It's no coincidence that this person probably did it on purpose and [-]% calculated it.

Shi Jin smiled detachedly and said, "Hi, President Xie."

"Senior Shi Jin's performance today is really unexpected. Now, I'm afraid she will be popular in the academy for a long time." Xie Yinci squinted his eyes, and the expression on his handsome face was relaxed and familiar, as if he was talking to an old friend. joking.

After saying this, he looked to Shi Jin's side, and asked softly as if in the library: "Is there anyone next to Senior Sister?"

The seats on the public flying boat are not fixed, you can sit at will, Xie Yinci's words are actually asking if she would like him to sit beside her.

The young man is very good at talking and has a lot of ideas. Shi Jin thinks that he should write "The Art of Speaking", which will definitely benefit people a lot.

"No one." Shi Jin shook his head.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Xie Yinci put down his handbag and sat directly beside her.

The moment the boy approached, that fresh and elegant smell came over again, a clean and youthful smell unique to children of this age group, Shi Jin had also smelled a similar smell on Jiang Yan, with a sunny hair a feeling of.

It's a pity that he and Jiang Yan's true temperament are completely different types of people.

Shijin is 80.00% accurate and 20.00% delusional. Of course, the remaining 20.00% will be corrected soon.

She hadn't felt Xie Yinci's true face in the first two days when she came here. She had a good impression of this child, was polite to others, helped others out, worked diligently, and performed her duties very well. She felt that he was good in her heart. After exploring the team PVP, Shi Jin's affection for Xie Yinci was completely shattered.

And after realizing the relationship between this guy and that alien ore, not only did he lose his goodwill, but he even became disgusted.

"Senior Shi Jin, is this home?" Xie Yinci who sat down had a soft voice, with a gentle expression on his whole face, his brows were curved, and his smile was clean and clear.

"No, go to the Central Emperor Star." Shi Jin said.

Xie Yinci blinked, the boy's eyelashes were slender and thick, slightly upturned, as thin as a cicada's wings, a flash of understanding flashed in his pitch-black eyes, and he said with a little regret: "That's it, I'm so sorry, Shi Jin-senpai , I didn’t expect that Chu Yan would deliberately take advantage of the loopholes in the exhibition game on the field, and as the student council president, I am also jointly and severally responsible for making Junior Shi Ye suffer that kind of treatment.”

There was self-blame in his words, his expression was depressed, and the corners of his lips became bitter, as if he felt very sad and guilty for what happened to his classmates.

Xie Yinci would keep a low profile in front of Shi Jin, and get along with her as a junior student to show his respect and courtesy to her.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Xie Yinci. The student council president must be fair in doing things. Since Shi Jie hopes that Shi Ye can participate in the extra match of the exhibition match, then it is understandable for Chu Lian to seek opportunities for his younger brother Chu Yan.

Xie Yinci was not biased in this matter, and even Chu Yan exploited the loophole. The rules were not set by him, but the rules of the academy all along.

But the meaning of the boy's words was that he still took the responsibility on himself, as if he was feeling guilty.

"..." Shi Jin looked sideways at him with complicated eyes.

That kind of stare falls into the eyes of others, as if you are about to blurt out something like "It's okay, it's not your fault".


Shi Jin suddenly stretched out his hand, patted the young man's shoulder, and said bluntly under Xie Yinci's downcast eyes, "That's right, it's your responsibility."

That affirmative gesture was exactly the same as when he pointed at the boy not to catch Chu Yan's body in the morning on the field.

Xie Yinci: "..."

"It seems that President Xie also has a high level of awareness, which I didn't expect." Shi Jin said.

——That's really fucking teasing.

While waiting, other students who were going home or going to Emperor Star also boarded the public airship one after another.

When their eyes fell on Shi Jin and Xie Yinci, almost everyone who came up was stunned.

"……"what's the situation? !

Why did the student council president suddenly sit beside Shi Jin? !

Those eyes were all shocked, Shi Jin didn't like it, and frowned slightly.

The boy who noticed that her expression was wrong suddenly raised his eyes, smiled and looked at the students who came up, and greeted gently: "Are you all ready to go home?"

"Ah no! No, we're just going to play around the Emperor Star, where's the president?" Some students responded.

Xie Yinci blamed himself, and said softly: "I went to the general hospital. No matter how you say it, classmate Shi Ye suffered a conspiracy in the competition. As the president, I have a certain responsibility."

After saying this, the students understood.

It turned out to be for Shi Ye.

But Shi Jin's performance on the field today is really unbelievable.

Not only did he activate the B-level mecha, but he even took out Chu Yan's S-level mecha with one move. The movement was so quick that no one could see it clearly, and it was so powerful that he swung his arm over and smashed the head of the Unicorn Immortal!
This scene is too incredible.

Many people wondered whether Shi Jin had used black technology.

But the idea was rejected as soon as it came out.

Because the audience at the scene knew that the B-level mecha was randomly picked up by Shi Jin on the spot, and it was impossible to be equipped with black technology like Chu Yan.

Of course, even if there is, the current black technology in the black market can't reach the height shown by Shi Jin at all!
"The airship is about to take off, the students behind hurry up! The students in front go in!" The voice of the spaceship pilot came from the overhead broadcast.

It's exactly the same as the crowded bus on the earth before.

Amid the driver's urging, the students surrounding the two quickly walked back.

After 3 minutes, the spacecraft took off.

Xie Yinci looked at the nebula outside the window. Those nebulae were of different colors and were very beautiful. The scenery of the stars outside was reflected in the black eyes, and the pupils were shimmering. black.

"Last time in the library, I actually wanted to apologize to senior sister Shi Jin." Xie Yinci suddenly said.

"Apologize?" Shi Jin's eyes were puzzled, and he raised his eyebrows: "Have you committed a crime again?"

The young man said: "...well, at that time, I wanted to apologize for Xiaoshuang."

little frost.

Shi Jinming understood: "Ling Shuang."

Xie Yinci nodded: "She seems to have done something too much to senior sister Shi Jin."

Somewhat excessive?

It was okay for Shi Jin, those things were not painful or itchy, in other words, she never paid attention to them.

But if it's another person, Ling Shuang's arrogance and targeting are not a little too much, but rather too much!
"Is President Xie on good terms with Ling Shuang? So good that you can apologize for her? In what capacity?" Shi Jin asked with a light smile.

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