The metal feathers are inserted into the ground, and the back of the white bird loses its wings. There are no wings near the ground for speed assistance, so its speed will be much slower, and the ground is a suitable place for Scarlet Rabbit.

Ling Shuang's face was ugly, and she opened the shield on her chest, tightly covering the cockpit, as a temporary countermeasure after the front armor was destroyed.

"Great job!" The captain slapped his thigh, eyes full of excitement.

Shi Jin nodded, pursed his lips and said, "I've just said it, if Ling Shuang can think of Xiaoyan's special mecha, and deliberately design the weapon for it, then Xiaoyan will naturally oppose it."

The wing detector was used to find out the position of the rabbit after escaping from the ground, but Ling Shuang did not expect that Shi Yan had installed an analog signal source in the mecha.

Shi Jin heard from Jiang Yuan that analog signal sources are often used by military scouts for ambushes and reconnaissance work, and are often used as a means of life-saving.

Simulate the similar signal fluctuations of mechs to lure the enemy to go.

Shi Yan should have designed three signal sources. When the signal source fluctuated, she secretly judged Ling Shuang's current location based on the sound transmitted from the ground.

After all three signal sources are released, Ling Shuang no longer believes in the fake signal source, so even if Fei Tu really sneaks in, the girl may not necessarily dodge and attack again.

To sum up, this wave is the reverse use of the wolf.

The commentator spoke excitedly on stage, and what he said was similar to what Shi Jin explained to the captain.

The blue team has a whitish blue color, looking a little frustrated.

The fan team was enthusiastic and cheered endlessly.

As expected of Master Duan Shui, the commentator seemed to have noticed the emotions of the audience and cheerleaders on the field, so he immediately said——

"We saw a wonderful anti-prediction and anti-prediction! Both players took pre-match measures based on the characteristics of the opponent's mecha. Pay attention! Although the result is not good for Miss Lingshuang, her seriousness deserves our praise!"

After the words fell, the blue team suddenly swung the small blue ball in their hands. With the encouragement of the commentator, they looked much better and continued to cheer loudly.

No one knew the result until the last moment of the game.

The situation has reversed slightly, and now it is Feitu's turn to vaguely gain the upper hand.

But just when everyone thought that Shi Yan might burst into flames, they saw those metal feathers that had sunk into the ground suddenly burst out of the soil like silver bullets!
Extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye.

Many of the sharp feather tips were inserted into Feitu's joints!
Once the joints of the mecha are stuck, the flexibility of the movement will be greatly reduced.

Shi Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his gaze sank.

Ling Shuang took the opportunity to recycle other metal feathers. The feathers were layered on top of each other, and they were glued together again through the magnetic device above. Although the recovered wings were a little smaller than before, they could recover some speed anyway, and successfully reduced Feitu's flexibility. .

Shiratori fired a quantum light cannon, and Feitu's dodging speed was indeed slowed down.

An icy light flashed across, slashing towards Feitu's head!
Shi Yan immediately resisted the counterattack, the sound of the strike was crisp and clear, Ling Shuang's attack was pressing every step of the way, Shi Yan could only defend first, and retreat temporarily, even if it was near the ground, as long as the wings could generate magnetic levitation force, the movement of the white bird would be Smooth as on ice.

Compared with the hyperactive and slightly sluggish Scarlet Rabbit, Shiratori's advantage has risen again.

The situation was reversed again, and it really didn't make people guess the next development.

Shi Jin blinked, propped his head with one hand, and seeing the scene just now, couldn't help muttering: "So the feather can be put back on."

- She really didn't expect that.

The captain who was nervously biting the small handkerchief next to her glared at her: "Why are you so calm?! If the mecha is inferior in speed, then 100% lose!"

Seeing that Shi Yan was at a disadvantage again, the blue team began to be happy, while the pink team looked downcast, and everyone looked very real.

Shi Jin said: "The ending hasn't come out yet, so don't draw conclusions so early."

After all—there is nothing in this rabbit hole, right? Ling Shuang really thinks that Shi Yan is hiding down there, just hiding dryly?

"Don't worry, Xiao Yan has her own ideas."

Shi Jin patted the captain next to him on the shoulder, "You are the captain of Shiyan's cheerleading team, don't you believe her? If she wins this round, will you give me the captain's position? I will definitely perform hard! Everyone speak louder!"

The captain continued to bite the small handkerchief: "Okay! So you have been coveting my identity and status?!"

Shi Jin said righteously: "It's okay if you don't want to be the captain!"

"You, you..." The captain pointed at her, and after a while he finally said, "Okay! If Miss Shiyan wins! I'll give you the status of cheerleader!"

He even had tears in his eyes when he said this.

Shi Jin grabbed the finger he was pointing at, and nodded solemnly as if making a promise: "It's a promise! Captain! Believe in Xiaoyan, she will definitely win!"

Shi Jinzhi is determined to win the position of captain, she has been promoted!
Feitu retreated again and again, it seemed that it was going to be forced to the edge of the playing field.

Once the mecha is kicked out of the field, the winner will be declared directly.

"It's over, is it still too late to change the bet to buy Miss Ling Shuang?"

"The Feitu's flexibility has decreased, and it has no chance of winning."

"Ah, Miss Shiyan!! Don't give up!!"

"Miss Ling Shuang, come on! Defeat the opponent! I bought you to win!"


Although the words from the auditorium could not be heard by the contestants, Ling Shuang's expression was still so cold and complacent, so what if he was fooled by the signal source three times?After all, he still wins.

"It's over, Shi Yan."

Ling Shuang sneered, and she concentrated all her strength on the last cut, raising both the speed and strength to her critical point - 200m/s, [-] Newton force.

That speed was even faster than the blink of an eye.

The commentator was very excited on the stage: "It's critical, it's critical! The value is completely peaked, and Ling Shuang is going to make the final attack! Can Shi Yan withstand it?! Is it lost here, or is there another way out?!"

Facts have proved that words really can not be too full.

Just when the cheerleader told Shi Jin that he might not be able to give her the position this time, something happened suddenly.

Two mechanical arms jumped out from the ground and suddenly grabbed Shiratori's legs tightly!
It seems to have been installed in the ground in advance.

Ling Shuang was taken aback, her attack was blocked before it started, and the wings and foot thrusters immediately exerted force, trying to get out of the shackles, and it only took two seconds from being locked to breaking free.

However, in the gap of these two seconds——

Six quantum light cannons rushed out of the two signal sources attacked by Ling Shuang just now!

The light cannon broke through the ground, and it was extremely powerful. Before everyone could react, it penetrated Shiratori's breastplate from the back!
The shield can only protect the front, so at that moment, Shiratori suffered serious damage above the cockpit!

The light cannon cuts off the nerve connection line connected to the human brain and limbs, and the human body can no longer control the mech, and is directly disconnected from it.

Shiratori's huge body was suddenly like a car that had turned off its ignition, and its movements froze in place, motionless.

Fei Tu, who was relatively dull on the opposite side, also stayed in place.

But Shiratori stopped because he lost the ability to move.

As for Feitu, it was because he won.

"Xiaoyan also secretly left an energy cannon in the place where the signal source simulator was installed. The fort-style energy cannon barrel has two functions of absorbing and releasing."

"The false signal source tricked Ling Shuang into attacking downwards, just enough to allow the gun barrel to absorb the three quantum light cannons, two signal sources, a total of six light cannons, aimed at the current position, and then lead the white bird into Feitu just now. As long as the range of the confinement device set up underground can trap the opponent, even for a second, Shiratori cannot avoid the sneak attack of the light cannon."

Shi Jin said to the captain next to him, "It seems that I'm really going to be in charge today."

Captain: " do you know there is a cannon barrel underneath?"

Shi Jin: "Yesterday, Xiaoyan was secretly training in the training ground, and I saw that when she loaded the mech with weapons, she got three of them in Feitu's arsenal.

Captain: "..." Xiu'er.

——Is this what you expected, Miss Shiyan? ?
The outcome has been decided, after all, the slightly cunning rabbit defeated the Asuka who likes to be upright.

Shi Jin said: "So you should use your brain more in everything."

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