Chapter 54 [054] Like a Miracle

Jiang Yuan felt dizzy.

She frowned slightly and rubbed her temples.

The stomach was just sour at first, but as time passed, the feeling of wanting to vomit became heavier and heavier.

Shi Jin's voice came from the pop-up window at this time, and he said anxiously: "The 2S protection system can't stop the radiation in the depths! Jiang Yuan! Get out of there first!"

"But if I move, I will definitely be discovered by those forest apes!" Jiang Yuan worried.

"I'll give you my coordinates, just run in my direction with all your might."

Having said that, the girl was still a little scared. She swallowed, her eyes flushed, "Shi Jin, these guys look terrible."

Shi Jin comforted her softly: "It's okay, I'll show you some scarier ones when I get back, so you won't find them scary anymore."

Jiang Yuan: "..."

How can someone say such comforting words in a serious manner.

Although it sounds unreliable, Jiang Yuan still felt some relief in her heart.

She took a deep breath, still ready to act.

She also felt the discomfort in her body, her stomach was overwhelmed, and even her throat was filled with a smell of blood.

Jiang Yuan shook her head to keep herself awake, then turned her horsepower to the fullest, turned around suddenly, and rushed towards the direction where the other party was coming according to the coordinates Shi Jin gave her!

Hearing the roar of the mecha thrusters, the group of mutant forest apes wandering around looked at Jiang Yuan together!
Pairs of red eyes are extremely ferocious, the open mouth reveals the sharp and sharp fangs inside, and the vines are shaking with both arms, chasing after them at an extremely fast speed!

There was a strange excitement in their eyes, terrifying and frightening, as if they had seen some prey that made the nerves throb violently.

"Ah, ah, ah!" The sharp and high-pitched screams continued in this area, falling on people's ears, causing goosebumps all over their bodies to rise.

Jiang Yuan was frightened to the extreme, and adjusted the speed of the mech to the maximum. The chameleon passed through the forest, blowing gusts of wind, and the broad leaves swayed as it moved.

Now the girl's mind is full of running, running forward, running to classmate Shi Jin!
The ground moved suddenly at the moment she moved, and the strong vibration made Jiang Yuan stunned.

The trembling ground broke the branches in the sky, and they fell directly from a high place.

When Jiang Yuan heard the voice, she raised her eyes unconsciously.

"!" The girl's eyes widened suddenly, and she saw a thick vine suddenly slammed down as if it was alive, smashing the propeller of her mecha with a "bang", and the powerless mecha immediately burst into flames. He fell heavily to the ground!
She collided with the ground many times, slid forward for a distance of tens of meters, and finally stopped.

The outer shell of the mecha seemed to be seriously damaged. Fortunately, the protection system of the internal cockpit was very good. Jiang Yuan was not injured, but her communication system was damaged and she could not receive communication.

But she couldn't be thankful at all. From the girl's perspective, the group of terrifying forest apes behind her had already caught up. Every step of the giant ape running in the front would cause a strong shock when it hit the ground.

Jiang Yuan's heart rose to her throat, and she trembled uncontrollably.

But probably out of the most serious radiation area, her physical discomfort has dissipated a lot.

When I was most afraid, my mind became clearer.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Yuan fired the shells loaded on the mecha, and the missile hit the forest ape. The other apes were hit back, but only the giant forest ape in the middle seemed invulnerable, with rough skin and flesh. Thick, missiles can't do damage to it at all.

The girl's heart seemed to stop beating at that moment. When the weapon was useless, the fear that rose from the bottom of her heart reached its peak.

With a roar, the giant ape with fangs jumped up into the sky, raised its two thick arms, and slashed down sharply at the shell of the mecha with its sharp claws.

At the moment when people are most afraid, it is difficult to scream.

Jiang Yuan could only look pale, watching the giant ape smile ferociously at her and attack with sharp claws.

But right now.

There seemed to be a slight change in the sound of the wind in my ears.

I don't know if it was a hallucination when she was extremely frightened, but Jiang Yuan found that she seemed to see a purple lightning flash in the sky.

"Xiaoyuan! Xiaoyuan!" Jiang Yan couldn't get in touch with Jiang Yuan, the boy's eyes turned red, even though Shi Jin warned him not to go deep, he couldn't help but start the mech, turned on the horsepower to the maximum, Jiang Yuan rushed to where she was.

However, the young man had just started when a sound of wind passed by his side.

Jiang Yan froze for a moment, and in his field of vision, a green and gold mecha disappeared in front of his eyes like an afterimage. The speed as fast as light made the young man freeze in place for an instant.

"Don't go any further, President."

"Leave Jiang Yuan to me."

Shi Jin's voice was like an auditory hallucination.

Disappeared along with the afterimage.

A look of bewilderment appeared on the young man's handsome and fair face, but soon followed by his stunned expression—less than 0.1 millisecond.

Shi Jin had already passed by him.

The purple lightning that fell from the sky carried the power of thunder, and directly hit the giant ape in mid-air!
The sky changed suddenly.

The wind blows.

The bright sunlight was obscured by layers of dark clouds, as if a giant dragon was rolling and shuttling through the clouds.

Jiang Yuan stared blankly, there was more than one thunder and lightning falling, and the purple light intersected and flashed. Before the sound could be heard, the lightning and light intersected before her eyes!
Those electric lights struck the group of monsters miraculously in this area!
Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck her fiercely!
"God!!" Jiang Yuan screamed and closed her eyes in fear, but a few seconds passed and nothing happened.

She tentatively opened her eyes, but a section of scorched black vine fell from her vision with a "bang".

The vines covering the sky above the head were like tentacles of monsters, swaying with claws and claws, but as the purple lightning struck down, they all retreated like a flock of frightened birds.

"My... my God." She murmured blankly: "Is there really a god??"

The monsters mutated by the radiation seemed to realize that something was wrong.

The instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages makes them start to retreat.

The giant ape who was first injured by the purple lightning let out an angry roar. Its hair was burnt all over, but it still got up quickly after landing and attacked Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan had nothing to be afraid of at the moment. After seeing the so-called miracle, she felt an inexplicable sense of security in her heart.

The green laser sword flickered in front of his eyes, and seemed to be entwined with some purple current.

But the current was like her hallucination, because in the blink of an eye, the laser sword was still the same.

A reconnaissance-type green mech of the same size flashed in her field of vision, and the attack was decisive and fierce, as if it had been done thousands of times before, it directly chopped off the head of the giant ape!

Weird green blood spewed out, like plant juice, but the juice was highly corrosive and splashed on the ground. The soil was scorched black immediately, emitting bursts of thick smoke.

"Student Shi Jin!" Jiang Yuan's eyes were red, and the tears she had endured for a long time rushed down the moment she saw her relatives appear!

The thunderstorm continued. After finishing the giant ape, Shi Jin turned around and grabbed Jiang Yuan's chameleon, and led her quickly away from the thunderstorm area.

The sky in the distance was suddenly clouded.

The color of the sky changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feng Yan looked indifferent, and said calmly: "Is it raining quickly?"

"It's not like." Feng Yu also spoke indifferently.

After meeting with the president Jiang Yan, they wanted to rescue Jiang Yuan together, but the boy suddenly stopped the two of them: "Don't go, just wait here for a while."

There seemed to be some complicated emotions in Jiang Yan's voice: "The radiation in the depths is too serious, don't get close."

"But I want to save Jiang Yuan." The brothers said in unison.

As soon as the voice fell, a communication box popped up, and the three of them looked at the blue light electronic screen, it was Shi Jin.

"Are you okay?!" At this moment, the boy finally asked in a trembling voice.

"Don't worry." Shi Jin adjusted the camera and showed Jiang Yuan's mech to the three of them: "She's fine."

The exterior of the Chameleon is somewhat damaged, but the cockpit is fine.

Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had let go of all her tense emotions at that moment, and said, "...Thank you."

"Thank you, classmate Shi Jin." A grateful look appeared between the brows of the blond boy. His words were gentle, and his sapphire-like pupils seemed to be stained with water, making them crystal clear. Shi Jin was taken aback.

"..." I have to say that Jiang Yan's innate gentle temperament is really like a handsome young man born in a classical European noble family in the Middle Ages.

(End of this chapter)

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