
The scream burst out from the boy's throat, being hit by the electric current all over his body!

The mecha lost control, and the mental power activated suddenly became disordered!
Even though his body was protected by the tights, Shi Ye was still attacked by a strong electric current.

The blue cat mecha fell down with a bang, thick smoke billowed, and the sound of the mecha landing echoed across the arena. The sound was deafening, and the pupils of all the audience trembled. They never thought that an entertainment exhibition match would end like this.

The electric current was still flowing all over the blue cat. I thought that the boy in the mecha might accidentally die in this continuous electric current, but those powerful backlash electric currents disappeared out of thin air in an instant after the burst!
It's like being blocked by someone abruptly!
Only the thick smoke from the body of the mecha continued to rise into the air, sending out a burnt smell.

The Unicorn Immortal stood in the arena with a proud posture. Chu Yan looked down at the blue cat, then turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on Shi Jin, who was in the first row of the auditorium.

It happened that the other party raised his eyes, and his eyes seemed to be intertwined through the eyes of the Unicorn Fairy.

Chu Yan sneered, with a happy and arrogant look on his face, making no secret of his provocation.

So what about hand-to-hand combat at Shijinhui?Isn't it a waste of C-level mental power?

She couldn't even control the transport-type mecha, so the woman could only watch helplessly as Shi Ye was beaten into a cripple in his hands.

The auditorium was completely silent, and everyone was shocked by this exhibition match and couldn't speak. It wasn't until one person started whispering that they seemed to find their own voices and began to discuss in astonishment——

"Chu Yan is venting his personal grievances."

"Why did the blue cat get stuck just now?"

"How is Shi Ye's situation?"


There was a buzzing sound in the auditorium, like bees constantly circling and flying in the ears.

The noisy person had a headache, a trembling heart, and an irritability that wanted to vent all over his body.

But Shi Jin held back.

At the moment when the electric current on the mecha suddenly disappeared, she withdrew her gaze from Chu Yan.

Then he suddenly supported the railing with one hand, leaped forward, stepped in from the outer railing, and rushed towards the giant blue cat mecha.

Shi Yan was startled, and stretched out her hand to grab her, but was a step too late: "Wait, sister! That mecha may still have a residual electric current! You—"

But Shi Jin ran too fast, like lightning, he rushed to the body of the blue cat mecha.

She jumped onto the mech, came to the cockpit, and looked inside.

Shi Ye's situation was too bad, the mecha hit his head when it fell, the boy's eyes were closed tightly, his handsome face was covered in blood, and he fell into a deep coma, his body was still emitting white smoke after the electric shock, the whole body His body was extremely hot, and his breathing was weak, as if he would die in the next second.

Although Shi Jin immediately stopped the current at the moment of the burst, even if it was only for that millisecond, it was enough to cause powerful damage to the human body.

A big hole was knocked out of the cockpit door by the unicorn, Shi Jin jumped in and carried the comatose boy out.

Shi Yan and Shi Zhuo also jumped into the arena, and the medical staff who thought they would be useless in the exhibition match had already rushed over.

The airship carried their equipment and medical beds and stayed on the field. Shi Jin's eyes were heavy and he didn't say a word the whole time.

After the doctors arrived, they first checked Shi Ye with the electronic medical bed, and after confirming that the degree of serious injury and coma was not fatal for the time being, Shi Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Shi Jin, held his hand tightly, and seemed to calmly comfort her: "Shi Ye will be fine, the medical level of Central Emperor Star can even bring the dead back to life, don't worry."

"...Mmm." Shi Jin nodded calmly, his eyes fell on the blood-covered face of the young man, but the hand hanging by his side was clenched into a fist, trembling faintly.

When Shi Ju jumped on the medical flying ship, the boy's usually indifferent face showed a rare tension, and even his pupils trembled slightly. He said to the doctors in a slightly hoarse voice: "I am his own brother, I am with you. go together."

"I'll come too," Shi Yan said, "I'm his cousin, and we are all family members with S-level mental power."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Shi Jin: "The speed of taking a medium-sized airship to the Emperor Star is extremely fast. Your mental power level is too low, and you are prone to dizziness and vomiting. Just go with Shi Jing. You stay here, sister."

With two people accompanying him, there wouldn't be much problem with Shi Ye.

"Thank you for your hard work." Shi Jin said.


The blue cat mecha was dragged away by the crane set up on the competition field and sent to the maintenance station, but the unicorn still stayed on the field, with a leisurely and proud posture.

The atmosphere at the exhibition game became tense and depressing.

After watching the air ambulance leave the school, Shi Jin still stood there without moving.

Those dark and cold eyes looked at the Unicorn Fairy calmly and darkly. Of course, they were actually watching a certain driver inside.

Chu Yan opened the door of the cockpit, walked out leisurely, stood on a high platform, and looked down.

The young man in the purple combat uniform had a ruthless and complacent expression, the corners of his lips curved mockingly, and he lowered his eyes as if looking down on Shi Jin, and pretended to apologize: "I'm sorry, Shi Jin, I really didn't expect Shi Ye's skills to be so poor. After being hit twice by the Unicorn Immortal, he was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and was almost electrocuted to death."

"However, you also know that even if it's just an exhibition match, a mech duel is also a duel. How can there be no accidents during the duel? You have to understand, I didn't do it on purpose, I just overestimated Shi Ye. Of course, Even if I have a little bit of responsibility, I’m wronged, I’ll lose money, tell me, how much do you want from Shi’s family? Is 100 million enough?”

He couldn't hide the smile on his face, and he spread his hands with a fake look of helplessness and self-blame.

The voice of the commentary suddenly sounded on the field, as if they couldn't stand it anymore: "Student Chu Yan, congratulations on winning this exhibition match, and I hope that your future duels will be like today's match, using more tricks. "

Chu Yan also has the ability to irritate people. He didn't care, and said to the commentator with a smile: "Thank you for your blessings. I will also spend money to treat you two in the future. Is 200 million star coins enough? Are you going to throw the money in your face?"


The female commentator clenched her fists, as if she wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the man beside her with a sullen face.

"It's just an exhibition match, everyone, don't be so on-line." Chu Yan was even more proud. He turned his eyes to the referee and raised his eyebrows. Let’s announce it, I don’t think the chairman will have any objections, because I haven’t violated any regulations.”

Even if he cheats and uses black market technology, he can still take advantage of the loopholes in the rules—[It is forbidden to use cheating black technology that enhances the value in official competitions. 】

"An exhibition match is not considered a formal match, is it right, President?"

Chu Yan was sure of this, and asked Xie Yinci with a loud smile.

The black-haired boy standing on the viewing platform witnessed the whole process. Even if he knew that Chu Yan was cheating, an "informal match" could stop the mouths of many people.

After a while, Xie Yin resigned: "It is indeed - a loophole in the rules."

His voice was low and cold, and his usual gentle and smiling face became indifferent at this moment, becoming expressionless: "After the summer camp is over, I will provide the college with an application form for modifying the rules based on this matter."

"Student Chu Yan, I'm afraid I won't be able to use your dirty things in the future."

"It's okay, it's fine this time." With the president's acknowledgment, Chu Yan was even more proud, as if he was determined that no one could do anything to him, so he became more and more presumptuous.

He turned his eyes back to Shi Jin, and smiled maliciously: "Student Shi Jin, don't worry, the medical level of Central Emperor Star is very high, you beat me like that last time, I will be fine in two days , that guy Shi Ye will definitely come back to life, and the food at Dixing Hospital is also good, nutritious meals, and the taste is pretty good."

"Really?" Shi Jin suddenly laughed.

She raised her lips, looked up at the young man on the high platform, and squinted her eyes: "Then do you want to reminisce?"

"What?" Chu Yan's smile froze for a moment, and soon became full of hostility: "Student Shi Jin, are you impatient?"

Shi Jin shook his head: "Since the official summer camp competition is over, then it's time for free activities. Student Chu Yan——"

She looked at the boy with a smile: "Do you want to have a mech showdown with me?"

【Would you like to have a mecha showdown with me? 】

It sounds like a joke.

The girl's crisp voice resounded throughout the competition field, and everyone was taken aback.

Even Chu Yan's face became a bit subtle, but he quickly sneered: "Hahaha what?! Mecha duel?? You want to come with me?! With your useless mental power, you can't even transport You can’t even control the small mechs, how dare you say that? Do you want to go to the hospital to be a companion with your younger brother Shi Ye?”

"Come?" Shi Jin looked at him with bright eyes.

"Okay!" Chu Yan had no reason not to agree, he sneered: "First of all, I don't have a bad habit of not hitting women."

Shi Jin nodded: "Well, I don't have a bad habit of not being mentally retarded."

She needs a mech now.

No more crap.

Shi Jin turned around and walked up to the cheerleader, and asked, "Do you have an armor? Lend me one, any level is fine."

The captain was dumbfounded: "Shi Jin! Are you retarded?! Are you sure??"

"Do you have?"

The captain took out a somewhat old part in his pocket: "There is only one B-class one, I use it as a transport type, the cockpit is quite large, and it is equipped with cheerleading clothes and support items from the team."

"Thanks." Shi Jin took it and turned back to the center of the field.

"Hey! That B-level one! Is there something wrong with your brain? Didn't you kowtow to lose your memory a while ago, and you still have sequelae?" The captain wanted to persuade her again, but Shi Jin didn't seem to hear Same, standing directly in front of the Unicorn Fairy.

There will be extra games after extra games.

This is what the students did not expect.

The teachers were also angry, but Chu Yan did not violate the rules of the academy, and what they could do was to further improve the rules of the mech duel.

And condemn Chu Yan morally.

They all opened their mouths to persuade: "Student Shi Jin! Don't be impulsive!"

"You really should have gone with Shi Yan and the others just now! Don't get on top!"

Of course, there were also students who were watching jokes. Various voices mingled in the auditorium, but together, it was like a buzzing sound, so noisy that they couldn't be heard clearly.

Chu Yan stared at the parts in Shi Jin's hand, and said with a mocking smile: "Class B?? Shi Jin, the mecha you borrowed is really as cheap and low-level as yours. It seems that you really want to go with Shi Ye. Companion!"

Shi Jin ignored the young man, but turned his head suddenly, looked at Xie Yinci and the referee on the high platform, and asked, "The exhibition match is not considered an official match yet, right?"

Xie Yinci was stared at by Shi Jin, the boy's eyes flickered, he suddenly nodded slightly, and smiled: "Yes, classmate Shi Jin."

"But it's also a game, so anything can happen on the field?"

Xie Yin said: "That's right."

"Thank you." Shi Jin said.

She put her gaze back on the Unicorn Fairy, smiled, but said in a low and cold voice, "Then, you can go to Emperor Star's hospital and apologize to Shi Ye in person."

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