Chapter 70 [070] Moved

The human form of the blue cat mecha has wide shoulders and narrow waist, and its body shape is very smooth and beautiful.

The more advanced the mecha, the more beautiful its human form will be.

Shi Jin had already seen Shi Ye's training in the training ground before, that young man attached great importance to speed, and seemed to be convinced of the truth that "the only thing in the world that can't be broken in martial arts is speed".

Of course, speed is indeed an advantage in mech duels, but if strength is ignored for the sake of speed, the gain outweighs the gain.

Following the referee's order to "start the game", the blue cat immediately made a move to seize the opportunity!

Hitting the ground with both feet, he rushed towards the unicorn fairy at an extremely fast speed, and the ice-blue lightsaber in his hand slashed fiercely across the unicorn fairy's breastplate!

But what is surprising is that this unexpected attack did not cause any damage to the Unicorn, only sparking a little spark on the breastplate.

Shi Ye's eyes were slightly surprised, it seemed that when he confronted Chu Yan before, that guy's mecha didn't have such a strong defensive ability.

The unicorn looked sideways, and there seemed to be a mocking light in those insect eyes.

Immediately, the chain ejected from the left arm of the unicorn instantly locked the blue cat's wrist!
Shi Ye was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Chu Yan would install such a chain to lock the machine in the arm of the mecha.

The blue cat mech immediately slashed towards the chain, trying to break free, and at this moment, the Unicorn Immortal suddenly bumped into it!
The horns of the head condensed the power of the mecha, and Shi Ye quickly released the shield to protect his breastplate, "Bang!" Hearing a loud impact, the blue shield seemed to be faintly shattered!
Shi Ye's eyes widened. How could he never have imagined that in less than a week, Chu Yan could burst out with such a powerful force!

The maximum strength that the blue cat's shield can withstand is 14 ox force. Chu Yan's physical fitness plus the magnification of the Unicorn Mecha itself is far from 14 ox force. How did he achieve this blow? of? !

In the purple cockpit, the young man driving the Unicorn was triumphant, his slightly squinted eyes showed his arrogance and happiness at the moment.

This week, Shi Jin got angry a lot, and it would be great to get revenge on Shi Ye.

Chu Yan doesn't care at all about whether there is a grievance or a debt, the relationship between Chu and Shi's family is already bad, and now is the best time for him to take revenge on Shi's family.

The two players in the exhibition match are different from the official match, and they can communicate during the battle.

Shi Ye's voice suddenly came from the cockpit of the Unicorn Immortal: "What did you do?! The maximum Newton force of the Unicorn Immortal is only 14, you can't exceed [-] within a week!"

The value of [-] was detected by Shi Zhu. That boy was best at calculating various values ​​of the armor in battle, and he never made any mistakes.

Chu Yan responded with a sneer: "What? If you can't win, you suspect me of cheating?"

Shi Ye said: "After all, I don't believe that someone will break through their own limit in just one week, from 14 Newtons directly to [-]."

Of course, even if that guy really used other tools to enhance the multiplier of Newton's force in a short period of time, as long as he doesn't admit it, no one can do anything to him.

In the first row of the auditorium, Shi Yan was lying on the side of the railing, frowning slightly.

Shi Jin was taken aback: "Is Chu Yan so powerful???"

Bumping headlong into the blue cat's shield directly knocked out cracks? !
"No," Shi Yan said in a cold voice, "The strongest impact he had a week ago was only [-] Newtons. Even Xie Yinci couldn't directly magnify it by so many times in seven days."

Shi Jin could hear the coldness and suspicion in her tone, and understood a bit: "You mean—that guy used technology?"

Not only in the Xingwang training ground, but even in the real world, some people will study the kind of equipment that can magnify a person's physical strength by dozens or even hundreds of times. When loaded into the mecha, it can strengthen the mecha in a short time speed or strength.

However, the use of that kind of thing, just like the mental power booster, belongs to the cultivation of seedlings.

Although it is true that it can become stronger in a short period of time, after the effective time, the human body will start to produce various side effects.

"I can't think of anything else other than this." Shi Yan said: "Chu Yan used some technology in every previous duel, but because the generated values ​​​​have not changed significantly, it is not within the scope of investigation, but I didn't expect that he would be so blatant in this exhibition match with Shi Ye."

Maybe it's because it's just an exhibition game, just for entertainment, and even using technology can't lose any fairness, that's why he dared to be so presumptuous.

The blue cat cut off the chain with a knife, and the thrusters on the soles of its feet were activated, so that its body and the unicorn fairy were instantly separated by a certain distance to prevent it from being hit again.

The outer armor of the Unicorn Immortal should have been adjusted to increase its hardness, making it difficult for the lightsaber to cut through it.

Since the armor can't be hurt, Shi Ye can only focus on the joints.

He drove the blue cat, ejected the lightsaber on the other arm, and increased his horsepower to rush towards the unicorn!
The ice blue light blade in his hand was chilling, and the speed that was as fast as blinking an eye made the audience cheer excitedly and even applaud.

But at the moment when the cold light ice blade was about to pierce the Unicorn's joints, the blue cat's movements suddenly stopped!
The mecha seemed to be restrained by something, unable to move.

Shi Ye was stunned. He looked down at the blue cat's arm, but saw that the joints of his own mecha were filled with densely packed miniature bullets at some point!

The bullets weren't in the joints at first, so what got fired? !

The moment the blue tiger stood still, the unicorn not far away charged again, and the purple light blade slashed down, cutting off one of the blue cat's arms!
The strong strength does not belong to the strength that guy should have.

Shi Ye said angrily: "Chu Yan——!"

Before the words were finished, the Unicorn Immortal rushed over!

It didn't give the blue cat any time to dodge, the energy horns of its head collided with the blue cat's breastplate, completely destroying its shield.

Accompanied by the sound of shattering like glass in everyone's ears, the long horns of the giant bug mech penetrated the blue cat's cockpit with unstoppable momentum!

It's not like Shi Yan cut off the duct connecting Shiratori and Ling Shuang.

Chu Yan directly attacked the cockpit this time, heading towards Shi Ye clearly.

This kind of attack can easily cause real physical damage to the driver, and it is simply not allowed in the academy's mech duel.

But Chu Yan didn't care. Even if he was asked, that guy would smile and say that it was just an exhibition game, and he didn't have to abide by the rules of the academy.

"I said that this competition will cause you to be completely defeated, and you will be so seriously injured that you can't take care of yourself." Chu Yan's low and proud voice sounded in the blue cat's cockpit, "Those little bullets hidden in your arms, aren't you surprised?"

Shi Ye's pupils trembled: "What did you do?!"

"It's not me," Chu Yan said with a low laugh, "I just asked the maintenance engineer who helped you maintain the mecha the day before to add something to your mecha."

His tone was cool, and he mocked quietly: "Who would have thought that Shi Ye, No. 2 in the fourth grade, would be made like this by a bunch of small bullets."

Before the mecha duel competition, most of the students would choose to send the mecha to the academy repair field for repair and maintenance, so that the mecha can be in the best condition the next day.

But Shi Ye didn't expect that Chu Yan would set his mind on his mecha.

"Sure enough, you only know how to use indecent methods!" The young man growled, his voice full of anger, he tried to raise his arm, and swung the lightsaber forward vigorously, destroying the unicorn fairy's intention to hit it again, and opened the door at the same time. The thrusters on the soles of the feet moved, and finally got out of the range of the Unicorn Immortal's attack.

The small bullet in the joint made Shi Ye have to exert more force when performing the same movement.

"Your power has suddenly increased dramatically, is it because the maintenance engineer added some black market technology to you?" Shi Ye said coldly: "If you use black market technology, you will suffer backlash and retribution."

The blue cat's cockpit has been shattered, and the driver's figure can be vaguely seen inside.

The audience on the field exclaimed when they saw this, and said one after another: "What is this for?! Isn't it an exhibition match?! Why are the two of you acting like you are fighting to the death?!"

"It's well known that Chu Yan and Shi Ye are at odds with each other. We chose them for this extra match, isn't it just to create some talk?!"

"My God, the outer armor of the cockpit was knocked off, did Chu Yan go there for Shi Ye's life!?"


Shi Jin stared closely at the two mechas fighting on the field, and his hand holding the railing was already slightly strained.

Her expression was unusually cold, her dark eyes were deep, the corners of her lips were straight, and her face was serious and stern.

Chu Yan made no secret of his indiscriminate methods.

Relying on exhibition games to do whatever they want.

A big hole was knocked out of Shi Ye's cockpit, and even the audience could see the figure of the boy inside, let alone Chu Yan.

"Backlash? Retribution?" The young man sneered, "I've never been afraid of that!"

"As long as I can win, I don't care about the means or tricks."

Chu Yan is not as obsessed with fair mecha duels as his brother Chu Lian is.

He just wants all the guys he hates to be defeated, so he doesn't care about the process and method.

"You bastard..." Shi Ye's face was extremely gloomy, his teeth were gritted with rage, and his teeth creaked.

The blue cat suddenly appeared in front of the unicorn fairy, and the young man who was filled with anger used his strength to the critical value, slashing fiercely at the unicorn fairy's breastplate!

This time, he finally destroyed the outer armor, but at that moment, he also gave the Unicorn Immortal a chance to attack.

The horns of the head even faintly condensed electricity, and the purple unicorn burst out a powerful force, hitting the blue cat's cockpit desperately!

With the blessing of electric current and strength, at that moment - the connecting tube of the blue cat mecha was directly overloaded!The electric leakage hit the whole body of the mech in an instant, even Shi Ye inside suffered a strong attack!
The young man's eyes widened, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. He looked at Chu Yan in disbelief, but the other party only showed a dark and proud smile, and said loudly, "This time! You, Shi Ye, will go to the hospital in the Central Emperor Star to treat you. I'll just lie down!!"

(End of this chapter)

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