Chapter 66 [066] The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit

The white bird flapped its wings, and the surrounding airflow seemed to change accordingly.

After the initial tentative attack is over, the formal assault begins.

The lightsaber ejected from Shiratori's arm, and the blade glowing with silvery white light seemed to have an icy aura, which made people feel a little trembling.

The snow angel suspended in the air looks down at the earth, with a noble posture, which seems to look down upon.

Those blue glass eyes also flickered a bit coldly, and the hearts of everyone present couldn't help but enter a state of tension and excitement.

Feitu raised his head slightly, waved his right hand, and the fiery red lightsaber also popped out from his arm. The heat wave hit, and the people in the first row could almost feel the seriousness exuding from the mecha.

Shi Jin saw that both of them were getting serious, the pink flower ball in his hand couldn't help shaking, he pulled the captain's arm beside him and said excitedly: "Quick! Let's start!"

The captain understood very well, and immediately mobilized the fan team to cheer loudly.

"Come on, Miss Shiyan!! Come on!!"

When the speed is brought up, the arena has completely become a place where gods fight.

In the last second, the two were still slashing at each other with lightsabers, and in the next second, they were separated by dozens of meters, widening the distance.

As the lightsabers fought, the crisp sound of clashing was amplified by the loudspeaker and transmitted to everyone's ears. The powerful air flow radiated out in the arena and hit the faces of the surrounding audience. The heat waves and cold air alternated, making people's faces I can't help but be white for a while.

Snow Angel's wings suddenly fired miniature bullets again when the two of them shortened the distance. Feitu immediately increased the horsepower of the propellers on its feet to avoid it. A cut in the breastplate!

Ling Shuang narrowed her eyes slightly, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Shi Yan raised her eyes and looked at her calmly and coldly.

"Beautiful! Shiratori successfully interfered with Feitu and gained the advantage of the first strike in this duel!" The commentator was full of enthusiasm on stage, and Ling Shuang's cheerleaders were also celebrating loudly.

The fan team was not discouraged and continued to cheer loudly.

The front armor was attacked, and the force of the impact caused Feitu to take two steps back. It quickly stabilized its body and took a defensive posture. Shiratori's next knife was successfully caught by Feitu!
The captain of the fan team breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's okay, Miss Shiyan is calm enough."

Shi Jin nodded: "Of course, she's not impulsive, it's just a knife, and Xiao Yan will come back soon."

As soon as the words fell, Feitu kicked Shiratori's hand away with a roundabout kick, then turned around and struck sparks on Shiratori's breastplate with a backhand knife!
The smile faded from the corners of Ling Shuang's lips, she gritted her teeth slightly, and cruelty appeared in her eyes.

She clicked her tongue lightly, and then launched a new attack.

The silver wing suddenly detached from the connector on Shiratori's back, and everyone was amazed. They saw Shiratori grabbing the middle part of the mechanical wing and throwing it towards Feitu like a boomerang!
The metal wings spread out like sharp blades, with a sharp cold light, Feitu raised his hand and ejected the light blade mounted on the other arm, making a cross gesture in front of the breastplate, abruptly blocking the pair of silver swords attacking from a whirling attack. wing!

Shiratori took the opportunity to go up, the thrusters on the soles of its feet shot out rapid sparks, and with a flash of cold light, it slashed fiercely at Feitu's arm.

Lightning sparks emerged, blooming like fireworks in the sky.

Feitu's right arm was damaged, and electric current was flowing up and down.

Shi Yan glanced sideways at her arm. After the mecha was damaged, some pain would be transmitted to her brain through the nerves connected to the mecha.

Ling Shuang's face could appear in front of her through the communication window inside the mech. The girl was cold and beautiful, but her expression was smug and contemptuous.

If it wasn't for the fact that the opponents couldn't communicate with each other during the match, she would definitely have taunted her at this moment.

Shi Yan's expression remained unchanged, his light brown eyes were indifferent and calm.

Even though she is currently passive, she still hasn't lost her footing.

The captain of the pink team frowned slightly, tightened his hand holding the little pink ball, and couldn't help but whispered to Shi Jin next to him: "...Miss Shiyan is at a disadvantage right now."

Shi Jin nodded: "That's right, but she won't always be at a disadvantage."

She continued: "Ling Shuang's mecha belongs to the sky. It has ample vision in the sky and has a great advantage. Looking down, you can see Feitu's movements at a glance, but Xiaoyan hasn't shown her full strength yet. Don't forget that she is Feitu. , The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit haven't escaped yet, where did it end?"

So Shi Jin wasn't worried.

The 1V1 duel venue of this kind of competition will also simulate the natural situation.

The ground belongs to the rainforest soil, and a part of the plants of the rainforest are simulated around it, but it will not cover people's vision.

Feitu's arm was damaged, so it immediately unloaded the front half of the forearm, converted the upper arm into a cannon barrel, and fired it towards the sky.

After attacking for a round, the silver-winged boomerang returned to Shiratori's back and reconnected to the connector, and began to flap.

When Feitu's artillery fire hit the sky, the pair of silver wings suddenly crossed forward, protecting Shiratori's humanoid torso under the mechanical wings.

The blue team cheered, while the pink team gritted their teeth.

But in the next second, Feitu suddenly disappeared in place!

It disappeared too suddenly, and when the silver-winged wings revealed the white bird's human form again, Shi Yan's shadow was no longer in Ling Shuang's field of vision!
She was taken aback, her pupils shrinking slightly.

His eyes kept wandering around the ground, staring at the ground closely, not letting go of a corner.

Where Feitu had stood before, there was only a pile of dirt and a big hole left. The rabbit hid in the ground, and the white bird in the sky could not predict the opponent's position.

Ling Shuang suddenly spread her wings, turned her hands into long-range weapons, and fired a burst of penetrating shots at the ground.

However, the smoke was billowing, and the smell of gunfire even made people in the auditorium frown and cough, but there was still no movement on the ground.

Ling Shuang was so angry that her complexion turned pale, and she clenched her fists tightly. She swooped down suddenly, ejected the lightsaber again, and slashed a deep crack on the ground!

Feitu's hearing in the ground is very sensitive, and any movement or sound transmitted through solid objects will become extremely obvious in its ears.

When the sparks of the thruster sound somewhere on the ground, it is the time when the white bird dives from the sky to near the ground, and the position can also be determined by the sound.

The mecha hidden in the ground re-transforms into the rabbit form of the animal prototype, and then suddenly rushes towards a certain direction. The two arms converted into ground drills can ensure that the speed of Feitu's driving underground is not weaker than that on the surface.

On the arena, the disappearing Fei Tu caused everyone to discuss quietly and look at each other.

"Did Miss Shiyan hide underground?"

"It should be hiding temporarily, and then attacking suddenly."

"Laughing to death, why don't you dare to face up!"

"Are you an idiot?! A sky-type mecha and a near-ground mecha, naturally you have to choose a counterattack method that suits the characteristics of your own mecha! Otherwise, will you be hit by Shiratori on the surface?"

Shiratori suddenly disassembled the assembly of the silver wings, and the pieces of metal feathers spread out like needles in a rainstorm, and plunged into the ground fiercely!
The commentator was startled, and hurriedly said: "My God! Is Ling Shuang trying to determine Feitu's location through the detector on the metal feather?!"

With a slight wave of Shiratori's hand, the metal feathers that sank into the ground suddenly emitted a burst of powerful electric light like a current conductor, covering almost the entire arena.

When a signal suddenly came from a certain place, Shiratori rushed towards it immediately, hit the ground with its arm heavily, converted into a long-range cannon barrel in the soil, and aimed directly at the ground and fired continuously "bang bang bang". The most powerful quantum light cannon at present!
The energy on the ground gathered and became scorching hot, but a few quantum light cannons went down, as if they hadn't attacked Feitu, and the red rabbit didn't show up at all.

Ling Shuang's eyes became colder, and suddenly a signal source came from another direction.

She immediately turned around and attacked that place in the same way!
At first it was Shi Jin who was pulling the captain, but now the captain is pulling Shi Jin nervously, "I'm so worried! Ling Shuang knew Miss Shi Yan's fighting style, so she formulated a countermeasure early in the morning, and those metal feathers covered the whole field , Feitu will be found no matter where he hides!"

Shi Jin patted her hand and said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, Xiao Yan still has a chance."

"There is still a chance?! Are you so confident?!"

Shi Jin nodded: "After all, the three caves of the cunning rabbit are crisscrossed with underground cave passages. It is impossible for her to just stay in one place and wait obediently to be beaten."

There was no movement after the second signal source attacked.

Ling Shuang's heart sank, and her initial complacency disappeared without a trace. She had obviously spent two days installing a detector on each metal feather according to the characteristics of Shiyan Mecha, and even connected it with an electric current. The result was twice The signal source was detected wrong!
She gritted her teeth, and when the signal source was generated for the third time, Shiratori did not attack immediately, but observed the situation around the signal source more carefully.

Sure enough, the signal source disappeared two seconds after it appeared.

Seeing this scene, Ling Shuang sneered coldly, and a somewhat unexpected meaning flashed across her pupils.

"It's running really fast... the stinky rabbit, I just dare to hide, Shi Yan."

She muttered coldly, and was about to continue to detect, but suddenly something broke out of the ground where the white bird was!

Surprised, Ling Shuang lowered her eyes and looked down. There was a double-headed drill at the front of the prototype red rabbit, rushing straight out of the ground!
Dusty, heat-laden photon cannons shot out from Feitu's eyes!

The white bird's wings are not on the body, and the flying speed has been greatly reduced. The horsepower of the foot thrusters alone cannot completely avoid it in the first place.

The fiery red photon cannon destroyed Shiratori's entire left arm, and even grazed the skin of the breastplate, wiping out bursts of charred smoke and a burnt smell!
The red rabbit changed form, and the huge animal prototype turned into a human body again. After destroying the skin armor of the breastplate, it became more advantageous to penetrate the cockpit inside.

 Good night! ~~ I found an abandoned milk cat under the bridge hole in my house yesterday afternoon. It is only one month old and small. I took it to the hospital for an examination. I was a little late, so I didn’t update it, sorry!After the inspection, there was no serious problem, but the body was too dirty, and the face was a little ringworm. I dewormed it, bought some cat utensils, and then took it home to keep. I will also have a cat in the future. hey-hey.

(End of this chapter)

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