Chapter 49 [049] It's Your Boy

Of course, Shi Jie is not a vegetarian, and these words directly returned Chu Lian's evidence.

Shi Jin took two steps back silently. She looked at Lu Na who was behind the young man. The little girl's eyes were shining brightly. After seeing the person she liked, the girl who was indifferent at first seemed to be surrounded by the warm sun in an instant.

When Chu Lian came just now, she should have gone to find Shi Zhu.

Shi Jin whispered to her ear and said, "Thank you."

Lu Na: "It's okay... I can ask Chu Yan to trouble you more in the future, and you can fight back and lure Chu Lian over, then I will have another reason to meet Shizuo!"

Shi Jin: "..."

It does not make sense!

"Even if it wasn't Shi Jin's move, it has something to do with her, joint and several responsibilities, wouldn't classmate Shi Ju understand?" Chu Lian's voice was low, with a determined look written on his chiseled face.

"I understand joint and several responsibilities, but whether my sister is at fault or not, it seems that it is not your turn to say. I hope that student Chu Lian is a little bit self-aware about this."

"So you don't want to fight with me anymore?" Chu Lian asked.

Shi Shi replied: "There is no reason."

Chu Lian's face darkened a little.

He stared at Shi Jue, and after a while, slowly raised his lips, squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Shi Jue, it's not because you lost so badly last night that an S-level mecha was beaten into pieces by an A-level mecha. That's why you don't dare to confront me, right?"

"The provocative method is useless to me." Shi Jie held up his optical brain and ejected a blue light electronic screen, which was sending a communication request to the grade director. "How will this matter be adjudicated? If not, please tell the director Bar."

The director of the graduation grade used to be responsible for punishing the soldiers who violated the discipline in the military department. The methods were extremely cruel. Every person who violated the discipline went in standing up and came out sideways.

Later, he retired from the military department and came to the military academy as the director. On weekdays, he was also responsible for dealing with some violations of school rules between students, and sometimes he would take the position of adjudicator. Although the methods were terrible, they were absolutely fair.

As soon as Chu Lian heard this, his momentum disappeared without a trace.

Obviously, he was afraid of this man.

"...We can resolve this matter among ourselves, so why bother the director." Chu Lian raised his eyebrows and said, "Shi Jie is definitely not the type who likes to sue the teacher, right?"

"It's not a shameful thing to ask the teacher to make a fair judgment."

Chu Lian couldn't say no to him, snorted coldly, turned around and left quickly.

But before leaving, the boy still said: "I will always defeat you, Shi Jue."

"Wait and see." Shi Jiu pushed his glasses, his black pupils were calm and he didn't care.

Lu Na was fascinated by the young man's arguments and her cheeks were flushed.

While staring obsessively at each other, the boy suddenly turned around and walked towards her, "Thank you, classmate Lu Na, I have something to say to my sister alone, can you please wait for a while?"

Lu Na immediately restrained her expression, "D-Of course!"

Shi Zhu nodded slightly, then set his eyes on Shi Jin who was beside her, and said, "Let's go, sister."

Shi Jin was curious about what this guy wanted to say to him, so he followed him to the small flower bed behind the teaching building.

The weather is fine today, the sun is shining brightly, and the fountains around the small flower bed also reflect the ripples of running water.

After all, there was no nonsense, and he went straight to the topic, "Did you quarrel with Ah Ye?"

Shi Jin: " came to me to talk about this?"

The young man said: "After he came to the competition venue today, he seemed to be in a bad mood, so I asked a few questions."

Shi Jin: "..."

"It's not a quarrel." She said: "It's just that he apologized to me for some things in the past. I asked him if he would like a person who yells at himself every day, and then he started to get angry."

"So that's the case, but please forgive me, sister—" The young man pushed his glasses, and the gold wire frame flashed a little light, but under the warm sun, there was an inexplicably cold look.

"For those who cannot bring honor to the family, it is very normal for people in our class to be despised and bullied."

"Instead of resenting the harshness of others, it's better to think about your own problems. If my sister is as capable as Shi Yan, I don't think anyone will treat you like this."

"Chu Yan doesn't dare to bully you, and Chu Lian won't trouble you either. My second uncle and aunt will also regard you as proud. A Ye's arrogance in front of you before came from your own incompetence. He respects Shi Yan." , respect me, respect my family members, but I don’t respect you.”

"My sister should reflect on why this is."

After the young man's voice fell, he stared at Shi Jin calmly and indifferently.

But what was a little surprising was that the girl didn't have red eyes like after being "educated" before, sobbing and saying that she would work hard.

On the contrary, it showed a clear look of "so it was you who did it".

The more Shi Jin heard what he said just now, the more strange it became.

Isn't this the proper meaning of wanting her to have self-anxiety and self-disgust? !
Still want to app her? !

No wonder the original owner would always do a few slightly crazy things in the past, only to be stimulated by Shi Zhuu in the name of "for your own good".

People do need to work hard to accomplish one thing, but things that go beyond their own limits will not have any benefits other than tormenting people.

It is difficult for a C-level mental power to make any achievements in mechs. This is innate and no one can change it.

Birth defects are considered by others to be the result of one's own lack of effort.

What's the difference between this and letting a cripple complete a [-]-kilometer marathon with flesh and blood legs? ?

Shi Jin sneered, "The fact that you and Shi Ye are blood brothers is really the most incredible thing I've ever encountered."

She didn't bother to correct the boy's thinking, after all, she had this wolfish thinking.

One day, he will fall into crazy self-loathing because of this kind of internal friction between superiors.

"Thank you for what happened just now. Although I won't be hurt if you don't come, at least in front of outsiders, your superficial skills are quite good."

After Shi Jin finished speaking, he turned and left.

In contrast, Shi Ye's little tsundere could be considered cute among the two brothers.

Shiyan had a match this morning, but Shijin came a few minutes late and missed the start.

When she arrived at the game scene wearing Shi Yan's support headgear, the duel had been going on for a while.

Feitu is fighting against a golden leopard, with cool leopard print decorations painted on the exterior panels, and the leopard head mask looks very imposing.

The golden mecha didn't have lightsabers on its arms, but its ten fingers were embedded with ten sharp and sharp lightsabers.

Shi Jin got into the cheerleading team, and the win or loss of the Xingwang PVP last night did not affect Shi Yan's performance today.

The girl's operation was still so beautiful, and the winner was decided in just half an hour.

Shi Ye kept his face straight in the auditorium, obviously he came to cheer for Sister Shi Yan today, but the boy was always holding a breath in his heart, even Shi Yan won, he didn't notice, it was because of the sudden jump around him The cheers pulled him back to the scene before he could react.

(End of this chapter)

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