Chapter 50 [050] She is not her

After the game, the players leave the field.

Shi Yan was promoted again, and the next time he played was the final.

Shi Jin left the support area, Xiao Yan was not there, she took off her headscarf and was going to the library to read.

But as soon as she left the cheerleading squad, she saw the handsome boy who was supposed to be sitting in the auditorium suddenly appear in front of her.

Shi Ye still had a slumped face, his black eyes touched Shi Jin, he snorted coldly, and said, "You still wear this kind of clothes? You're so ugly."

Shi Jin ignored him, raised his head and took a sip of water, then walked past him.

"Hey!" the boy stopped her, "You just left?!"

Shi Jin asked, "Otherwise?"

"Shi Jin!" Shi Ye pursed his lips, stared at her scorchingly, and choked out a sentence for a long time: "Are you still angry?"

"No." The girl shook her head honestly, "I'm not angry."

After so many years of doomsday, I died again.

Shi Jin basically won't get angry now, who would argue too much with a group of [-] or [-] year olds.

"Aren't you angry?!" Shi Ye didn't believe it: "The question I asked you this didn't even respond to me directly, and gave some ambiguous answers."

Shi Jin smiled: "It's true that I'm not angry with you now, but you can't force the old me to let go of the past. After all, the damage has already been done. How can one or two apologies make it up?"

On the morning of the day when she first transmigrated, she slept deeply, and her mind was absorbing some emotions from the original owner, so that when Shi Ye entered her room and lifted the quilt, she woke up when she touched her body.

Although he has no memory, Shi Jin's feelings for everyone in his family are very clear.

Feeling guilty towards her grandfather, feeling sad and unwilling towards her parents, and having complicated emotions towards Shi Ye, she was grateful for his companionship and occasional concern since she was a child, but at the same time hated her sometimes arrogant attitude, which made her breathless.

Shi Yan and her have the same father and mother, they are blood relatives in the true sense, with a cold face, the original owner has never dared to approach her, and occasionally gets scolded, but Shi Jin still loves this sister very much, and regards her as his pride , but after being proud, she will be wrapped in deep self-loathing and inferiority complex.

As for Shi Zhuo, the original owner has always thought that he is a good person, even if he speaks bluntly sometimes, she can comfort the young man that he is thinking of himself.

But in fact, Shi Jing was the one who hated her the most.

It's just that the original owner has never noticed it.

Shi Ye seemed to have heard something, but he said stubbornly: "You are not angry with me, and you are not forgiving me... Isn't this very contradictory?"

Shi Jin shook his head: "There is no contradiction. The one who is not angry with you is the current me, not the previous me. I can't replace the previous me and forgive your arrogance in front of her. You can treat us as two people."

Shi Ye gritted his teeth slightly: "You are sophistrying, no matter how much a person changes, he is still this person."


Suddenly, Shi Jin looked at him.

Familiar eyebrows, familiar eyes, but the expression inside has already changed.

"If you feel it carefully, it will always be different. Shi Ye, since you grew up with her, you should have noticed it a long time ago."

Notice the difference between the two people.

When Shi Jin squatted in the room with his head covered in blood and gnawed on the pig's trotters, he changed people.

But at that time, the teenager deliberately ignored these.

The person who wakes up will still be treated as her, and get along with him as before.

Now this self-deceiving protective cloth was directly torn off by Shi Jin.

She tore it lightly, but it made the boy's eyes red in an instant.

Growing up with Shi Jin, he naturally knew the character of that sister.

Cowardly, timid, envious of Shi Yan, but dare not approach him.

Self-abased, if no one is with her, she will curl up in the room silently.

Shi Ye hated her uselessness and silence.

It looks like a mushroom growing in a dark and humid corner, which makes people look disgusted.

But apart from his own brother Shi Zhu, Shi Ye spends the most time with her on weekdays.

The young man is used to facing Shi Jin with the posture of controlling the package, but he will also feel some regret when the other party is really scared, so he will care about and comfort the other party, and when the other party is fine, he will start to make public again.

Shi Ye was arrogant.

It seems that no one in the family really likes Shi Jin.

He was the only one who would get close to her, so no matter how much she yelled at her, she would not be angry with him.

Until that morning I saw her squatting on the ground covered in blood.

When the other party's familiar eyes were filled with strange emotions.

He discovered that something had changed.

The old brocade is gone.

She was no longer timid, no longer timid, she dared to kick herself, dared to resist Chu Yan.

He has to admit that he likes the current Shi Jin, as if this should be the original Shi Jin's daughter.

But the boy will also miss the old Shijin.

She saw her attitude towards her second aunt and the others this morning.

At that moment he was a little scared.

What if she also complained about some things he did in the past?
So Shi Ye took advantage of her amnesia to test her attitude towards him a little bit.

Anyway, even if the personality changes, the person is still the same person.

But he didn't expect that Shi Jin would expose him so bluntly.

The current Shijin can not care about the past, and the former Shijin might also forgive him, but the former Shijin is gone.

So he could never wait for an understanding.

Shi Ye turned and fled.

Shi Jin stood on the spot and watched his back with a flat gaze.

Although the two of them got along quite happily these days, and she didn't hate each other, there were some things, and it was useless to escape.

This kid should learn to face it.

She raised her head and took another sip of water, then turned and went to the dressing room to change.

The game ended too quickly in the morning, and there were still two hours before lunch after the game. Many students returned to the classroom, either watching the replay this morning, or continuing to discuss last night's Xingwang PVP.

Shi Jin went to the library, and when it was almost dinner time, Jiang Yan sent her a message.

"Let's go to the restaurant together later, we agreed last night, Xiaoyuan treats guests." The young man's voice was as gentle as the wind, and Shi Jin could imagine that Jiang Yan's expression must be so gentle.

"Okay," Shi Jin said, "I'm in the library, see you in the restaurant?"

"See you in the restaurant, box 201, just come in."

Shi Jin turned off her optical brain, got up and walked towards the restaurant.

Pushing open the door of the box, the four members of the Exploration Department, except for Jiang Yan, were all tired lying on the table.

"Are you so busy this morning?" Shi Jin asked.

There was also a look of exhaustion on Jiang Yan's brows: "There is no way, there are too many association applications to be processed, and new applications will be transmitted without a single reply. Four people have been busy all morning, and there are still [-] applications that have not been processed. over."

"Can I ignore it?"

"No." The boy shook his head slightly: "I can't read the club anymore, it's a very rude behavior."

Shi Jin: "..."

Really high sense of morality.

When Jiang Yuan heard her voice coming in, she smiled at her with tired eyes and said, "Here we come... Let's order. Let's see what you want to eat?"

His voice was weak, and the smile on his face was as pale as someone who has been ill for a long time.

Shi Jin couldn't help asking, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." she responded.

However, after saying these three words, he lay down on the table again with a "boom", and fell into a deep sleep again with the two brothers Feng Yan and Feng Yu.

Just like the first time she entered the club of the Rainforest Exploration Department, she fell into a deep sleep.

Jiang Yan's eyes were helpless: "She has been sleepy since she was a child, and she played on Xingwang for so long last night, and this morning was also busy with the club's information processing for a long time, sorry."

"It's okay, I understand." Shi Jin waved his hand.

This is the same as when my university had an early eighth day the next day, but the night before, I went to disco with my roommates until late at night, thinking that I would catch up on sleep in class on the early eighth day, but the class was turned into a mid-term by the teacher The test is the same, if you don't take the final exam, you won't be able to get points.

"Yesterday's game has been the number one most searched game ever since, and many people came to me in the morning to ask about you, but I prevaricated." Jiang Yan said, his eyes flickering a little jokingly: "Student Shi Jin, You are famous now."

Shi Jin sighed: "At first I just wanted to get a rainforest exploration pass."

The young man smiled softly: "So that's the case, by the way, An Suyu also came this morning."

"An Suyu?" Shi Jin was taken aback, "The one who was eliminated first last night?"

Jiang Yan: "He will die of anger when he hears you say that."

"What's the matter with him?"

"Looking for you." Jiang Yan said: "I didn't reveal your identity, he said he just wanted to know if you were from the academy."

"What did you say?"

"I said you weren't," the boy smiled, "I can probably guess who asked him to ask me this question."

Shi Jin blinked: "Who?"

Jiang Yan approached her, and a deep and magnetic voice slowly sounded in her ears, saying a name - "Xie Yin Ci."

Xie Yinci?
Shi Jin frowned, a little puzzled, "Is it also because of curiosity?"

"I'm afraid not," Jiang Yan shook his head, "Student Shi Jin, do you know Eagle Dog?"

"Understood." Shi Jin said.

Every year, No.1 who graduates from the academy will be awarded honor and power by the queen, get a military power, and become the queen's eagle dog to go on an expedition for her.

This kind of eagle dog has been born in the ancestors of the famous families of the empire.

If you want to become a master and break through your class, then the best way is to go to a military academy and get the honor bestowed by the Queen.

The Shi family, the Chu family, and the Jiang family all had people like this before.

"If there are no accidents this year, Xie Yinci will take the No.1 position to obtain this power." Jiang Yan said: "So he will care whether there are any opponents in the academy who can match him or surpass him."

Shi Jin: "..."

It turned out to be the case.

"He has a sense of crisis." The boy's pale blue eyes flashed a few traces of coldness: "Last night's loss was too bad, I am afraid it gave him a big blow, but it is confirmed that the opponent is not from the academy, he should I'll be a little more at ease."

Shi Jin asked: "You seem to have a grudge against him. If that's the case, wouldn't it be more frightening to tell him that he is a classmate of the academy?"

Jiang Yan blinked, "But then everyone around me will be turned upside down, and you can easily be implicated."

Shi Jin was startled.

The boy's eyes were soft, and the golden sunlight through the window shone on his hair, which was as beautiful as ears of wheat, with the warmth of the afternoon sun, "I think Shi Jin doesn't like troublesome things, Right."

Shi Jin: "..."

Shi Jin: "President."

She moved: "You are such a good person."

Jiang Yan nodded: "Well, if you think I'm good, then make more contributions to the department. Don't be late for tomorrow's exploration."

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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