He was also startled by that little monster's eyes before, so Shi Jin understood Jiang Yuan very well.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Yan frowned slightly, looked around the screen, and suddenly said: "The environment around the ore... Has it been struck by lightning?"

The thick trunks were scorched black, emitting bursts of thick smoke, and those broad green leaves had long since disappeared, leaving only a mess.

The boy murmured and waited: "I thought Xie Yinci made the surrounding environment like that to hide the ore. I didn't expect that the area would have become like this before that guy took the things away."

"..." As soon as these words came out, Shi Jin suddenly felt guilty.

Jiang Yuan recalled: "When I was chased by those mutated monkeys before, there were lightning strikes. Could it be that after we left, there were a few more lightning strikes?"

Jiang Yan raised her eyes and glanced at Shi Jin who was silent on the opposite side, light blue pupils flickered, but in the end she didn't ask anything, just smiled softly and said, "Maybe."

"Set a time, let's go to the rainforest again," Jiang Yuan said with lingering fear, thinking of those terrifying mutant forest apes before, "This time, we're going to investigate separately, how about two teams?"

"But there are only five of us." Feng Yan and Feng Yu said in unison.

Shi Jin said: "It's okay, Jiang Yuan is with Jiang Yan, Feng Yan and Feng Yu are together, I'm fine by myself."

Having seen someone's ability to control mechs, Jiang Yuan nodded with confidence: "Okay!"

"This summer camp competition is over, and the next week's schoolwork should be very busy, so let's go to the rainforest to investigate next Sunday, just in time for the celebration day." Jiang Yan said.

"Is the celebration day next week?" Shi Jin asked.

"Yes, on Wednesday next week, there will be representatives from the military headquarters to watch the mech duel. According to the regulations for the celebration day event issued by the senior management of the college, this year's celebration day duel competition is no longer limited to our school. But there are also competitions with other schools, so the event date has been extended from one day to one week."

——This means that next week's busy schoolwork is over, and there will be competitions again.

"Wait, what do you mean—" Shi Jin frowned slightly: "At that time, people from other schools will come?"

Jiang Yan nodded: "Yes, the three major military academies in the empire, Victoria, Klovakia, Anstan Moore, and the Queen's Military Academy have only been established for 18 years. Moore's fight."

"It may be that the Queen Victoria Military Academy has been too popular over the years, which caused the dissatisfaction of the two old military school classmates, so the two principals made a new proposal for the celebration day in the Imperial Parliament, and the Queen approved and passed it. "

Shi Jin said: "At any rate, it is a military academy established by myself, so that queen allows others to provoke her like this?"

Jiang Yan said with a smile: "This is also a kind of competition, something that can arouse people's fighting spirit and desire to win. The queen is very happy to see this and select a group of powerful fighters for the empire. After all, Victoria's No.1, After entering the military, she may not necessarily be better than the students of the other two military schools. She wants to further determine the candidates for the new Eagle Dog in this way, and the students are for the honor of the school, for the flowers and applause, and for the Queen's praise And encouragement, I will definitely do everything.”

Shi Jin understood - for the students of the military academy, being able to fight for the queen is the highest honor.

The summer camp mecha competition ended on Saturday morning.

This is a weekend, so students can go home or go out to have fun.

Shi Jin planned to go to the Central Emperor Star to check on Shi Ye's situation. It was the first time she went there after time travelling, and the queen's palace was also located here.

The Shi Family Mansion is not on the central Emperor Star, but a satellite between the Emperor Star and the academy planet. That satellite is very small. Shi Jin checked it. Its surface area is only as large as the moon, but it is a suitable place for human beings to live. .

"It's noon soon, I'll be leaving first." Shi Jin stood up.

Jiang Yuan was disappointed: "Ah, don't you want to have lunch with us?"

"No," Shi Jin shook his head: "I'll go to Dixing General Hospital to see my brother, see you next Monday, everyone."

There are passenger airships set up outside the military academy.

After buying the ticket, you can choose where you want to go.

Shi Jin was always picked up by his family driver, but today the driver was supposed to take the family to the hospital, so he didn't come.

The news of Shi Ye's injury had already reached the ears of Shi's father and Shi's mother. Although he was a nephew, the couple were more nervous than Shi Jin's head was smashed.

After buying the ticket, Shi Jin boarded the flying boat. The speed of the public flying boat was not as fast as that of a private flying boat, just like a bus is always slower than a private car because it has to stop halfway to pick up other passengers.

From here to Central Emperor Star, it takes an hour to take a public flying boat.

Not long after Shi Jin sat down, a gentle young voice suddenly sounded beside him: "What a coincidence, senior sister Shi Jin."

She froze for a moment, looked up, and saw the black-eyed boy wearing a clean and tidy uniform, holding a student bag in his hand, with curved brows and eyes on his handsome and delicate face, greeting her softly with a smile: "We meet again."

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