After the group photo and awards were over, Shi Yan left the arena, bought a bottle of water at the backstage rest area, and took a sip with his head raised.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps beside her ear, she turned her eyes slightly, and looked at Shi Jing who was walking over.

The young man pushed his glasses, stared at the blue-light electronic screen that emerged from the optical brain in his hand, and said expressionlessly: "In this duel, your speed and strength still haven't made any breakthroughs, but you have used your brain, and your ideas and skills are good. , The competition championship won can add an advantage to your resume, and can also add honor to the family, congratulations, Shiyan."

Shi Yan's voice was calm: "Thank you, but honor is not important to me. And—"

She stared at the young man: "If your praise is only based on the fact that I can bring honor to the family, then you can shut up in the future."

After Shi Yan finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the water in the bottle. After replenishing the consumption, he closed the lid and threw it into the trash can next to him, and strode away.

Shi Jing didn't seem to care about the girl's ridicule, he continued to fiddle with the data pad in his hand, and said in a calm tone, "I hope you can break through yourself in the next training or competition."

Shi Yan ignored him.

Before the exhibition match between Xie Yinci and Shi Zhuo started, Shi Jin went to the supermarket halfway. She yelled for so long that she was not only thirsty, but also a little hungry.

When I got back to the cheerleading team, I saw my sister Shiyan who had just finished the game lying on the railing of the first row, which happened to be next to me.

"Xiao Yan?" Shi Jin blinked, "You didn't rest in the background, why did you come to the auditorium?"

Shi Yan said: "Where is it not a rest? Backstage, auditorium, it's all the same."

Her eyes fell on the drinks and puffed snacks in Shi Jin's hands, then she frowned, and said with some disgust, "Why can't I get rid of this habit of eating junk food?"

Shi Jin put a piece of crunchy rice into his mouth, and said with a smile, "I'll have lunch later, so I'm just filling it up now, how about a piece?"

"No." Shi Yan retorted: "I don't eat these, mech pilots don't touch junk food and drinks."

Shi Jin guessed that she wouldn't want it, so he just asked politely just now.

She returned to her seat, bit the straw and drank some water, and said, "Congratulations! The winner of the competition, do you want to have a good meal at the restaurant to celebrate?"

"Thank you, but no need. After the closing ceremony, I will go back to the training ground."

"The game is over, do you still want to go?"



Shi Jin admired her self-discipline, "Okay, tomorrow is a holiday, do you want to go home?"

"I only go back for long vacations."

Shi Yan and Shi Zhuo usually stay in school for this kind of weekend vacation.

Shi Jin: "..."

She suddenly lost her voice.

Standing with Shi Yan, what else can we talk about.

The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward, until the girl next to her suddenly asked, "Is the drink good?"


"Trace element drink, I heard that its taste is not very good, what do you think?" Shi Yan said.

Shi Jin: "..." This topic is really blunt.

Shi Jin: "I think it's not bad, it tastes like Coke."

"Coke? What's that?"

"A kind of sparkling water." Shi Jin handed the cup to Shi Yan, and asked tentatively, "Do you...want to try it?
Shi Yan: "..."

From the girl's slightly frowned eyebrows and the slightly disgusted look in her eyes, Shi Jin could see that she didn't really want to taste it.

So Shi Jin withdrew his hand, smiled understandingly and said, "Forget it, mech pilots don't touch junk food and drinks, I can't spoil you."

However, in the next second, her hand was held.

The back of his hand was covered by Shi Yan's palm, and the other party's voice came from his ear, "Try it once in a while, it should be fine."

Shi Jin's drink cup was taken away. After Shi Yan tasted it, he pursed his lips and said, "It's too sweet."

sweet? ?

Coke is still sweet?


Well, maybe it's a difference in taste.

"However, the taste is not bad." Shi Yan said.

Shi Jin took back his drink cup: "I think so too."

Within a few minutes of chatting, the exhibition match between Xie Yinci and Shi Jiu began.

The eagle in the sky flies in the arena and fights with the blue tiger. The entertainment game is mainly to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

While watching the exhibition match, Shi Yan suddenly asked: "I heard that Shi Ye and Chu Yan are going to have a match later?"

"Well, it seems that Shi Jing gave him an opportunity." Shi Jin didn't expect that Shi Jing, who only cared about the family's honor, would also care about his own brother.

"After all, even if it's an exhibition match, as long as you win, it can bring some attention to the family." Shi Yan saw the confusion in her expression, and said, "Shi Zhu's personality is very similar to that of Uncle, and he attaches great importance to the appearance of the whole family. and Glory, so if Shi Ye can beat the Chu family in the arena and save face, he will naturally help."

Shi Jin: "..."

It turned out to be the case.

Still for honor.

"But he is destined to lose to Xie Yinci in this exhibition match, isn't he afraid of losing face?" Shi Jin raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of losing to the strongest person in the school, but if he loses to me, he will break his defense." Shi Yan rarely joked. Although his face was still expressionless, some jokes could be heard from the words mean.

Accompanied by a cannon, the auditorium suddenly burst into cheers.

The exhibition match between Xie Yinci and Shi Zhuo ended, the two greeted all the audience briefly, and then drove out in their mechas.

But the show isn't over yet.

The commentator got the newly-acquired manuscript, adjusted the microphone, and then said: "I'm very glad that Chairman Xie and Minister Shi Zhuo of the Mech Department brought us a wonderful exhibition match, and we will have an extra show match next. , brought to us by Shi Ye from the fourth grade and Chu Yan from the fifth grade!"

"Welcome the blue cat and the unicorn to enter!"

The prototype of Shi Ye's mecha is a cat, and like Shi Yan's Feitu, it is an agile mecha with extremely fast speed, while the prototype of Chu Yan's mecha is similar to a unicorn, a kind of insect.

Shi Jin looked at Chu Yan's purple unicorn mecha, and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu as he was looking at a giant Kamen Rider.

"Is that his exclusive mecha?" Shi Jin asked.

Shi Yan nodded: "Chu Yan's strength is not low. The Unicorn Mecha focuses on strength. The horns on the head can gather a lot of energy in a short period of time. If it hits the breastplate, it will directly destroy the cockpit."

"But Xiao Ye's blue cat is a speed type, Chu Yan may not be able to hit him." Shi Jin said.

"So in this exhibition match, Shi Ye has a great chance of winning."

Shi Ye probably thought so too, that kid bragged to himself very badly before entering the backstage in the morning—[You let that bastard Chu Yan lie in the hospital for a few days last time, this time, I have to let him lie down for a while moon! 】

[Let him lie down for a month?Then you have to punch to the flesh. In a mecha match, at most you can destroy the opponent's mecha. It is impossible to hurt people like that. 】Shi Jin poured cold water on him.

Give me a slap and a sweet date: [But it's good that you have this confidence and passion. ] She encouraged: [Come on, show me your strength. 】

Shi Ye's face turned red: [Then you will be optimistic about it then! 】

Get ready to recycle the intro! !

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