is a little lighter. The breastplate is also composed of red and black, and the waist is completely covered in black. The sturdy and burly mechanical arm was wrapped in hand armor, holding a flaming lightsaber.

Jiang Yuan finally saw the appearance of Xie Yinci's mech clearly. If the Sirius has a gentle and gorgeous feeling, then the Eagle in the Sky is completely aggressive and oppressive.

Just in a wait-and-see state, Jiang Yuan felt her little heart beating, and the fear of being cut in half just kept circling in her mind.

She hugged the small pillow on the sofa and blocked it before continuing to watch.

"How dare you come here alone."

The gentle voice was transmitted to Sirius' communication system, and Jiang Yan received it, and replied: "Yes, come and punch you."

"A punch?" Xie Yinci smiled, with a gentle tone, but with a sharp mockery like a needle: "Could President Jiang be too demanding of himself?"

Jiang Yan's eyes darkened, energy light waves emitted from the soles of Sirius' feet, and an ice-blue long sword appeared in its hand, and it swung fiercely at the sky.

Several icicle-like cold pieces radiated from the blade, shooting towards the eagle in the sky!

The red hawk flapped its wings, and the prism sprayed out the same red cones to block those things one by one.

Sirius blinked into the air and came face to face with Red Hawk.

"It's no wonder that your fighting spirit has risen." Xie Yinci sarcastically said, "But this time, you may still be like your father - dying in my hands."

Recalling his father's fiasco on his celebration day, when he was drenched in blood and not knowing whether he was alive or dead, the boy's eyes turned scarlet, and he roared angrily, "Xie Yinci, shut up——!"

The thick smoke lingered for a long time.

Shi Jin stretched out his hand and waved away the surrounding smoke.

She is currently in the pit, Shiyan Feitu's super quantum light cannon is too powerful.

But fortunately, he ran fast.

After getting out of the range of the explosion, she ran back again.

The shape of the head of the dark gold mecha is similar to that of Feitu, but this kind of mecha is not animal mimicry.

Only the exclusive mecha will choose a specific animal mimicry, and only recognize one owner.

She didn't intend to eliminate Shiyan at first, but she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something on the bottom of her feet.

I thought it was that kind of rainforest underground monster again, so I pre-empted it and went down with a lightsaber.

As a result, the soil loosened, and after destroying the structure below, she suddenly saw Feitu's head that had been pierced by herself.


What a misunderstanding.

In a daze, the small smoke was eliminated.

After Shi Jin had nothing to do here, she rushed towards Kervey's control tower according to the map transmitted by Jiang Yuan.

The average number of mechas used for flying speed, after leaving the battle, Shijin needs to recover for a while, and the consumption of high burst and high output will be higher.

Therefore, calming the body is the most common thing for supernatural beings to do after the battle, so that they can carry out subsequent explosive battles.

When he was about to reach the control tower, Shi Jin sent a message request to Jiang Yan.

But the communication was not answered by the boy.

She suddenly felt something was wrong.

The few people in the team have always kept in touch at all times, even in the middle of a battle, it didn't affect the communication at all.

But at this moment, an electronic announcement suddenly sounded in her ears—【Player Jiang Yan, has lost the ability to move and has been eliminated. 】

The ice blue lightsaber collided with the fiery red blade.

The sound of weapons clashing in the rainforest can be heard endlessly.

As the wind blew, two figures, one red and one blue, hit the ground from the sky and returned to the sky.

The speed of the two sides is comparable, and the strength is almost equal.

However, there is something different in that the expressions of the two pilots are different during the battle.

The boy with blond hair and blue eyes seemed to be venting his anger, while the other boy with black hair and black eyes smiled casually.

"Although you and I are both S-level, Jiang Yan, you have to know that S-level is only a range."

"We are all in this range, and the range will always be divided into grades and grades."

The black-haired boy squinted his eyes, and suddenly flames erupted from his palms, and the long knife he held tightly seemed to increase the strength of his explosion, and he suddenly counterattacked back after receiving Sirius' move!

That increased strength severed the attacking trend of Sirius.

Turning from defense to offense, Sky Eagle's blood-red eagle eyes glowed with a faint light.

The speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye kicked Sirius on the trunk of the giant tree in an instant!

The body was sunken, and the big tree collapsed.

Raise a cloud of smoke!
There seemed to be a problem with the internal communication system, and Shi Jin's message at this moment was not automatically popped up.

"Ahem..." Jiang Yan coughed, unwillingness appeared in his eyes.

Although he is a Buddhist and doesn't like to participate in the competitions and battles on campus, he has always been very dissatisfied with Xie Yinci in his heart.

Celebration day.

It was supposed to be a friendly performance duel, but his father came on stage sick, just to liven up the atmosphere, but was directly seriously injured by the opposite mech.

Not only did that man strike fiercely, he almost wanted to kill his father in this duel.

A generation of generals who held the military power in those years fought for the queen and won great achievements, but were beaten into such a mess by an unknown guy.

He knew that his father's illness would not last long, but he didn't want to see a man suffer this kind of thing before he died.

Jiang Yan challenged the duelist, but the duelist disappeared without a trace after the match.

Not long after, the seriously injured father died of illness.

He was able to recognize Xie Yinci because in the second-year entrance examination for the military academy, the boy used similar tricks when he confronted his father.

Only then did Jiang Yan know that the unknown driver a year ago was Xie Yinci.

The mecha connects the limbs and nerves of a person. Once the arm is severed by the mecha, the human hand will also lose consciousness.

Jiang Yan couldn't move his left hand anymore. He insisted on supporting the ground with his right hand and tried to stand up.

The eagle in the sky descends slowly in the attitude of an absolute master, like a god of war, invincible.

Xie Yinci's obsidian-like eyes and pupils were full of indifference and mockery. He hooked his lips and smiled slightly: "250 ox force, [-]m/s value, ranking ninth is really wronging you. If you seriously participate in the academy competition, you You will only lose to me, ranking second, after all, you are currently the only one who can hold me for [-] minutes. But, you shouldn’t just take your father’s value as your goal.”

The boy lowered his voice and said in a low tone: "Pursue that man's value, to be honest, Jiang Yan—you will never get revenge."

Jiang Yan coughed, her chest ached from the impact.

Xie Yinci's words made his right fist slowly clenched.

He couldn't refute.

I have always regarded that man as my goal, but his goal cannot defeat the opponent.

Holding the flame sword high, Xie Yinci seemed not to talk nonsense.

The handsome and delicate boy's eyes were deep and cold.

A red light flashed across, and a duel between the leaders came to an end in less than half an hour.

[Player Jiang Yan has lost the ability to move and has been eliminated. 】

As soon as the electronic announcement came out, An Suyu applauded in the spectator room, "As expected of the president, we will deal with Sirius in 10 minutes."

"The value of the president's duel has not yet reached the critical point. It seems that he has not used his full strength." Shi Zhuo said.

Ling Shuang drew up her lips, "This means that we still have a chance to turn defeat into victory."

The mechas of Feng Yan and Fengyu's brothers belonged to the auxiliary type, and their combat effectiveness was not high. As long as Xie Yinci got rid of the dark gold mecha, the winner would be decided.

"What is the value of Sirius?" Shi Yan asked.

Shi Shi shook his head: "I can't see it. We belong to the perspective of the contestants and cannot analyze the opponent's stats. If you want to know, you can only wait for the game to end and go to the panel after the game."

In another viewing room, seeing her brother being beaten so badly, Jiang Yuan's eyes turned red. She didn't expect Chairman Xie Yinci to strike so hard.

At the moment when the boy's body was transmitted to her side, Jiang Yuan threw away the pillow in her hand, rushed forward to hug Jiang Yan, and cried loudly: "Brother——!!"

Jiang Yan: "..."

With a helpless look on his brows, the young man patted his sister on the back and said, "Don't cry so sadly, I'm not dead."

Jiang Yuan hugged him and did not let go, "But you look pitifully beaten up!!"

Jiang Yan: "..."

The smile on the young man's lips was a bit bitter: "The strength is not as good as others, so what can I do?"

Xie Yinci's words were not wrong.

Even if it is S grade, it is divided into three, six, and nine grades.

But he couldn't estimate what kind of strength that young man had.

The electronic sound of Jiang Yan being eliminated entered Shi Jin's ears.

The girl who didn't receive the boy's response was slightly taken aback—wait!It's less than half an hour!
She was only three kilometers away from the control tower at this moment, and she was already very close, but she heard this "bad news" when she was about to arrive.

Is Xie Yinci's strength really strong?
Shi Jin frowned.

Unconsciously accelerated a little.

The rainforest is quiet and the wind blows broad leaves.

Her eyes are serious.

In the process of moving quickly, Shi Jin suddenly noticed something approaching her from a distance.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

She squinted her eyes, stopped her progress, and counted the numbers silently in her heart.

Three kilometers, 3000 meters.

According to the time when it is close to itself, the movement value is calculated, which is about 270m/s.

"Seven, six, five..."

Shi Jin clenched the red lightsaber in his hand.

When the countdown in her mouth reached "two"—she suddenly focused her eyes, and stretched out her hand to block the lightsaber directly in front of her!


The countdown is over.

The blood-red figure that was as swift and sharp as an eagle flashed in front of Shi Jin instantly!
It's just that the flame-burning light knife didn't cut off Shi Jin's waist like it eliminated Jiang Yuan.

 Available now! !Today's double update, each update is [-] words, a total of [-], and there is another chapter to be posted around [-]:[-] pm, thank you for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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