The arena was crowded.

The huge bird's nest-shaped final field was densely packed with spectators, the blue sky was as clear as washing, with white clouds floating on it, and many large balloons rose in the air.

The entire huge final bird's nest was full of voices, and the audience cheered endlessly.

All the teachers and students of the school came here, the sky was full of aircraft, and the final final was broadcast on the entire star network.

The commentator is sitting on the high platform, a man and a woman. The man is wearing a suit, dressed extremely vigorously, wearing a monocle of electronic glasses, and carefully observes the situation on the field. The woman is also in a suit and uniform, wearing stiletto high-heeled shoes , with a straight back and an elegant sitting posture, with red lips painted on, glamorous and gorgeous.

The auditorium was full of heat, but compared to the final, the audience seemed to be more looking forward to the exhibition game after the end.

It starts from Xie Yinci, who is most likely to win the Queen's praise this year, and Shi Mo, who is equally capable of competing for the top spot.

There was supposed to be only one exhibition match before, but the student union temporarily added one, and it seemed that they wanted to have an exhibition match that would not leave any regrets for the entire week-long summer camp.

The final field was full of seats, and the bottom row was surrounded by a circle of cheerleaders, divided into blue and pink. The pink team supported this summer camp's favourite, Shi Yan, a fourth-grade student, while the blue team supported Ling Shuang, a fifth-grade gifted mech girl. .

The duel between Feitu and Shiratori seems to be very interesting.

The two had also played many training matches in the training ground before, and they came and went, lost and won.

But in the end, whose strength can be truly recognized by the audience has to be in this final.

Before the game started, there were already different opinions in the auditorium, and the discussion was very intense——

"Miss Ling Shuang's strength is obvious to all, this time the champion must be her!"

"Don't say it too early. Although the fourth grader Shiyan is one grade lower than her, she is ranked at the top of the star network, and her strength is not bad. What if she wins?"

"I'm a loyal fan of Miss Ling Shuang! I bet on her 100%!"

"It's true that Miss Ling Shuang has a better chance of winning. In Xingwang's personal PVP, her winning rate is 90.00% nine."

"I bought Ling Shuang!! Ling Shuang! You must win!! I bet ten times!"

"I buy Shiyan twenty times more! Miss Shiyan must work hard!"

"??? In front, are you fucking gambling?!"

"Gambling?? Ten times the bet and twenty times the bet?? Which grade are you in?! Which class?! Tell me the truth... Don't run away! How dare you run away?!"

"Fuck! Why is the dean here??"


As Shi Jin listened, the discussion in the audience behind him shifted from who would win to whoever won, to betting on dogs, and even attracted the dean.


She shook her head and sighed slightly—it really is a bet on a dog and a house.

Ling Shuang stayed up all night for training last night, but she is still in a good state of mind this morning.

Shi Yan's face was calm, and she didn't go to bed until three or four in the morning, and was still practicing duel with Shi Ju in the Xingwang training ground in the middle of the night.

Shi Jin stood in the cheerleading squad, surrounded by figures, and even the sky couldn't see any blue.

The cheerleaders she stood in were in the first row of auditoriums, at the bottom of the layered bird's nest, which was really inconspicuous in the countless crowd.

The flashlights for photography and broadcasting were continuously lit at high altitude, and the sound of the shutter was heard one after another. Before the finals began, the unlockers had to further mobilize the emotions of the audience and guide the camera shots.

Shi Jin's shoulder was suddenly patted.

She turned her head and saw that it was the captain of Shiyan's logistics cheerleading team.

"...What's wrong?" Shi Jin blinked.

The captain looked at her: "Where's your team uniform?"

Shi Jin replied honestly: "Xiao Yan said she was ugly, she would embarrass her, and she wouldn't let me wear it."

"That's not okay! Everyone is dressed, how can you be uniform like this? It will be untidy by then." The captain frowned and stared at her dissatisfied: "Besides, no matter how ugly, as long as we move neatly and dress uniformly , that will look good too!"

Shi Jin: " can wear it, but when Xiao Yan says I'm ashamed, you have to explain it for me! This is for uniformity! For the team! For the structure!"

The captain nodded and urged: "Hey, let's go, don't smudge, change your clothes quickly, the game will start soon!"

After getting the promise, Shi Jin immediately smiled and took off his uniform jacket and shirt.

"?? What?! Go to the locker room!" The captain was stunned by her operation.

However, she didn't expect the next second—after she took off her shirt, what was exposed underneath was the cheerleading top she had already been wearing inside.

Captain: " actually couldn't wait a long time ago, right?"

Shi Jin took off the culottes again and again, revealing the little pink skirt of the cheerleaders.

She took a folded clothing bag from her uniform pocket, put the campus uniform in it, put it next to the railing, picked up the little Lala pink ball again and shook it in her hand, "Is it much better now?"

team leader:"……"

Shi Jin held two cheerballs, leaned on the railing of the first row and looked up at the big screen broadcasting in the commentary booth.

After bursts of cheers, the match was about to officially start. Suddenly, a passionate commentary from a man and a woman came from her ears. The voices were powerful and inspiring——

"Okay! All the guests here, and the audience in the Xingwang live broadcast hall! Welcome to the final scene of our Queen Victoria Military Academy summer camp competition! After a week of competition, the contestants have all shined, finally! We had yesterday The names of the two finalists for this final have been confirmed!"

"They are--Student Ling Shuang who has the title of the first "Genius Mecha Girl" in the military academy! The exclusive mecha Snow Angel Shiratori! And Shi Yan, a rising star from the fourth grade, No. 1 in the fourth grade in mecha strength! The exclusive mecha, the swift Scarlet Rabbit!"

"One is all-powerful in the sky! The other is cunning on the ground! In today's final, what kind of exciting confrontation will the two contestants present?! Let us wait and see!"

The loudspeakers transmit the voices of the two commentators to the ears of everyone present.

Shi Jin picked out his ears, and the cheerleaders standing in the first row were closest to the speakers on the ground, so when the sound came out, their ears were all hit by the same level of sound waves.

It’s okay to have a loud voice, and the commentary is so mediocre, but to be honest—it really fits the duel. The emotions on the scene were directly mobilized, and the audience supporting their respective players immediately shouted loudly, and the scene was once very lively.

Shi Jin thought that the commentary should be enough for the middle two, but unexpectedly, the cheerleading slogan was even more middle two!

Embarrassed, she couldn't help scratching the ground with her toes, feeling uncomfortable all over and getting goosebumps all over her body.

The moment the commentator's voice fell, the person in the blue cheerleader uniform immediately started shouting—"Ling Shuang Ling Shuang! You are so energetic! Galloping the field! Shining!"

Of course, the pink team is not to be outdone—"Smoke and smoke! Sanjue Wei Bian! Take the lead! Go forward!"

Shi Jin: "..."

She suddenly understood why Xiao Yan felt ashamed.

If Ling Shuang is the representative of genius, then Shi Yan is the symbol of diligence.

The cheering slogans of the two are also very different.

Accompanied by shouts like a wave, the two finalists finally appeared on the stage at this moment.

A long howl—the snow angel soars in the air!
The white bird spreads its wings and flies high, pure and dreamy.

Ling Shuang's mecha is as gorgeous and noble as its master, powerful and beautiful.

The ground shook for three brakes, and the swift crimson mecha rushed out of the ground!

The Scarlet Rabbit transforms, transforming from its original animal form into a fighting humanoid form.

The new exclusive mecha will be specially designed according to the personality and operation characteristics of the owner.

Snow Angel's human form is high above the sky, just like Xie Yinci, he belongs to the pride of the sky.

And Feitu stood on the ground, the original rabbit-shaped head turned into a rabbit-shaped mask, staying on the metal face, even though it was on the ground, it still held its head high.

The creatures on the ground raised their eyes to the sky, unyielding, and straightened their spines.

——Mechas from both sides enter the arena!
——The war is about to break out!
"Okay! It seems that both parties are ready to enter the arena! Then I will announce—the finals of the Queen Victoria Military Academy Mecha Summer Camp competition, now—beginning!!"

As the referee's rough voice spread to every corner of the arena.

The game officially begins!
The crowd shouted and cheered loudly.

Hot air balloons float in the sky, and electronic projections project eye-catching characters.

The screen also broadcast the scene of the game, and the enthusiasm of the audience was overwhelming, and the sound was deafening!
Shi Jin's eyes were flooded. Judging from the way Feitu entered the arena, Shi Yan also devoted 12 points of energy to this duel this time.

My sister attaches so much importance to and works so hard, I have to work hard myself.

She was lying on the railing, waving her little pink ball in her hand, and said loudly, "Come on!!"

Shiratori took the lead in attacking and swooped in. The mechanical wings made of silver metal flapped vigorously, revealing densely packed small gun holes. With every swing, they fired out tiny bullets so fast that people could not see their figure. !

The lethality of those bullets is not strong, but if they hit the joints of the mecha, it will easily affect Feitu's flexibility.

Of course, agile rabbits are not so easy to be hit.

The red figure can't fly, and the thrusters on the soles of the feet are also bouncing forward propulsion. I saw Feitu jumping up, avoiding all the miniature bullets, and the upper arms of the two mechanical arms ejected three or four cannon barrels, aiming at the sky. Shiratori is a meal shot!
"Bang bang bang!"

The commentator immediately said: "Okay! At the beginning of the game, both sides chose interference tactics! The long-range attack was used as the first move, Shiratori's diving miniature bullets interfered, and Feitu's leaping guns interfered! This means to test the opponent first It seems that for this competition, both players are very vigilant!"

Shi Jin watched carefully from the cheerleading team.

At present, the speed of both sides is at a medium level, which is far from the high level of the team PVP in Star Network last time.

It seems that the speed and strength have not been fully mobilized, as the commentator said, they are still in the experimental range.

Happy Saturday! ~~ Good night!

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