Chapter 53 [053] Ore Radiation

The ore is sharp-edged and colorful.

It is colorful, just like the colorful stones used by Nuwa to mend the sky in mythology.

A large number of scholars and researchers who first went to the forest were deeply attracted by its beauty, but people at that time did not know that the more beautiful something is, the more deadly it is.

Shi Jin looked at Jiang Yuan's rebroadcast screen, the stone that can be easily held by a human with one hand, and his eyes flashed a bit icy and cold.

—is an old friend of hers.

Followed all the way from the earth to come here.

Nothing like parasites.

Absorbing the nutrients from the earth, releasing catastrophic radiation, destroying an area, a city, and a planet.

But the stones in the picture are too small, maybe this is just one of them.

There must be other fragments nearby.

This kind of meteorite should not exist in this world, but this thing cannot be destroyed at all.

Whether it is sliced ​​or crushed into powder, the radiation contained in it will still affect the surrounding flora and fauna.

In his previous life, the physique of the Zombie King became particularly huge, and he embedded the stone in the heart, gaining more powerful power. can change your mind.

Shi Jin pondered—since it can't be destroyed, can it be absorbed?

Evolved human beings become supernatural beings, and supernatural powers are upgraded through radiation crystal nuclei. In fact, the energy source of those crystal nuclei is still meteorites.

"The plants here are even weirder than the last time I came here." Jiang Yan looked at the towering trees around him with a complicated expression: "Also, there seems to be a strange magnetic field fluctuation nearby."

Shi Jin was slightly taken aback, "Strange fluctuations? Is there a similar description?"

"Looking at the ripples it reflects, it's very close to a wormhole." The boy said, "Go around and have a look."

He said the latter sentence to the three teammates around him.

Jiang Yuan nodded: "I'm going to the west!"

Feng Yan said: "I'll go to the east, and Ah Yu will go to the north."

After the explanation, the four mechs set off together.

"Be careful." Shi Jin reminded with a frown.

A few minutes later, two windows popped up in front of Shi Jin.

One is Feng Yan and the other is Feng Yu.

The two teenagers looked very dignified and handsome, with brown pupils, but their faces were too paralyzed, which made those beautiful eyes look very dull.

"Student Shi Jin." The two spoke at the same time, as if they had a tacit understanding, and said, "This morning the president asked us if we had any small gifts for the new club members."

Shi Jin: "..."

She didn't quite understand why the brothers said this at this time.

In the next second, the camera at the communication window suddenly turned to the arm of the mecha.

Feng Yan is on the left, and Feng Yu is on the right. They both show half a heart in the mecha to Shi Jin at the same time. Looking at it together in the window, it is a complete love.

Shi Jin: "..."

"Welcome, classmate Shi Jin." The voices of the two teenagers sounded like a forbidden duet, and they all rang in her ears.

Probably for comparison, it was a small gift from the two brothers to Shi Jin.

Jiang Yan, who was connected to the five-person communication: "..."

Jiang Yan: "You guys, can we share the occasion?"

Feng Yan and Feng Yu said at the same time: "But the president, you said that it is best to bring a little surprise in the gift, and it can be given when no one would think of it. Doesn't it mean that no one has thought of it?"

Jiang Yan: "..."

Shi Jin: "..."


"Thank you." Shi Jin smiled.

Jiang Yan's eyes were helpless, and he sighed.

The twins Feng Yan and Feng Yu are very taciturn on weekdays, and sometimes they react slower than others. As for why they joined the club, in Jiang Yan's words, it's because they are too boring and find something for themselves to do.

They have no interest in college competitions, and they don't care much about rankings. The elders in the family are all Buddhists, and they don't want to climb steadily, but only want to be stable.

Therefore, there is no requirement for the two brothers, as long as their lives are stable in the future.

"Ah! My God!"

Jiang Yuan's voice suddenly came from the headset without warning.

She broke down and shouted loudly: "The monster in the Xingwang training ground has come true!!!"

Upon hearing this, Shi Jin's eyes froze.

Jiang Yan also looked downcast, "Where are you?!"

"The western region, the coordinates have been sent to you! Come here! It's a group of scary forest apes with fangs! I'm surrounded!"

Jiang Yan looked at the coordinates: "How did you go so far away?"

Jiang Yuan cried Qiqi: "Scouting, I ran away accidentally and forgot. I saw some fragments like ore along the way, so I followed it, and it seemed to be getting deeper and deeper."

"Brother, the piece we found before may just be the debris that fell from its main body." The girl said here, and turned the camera to what she could see in her field of vision—"That should be its original body." appearance."

Jiang Yan was taken aback for a moment, only to see in the picture, a group of huge sarcoids were sticking to a thick tree.

The long strips of flesh and blood ejected from its flesh adhered to several other tree trunks, supporting together a boulder in the middle that was exuding colorful light.

There seems to be something beating inside the boulder, like a human heart beating rhythmically.

And around the big tree, there is also a group of strange looking forest apes with sharp fangs wandering around.

Their eyes were red with dark circles, and their mouths were pulled to the sides and cracked to the corners of their ears, making them look extremely hideous.

Jiang Yuan said: "These forest apes... seem to have also been radiated and mutated."

The three hurried towards the girl's location, and Shi Jin also activated the mecha: "We'll come over right away!"

Jiang Yan was stunned: "No! Your mecha can't resist radiation!"

"Yes!" Shi Jin said seriously, "As long as you run fast enough, Radiation won't be able to catch up with me!"

Without waiting for the boy's objection, she activated the mech and flew towards where Jiang Yuan was!

Jiang Yuan hid the mecha among the broad leaves.

She unknowingly went deep into the real lair of the ore, and now she is cautious, not daring to move at all.

Those forest apes looked too scary, even more frightening than the monsters designed by Xingwang training ground.

Maybe it's a reality and a virtual one, the sense of oppression in the reality is much more terrifying than that in the star network.

After transmitting the collected screen information, she raised her eyes and was about to observe the surrounding situation again.

But as soon as she raised her head, a magnified face of a giant ape caught her eyes unexpectedly!


Jiang Yuan screamed in fright, her face turned pale, but fortunately, the mech was soundproofed, so the outside could not hear what was said inside.

Fortunately, the giant ape didn't notice her. The color of the chameleon's concealment was the same as that of the surrounding green leaves. The giant ape should just pass by.

Its powerful arms climbed up the branches of the big tree, and walked around the boulder.

Jiang Yuan was so frightened that she almost lost her soul. Seeing that she was not found, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But maybe it's been a while.

She felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her stomach and had an urge to vomit.

The camera has jumped back to the interior of the cockpit.

Shi Jin's eyes fell on the face of the girl in the communication box. After realizing that something was wrong with Jiang Yuan, her pupils trembled slightly, and she immediately shouted: "Jiang Yan! Feng Yan Feng Yu! Don't go deep! 2S's The protection system can't stop the radiation intensity in the depths!"

(End of this chapter)

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