Chapter 55 [055] used it

Shi Jin sent Jiang Yuan's mech in front of the three of them, and the five joined them.

Jiang Yuan's first words when she came back were: "A miracle! Brother! I saw a miracle!"

Jiang Yan: "..."

Jiang Yan: "What miracle?"

The girl's eyes were flooded with surprise and excitement: "Lightning fell from the sky in a certain area! I thought I was going to die, but those lightning strikes directly smashed the mutant monsters into scum!"

As she spoke, she wanted to call up the video, but the video recording only stayed at the moment when her mecha was damaged.

Jiang Yuan was instantly disappointed: "Ah, has the video equipment been broken too?"

Except for the pictures that have been preserved, nothing about the thunderstorm has been recorded.

"It's okay," Jiang Yan comforted, "It's as long as you're okay."

"Jiang Yuan's body should be checked in the infirmary." Shi Jin said, "Let's go back, everyone. The mutant images she recorded just now should be enough for the academy."

There is no reason for the college not to pay attention to such a big event.

Jiang Yan was also worried about whether her sister's body would have any sequelae after being exposed to radiation, so she nodded and said, "Okay, anyway, the sampling has been completed, let's go."

After returning from the rainforest, the five went straight to the infirmary.

After a series of inspections, Jiang Yuan's condition is fine, and she should be fine after a few days of recuperation.

The interstellar medical level is high, she lived in the infirmary for treatment that day, and by the evening, her complexion was much better.

Jiang Yan was here with her sister, while Feng Yan and Feng Yu were in charge of sorting out the information and reporting all the collected evidence to the academy.

Before the five of them parted, Shi Jin asked, "Speaking of which, President, is the rainforest pass only available to the President himself?"

The boy shook his head: "No, members can use it without the president's presence, but it needs to be approved by the president."

"Then I will go in and out of the rainforest in the future and just apply for a pass directly from you?"

"Of course, but be careful." Jiang Yan reminded with a smile.

What Shi Jin likes most about this boy is that he rarely asks why.

He didn't ask why he joined the Exploration Department.

He didn't ask how the C-level mental power could activate the armor.

He still didn't ask why he needed the pass.

Shi Jin couldn't help sighing in his heart, this kind of feeling of getting along is really good, as if he has been respected to the greatest extent, and he won't ask the bottom line. For those who need to keep some small secrets, having such a friend is simply a blessing.

When school was over in the evening, Shi Jin was waiting for the driver at the door. After not seeing Shi Ye for a day, the kid stepped forward the first time he saw her, and asked a bit sourly, "Where did you go all day today?!"

Shi Jin blinked: "I went out to play with my friends."

"You still have friends?" The boy was slightly surprised.

"Can't I have it?" She spread her hands, feeling a little funny.

Shi Ye could hear the stabbing intent in her words, and hurriedly said, "I didn't mean that! I was just... really a little surprised."

In the past, Shi Jin was always alone, except herself, no one approached her actively, even if she approached, it was just bullying with contempt and disdain.

"I just made four friends, all of whom are very good people and respect me, so we can chat very well." Shi Jin said.

This sentence doesn't refer to anything, it has a very common meaning, but Shi Ye has been a little sensitive these two days, thinking that the girl was referring to something overtly and secretly, so he suddenly took Shi Jin's hand and said eagerly: " You are still angry!"

Shi Jin: "..." Why did you suddenly mention this?
Shi Jin: "No."

"You have! Otherwise, you left so early today and didn't even tell me!"

"It's just club activities, so go early."

"You joined the club?! When did it happen?!" Shi Ye was surprised.

Shi Jin: "Just the day before yesterday, my friend also met in the club."

"Which club? What's the name? Do you need a machine armor?" San Lian asked.

Shi Jin: "..."

In contrast, she really likes Jiang Yan's non-questioning character.

"An ordinary club doesn't need a machine armor." Shi Jin said, "I don't have much interest in participating in college competitions, everyone is quite casual."

After hearing this, Shi Ye seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "That's good, you have struggled to activate the transport mecha, and if you are really asked to operate the mecha, you don't have a headache."

Shi Jin smiled: "So don't worry."

The young man looked at her, seeing that Shi Jin was really not angry, then lowered his eyes slightly, nodded softly and said, "...Well, then, do you have any activities tomorrow?"

"Not yet, it will take a while."

"So tomorrow... can we go together?" He suddenly asked.

Shi Jin said, "Yes."

Shi Ye seemed to be in a much better mood, he finally let go of the hand that had been holding her tightly, and said, "Let's go, go home."

There are backups of the video footage taken by Jiang Yuan.

After Shi Jin transmitted it to his optical brain, he went to the training ground under the mansion and put the green-gold mecha back.

But just as he was about to get on the elevator and go back to his room, he saw Shi Ye coming over.

The boy was taken aback, frowned slightly, and asked, "Why are you here? Do you want to try mecha again?"

"Just come down and take a look, how about you? You won't be projecting a replay of today's game on the training ground again?" In order not to miss every detail, Shi Ye likes to use a super-large projection screen when watching mech games.

"I'll come to train for a while," the boy said, "After the final final of the summer camp this Saturday, there will be an exhibition match between me and Chu Yan."


Shi Ye's eyes burned with disgust: "It is said to be an exhibition match, but I have to beat that damn thing to the point of crying."

"Isn't Chu Yan being treated in Emperor Star's main hospital? He's cured?" Shi Jin asked.

This time she played a heavy hand, thinking that the boy could lie down for ten days and half a month.

"I heard that he will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Shi Ye looked at Shi Jin: "Did you do it?"

"Do you all say that?" Shi Jin smiled: "But look at me, who has thin arms and legs, if I put it in Shi Zhu's words—is it possible?"

When Shi Jiu was mentioned, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across Shi Ye's face. He may have discovered that his brother actually hated Shi Jin very much, but he didn't know how to repair the relationship between the two.

The boy always had everything written on his face, so it was easy to see his mood and thoughts at the moment.

Shi Jin raised his eyebrows slightly, and didn't intend to say anything else, but just patted him on the shoulder and said, "Then you go on, I'm going back to my room to sleep, see you tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she yawned, took the elevator and turned to leave the training ground.

The young man standing at the door was silent for a while, his delicate and handsome face had complicated expressions, and finally he sighed, and went to the compartments around the training ground to choose the mechs for training later.

However, when his eyes touched a certain green and gold mecha, he paused.

Caressing the outer armor of its legs, the young man frowned, his eyes darkened—there was still warmth.

This means that, not long ago, someone had used it.

(End of this chapter)

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