Chapter 56 [056] I Can't Spare You

Who will use mechs in the training ground?

Now in the mansion, apart from herself, there is only Shi Jin.

But Shijin-driven transport mechs are barely enough, let alone A-level.

Shi Ye withdrew his hand from the outer armor plate of the mecha, and rubbed his fingertips. The lower body of the used mecha was stained with some soil, and there were some green leaves attached to the joints of the armor.

His face was low, dignified and serious.

After leaving this cubicle, Shi Ye went to look at the other cubicles.

Transport type, red and white mechas, dark gold mechas, and... and so on!
The boy was taken aback.

He withdrew his foot to the next compartment, walked back suddenly, his eyes fell on the dark gold mecha, and ran to the compartment of the red and white mecha.

Shi Ye's eyes were shocked, his pupils trembled slightly, and there was a flash in his mind - it seemed that something was connected!

Personal PVP red and white mecha.

The dark gold mecha that removes the arms of the team PVP.

The mecha pilots who use similar tricks drive the same model of mecha as the ones in their own training ground!
Plus the green mech that was suspected to have been used just now.

Shi Ye's heart was beating fast, he seemed to have discovered some terrible secret!
But, is this possible? !
He froze in place, his heart beating fast.

However, once the seeds of doubt are planted, it is equivalent to a towering tree has grown.

What's more, tonight, what Shi Jin said came down to take a look...Maybe she never just looked at the training ground and mechs.

Shi Ye's fists were slowly clenched.

He gradually raised his eyes, stared at the elevator in front of him, squinted his eyes, and walked away from here with a gloomy expression.

Shi Jin was about to open the screen that Jiang Yuan took this morning to take a closer look, when there was a knock on the door.

She huddled under the quilt cross-legged, switched out the screen projected by the optical brain, and changed it to an interstellar love song movie, and then said: "Come in."

The voice-activated alloy door unlocked and opened slowly.

Shi Ye stood at the door and looked at Shi Jin with complicated eyes.

At this point in time, the boy should still be at the mansion training ground.

Shi Jin asked strangely, "Xiao Ye, what do you want from me?"

Shi Ye pursed his lips, "Can I come in?"

The teenager is more polite now and knows that he should ask for advice before entering a girl's room.

Satisfied, Shi Jin nodded, "Yes."

Shi Ye went to her bedside and sat down, his brown hair was fluffy and shiny, and the bangs on his forehead fell slightly as he lowered his head.

He looked like he wanted to ask a question, but didn't know how to ask it.

Shi Jin raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter with you?"

As soon as the words came out, Shi Ye finally made up his mind and said, "You went to the mansion training ground today, what are you looking at?"

Shi Jin: "...That's it?"

Shi Ye stared at her seriously: "Is there anything you are hiding from me?"

Shi Jin answered crisply: "No."

"Liar." The boy narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to expose her, "I already guessed it."

"The green-gold mecha in the underground training ground is still warm. The outer panels are stained with mud, and there are leaves between the gaps, which means that it has been driven out before."

"But the second uncle and the second aunt don't use the mechs in the training ground at all on weekdays. The only ones who will go there are you and me."

Shi Jin: "...So?"

She propped her head and waited for the young man to speak. Shi Ye pursed her lips slightly. Seeing her nonchalant look, her heart tightened, and she said, " know—except for our four brothers and sisters, in the family, In fact, there is another illegitimate child who has no status!"

Shi Jin: "!"

She looked at Shi Ye in astonishment. The boy looked serious, as if he was very sure that besides the two of them, there was a third child of the same generation in the mansion.

"Why do you... think so?"


Shi Ye analyzed: "That's an A-level mecha! Although it's not as good as an S-level mecha, it can't be driven by a C-level mental power! You can't drive it at all, so someone must have used it before, and that person can use it from Grandpa and Second Uncle took the mecha away under their noses, which means they are people who are very familiar with them!"

"In the Xingwang training ground that caused a sensation on the forum, the mechs inside were exactly the same as our underground training ground! Doesn't that explain the problem? I didn't expect this illegitimate child to be a genius! Even Xie Yinci lost to He, is this the hole card that grandpa and second uncle prepared for the Shi family?"

Shi Jin knew that if he didn't stop the young man, his association would drift to outer space.

So he rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Don't guess randomly, it's normal for mechas sold on the market to collide with numbers, and the green one you mentioned was the one I used today."

"You?!" Shi Ye looked her up and down, "Are you saying this to protect that illegitimate child?"

The young man suddenly felt unwilling: "Is he your good brother?!"

Shi Jin: "Silly boy...don't say that."

Shi Ye's eyes flickered: "So I am more important to you?"

Shi Jin: "No, I mean what if she is an illegitimate daughter."

Shi Ye: "! So she is an illegitimate daughter?!"

Shi Jin: "..."

She suddenly stretched out her hand to touch Shi Ye's head, with a sympathetic look on her face: "The younger brother of Shi Jiu, I really wronged you."

"...Don't change the subject."

Shi Jin spread his hands, sighed and said, "Didn't I mention today's club activities? Even if I can't drive, it's still possible to convert it into a portable mode with spiritual power and take it out? I don't have to drive it after I take it out. !"

Shi Ye said with serious eyes: "Don't lie, the mecha needs to be activated to enter information before it can be switched. Even if your mental power is injected into it, it will not meet the activation standard."

Shi Jin: "..."

She was really tired of dealing with Shi Ye's inexplicable "knowledge-seeking" character.

It's broken, "You just think I'm using external technology and hang it up."

Shi Ye suddenly grabbed her hand, and the expression in the brown eyes suddenly changed into an extremely serious look: "What did you say?!"

Those eyes were full of disbelief and anger and anxiety: "How could you do this?!"

"Things that forcibly improve mental power are tantamount to breeding seedlings! Your brain nerves will be seriously damaged!"

"Yes, yes, I already know that I was wrong, and I will never do it again!" Shi Jin said.


"Really, don't guess wildly, there is no illegitimate child or illegitimate daughter, and the two stations on Xingwang are also a coincidence, go back and have a good rest, good night." Shi Jin said and yawned, "I'm sleepy too. "

"Where is that thing...?" the boy asked with a serious expression.


"Spirit booster, I have to take it away before I can rest assured."

Shi Jin: "..."

Shi Jin: "Someone sold it to me. It's crooked. It breaks after just one use. It's already thrown away during the day."

"Didn't lie to me?"


Shi Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That delicate little face has been tense since he came in, and the moment he got the answer, he seemed to be completely relaxed.

"Good night then." The boy got up and walked towards the door.

Shi Jin nodded perfunctorily, "Yeah."

After Shi Ye left, thinking about the conversation just now, she still found it a little funny.

Tap the optical computer screen with your fingertips, switch back to the screen sent to her by Jiang Yuan, and continue to replay.

And at the moment when the alloy door closed.

The handsome young man who seemed to be relaxed turned down again.

——Who on earth sold that thing to Shi Jin?
He leaned against the alloy door, his posture seemed to be deep in thought, his eyes were extremely cold: "I caught you, but I can't spare you... bastard."

 I am preparing for the interview, the update may be a bit late these two days, sorry! QQ
(End of this chapter)

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