He was targeted by Ling Shuang before because the original owner was deliberately getting close to Xie Yinci.

At first, Shi Jin thought the other party was just jealous.

But judging from what the young man said just now, it seems that it is not easy, especially after guessing Xie Yinci's little trick.

His attitude towards Ling Shuang sounded a little ambiguous. Apologize for her?In what capacity?If it is too intimate, does Ling Shuang know about the ore?Does she understand Xie Yinci's real personality?

Shi Jin was testing.

Just like Xie Yinci was deliberately trying to get close to her through words, she also needs to understand something.

The dark-eyed young man's eyes flickered slightly, and he suddenly smiled and said: "I grew up with her, we are childhood sweethearts, I always treat her as a younger sister, so she did something wrong, I, as a brother, have to replace her Apologize for your immaturity."

"That's it," Shi Jin said clearly: "I remember that your family seems to be on the Central Emperor Star, is it also Ling Shuang?"

"Yes, our two families are neighbors."

"Since she is a childhood sweetheart, then Ling Shuang must also know the president very well."

Xie Yin said: "I don't know, but I know her very well. We have been together since we were young. She just has a strong self-esteem, and sometimes her posture is a bit high, but in fact, her nature is not bad. She is probably arrogant, so she will not see her. For the classmate with low mental strength, I told her about this, and she will not target you again in the future."

"That's not necessarily the case. Ling Shuang probably targeted me because she likes you," Shi Jin said, "She shouldn't have a simple brother-sister relationship with you."

Xie Yinci was startled, then looked helplessly, shook his head, and said softly: "Impossible, senior sister Shi Jin."

His response was very firm.

"Every warning she gave me was to keep me away from you."

According to Lu Na, Ling Shuang is like guarding against thieves, keeping anyone who tries to get close to Xie Yinci - both men and women.

"...don't come near me?" Xie Yinci suddenly repeated, a funny light flashed in her eyes, "She probably didn't want to see me being affected by other people or things at the critical moment of the last school year, loose come down."

"..." This answer is a bit far-fetched, but judging from Xie Yinci's attitude, he is really sure that Ling Shuang's feelings for him are not the kind between men and women.

But—why so sure?
Are the two of them really just childhood sweethearts with a close relationship?

Shi Jin buried the question for the time being, Xie Yinci should not find anything here, but Ling Shuang, maybe later, he can get some information from that girl.

"Speaking of which, Senior Sister Shi Jin's performance on the field today was truly beyond expectations." Xie Yin resigned.

Shi Jin: "Being impulsive is not something to be praised. We can stop this topic."

"Don't be impulsive, senior sister. In fact, if it wasn't because of the inconvenient status of the president at that time, I would really like to stop or teach Chu Yan a lesson." Xie Yinci narrowed his eyes slightly, with a gentle expression: "Student My sister did a good job, but I'm just curious, how can you suddenly be able to drive a B-level mech with C-level mental power?"

"Diligence can make up for one's stupidity."

"But mental power is doomed by the human body from birth. Senior sister Shi Jin, you can try to trust me. I won't say it. I also know that this year is your last year. If you can't successfully complete the graduation exam, you will You'll be expelled directly, and you won't be able to get a diploma from the military academy, so I understand you." He said it in an empathetic manner, as if he was sure what method Shi Jin had used.

In comparison, Jiang Yan would never ask her these things.

Shi Jin said: "It is indeed some black market technology."

She smiled: "Since you understand, don't ask too much, President Xie, leave me some leeway."

It is very obvious that he refuses to answer. If Xie Yinci continues to ask - it will be impolite.

Sure enough, this sentence blocked the boy's subsequent words.

Xie Yinci seemed to want to say something, but because of Shi Jin, he didn't continue in the end. Looking at Shi Jin, those dark eyes were as deep and soft as ink. Even if he was rejected, he didn't show any anger or embarrassment, but It was a little apologetic: "Ah, sorry, is it still a bit out of bounds?"

Shi Jin nodded: "Well, pay attention next time, I thank the president for his rescue before, but we really don't know each other very well, and Ling Shuang warned me not to let me approach you, so let's forget it this time, in the future In the academy, we still don’t talk anymore.”

"...I feel that senior sister Shi Jin seems to be avoiding me deliberately this week, it seems that it is not my illusion." Xie Yinci smiled and said: "Is it really because of Xiaoshuang? You will come here when there are any problems in the past. Find me."

Shi Jin knew a little about this matter.

Chu Yan bullied the original owner secretly, and Xie Yinci ran into him by accident. At that time, the young man stopped him and warned Chu Yan. Since then, the original owner is probably grateful, so he likes to stand away Yin Ci is relatively close.

"Looking for you all the time will also disturb you, Ling Shuang's warning is correct." Shi Jin said.

It's just that the method is too much for people to bear, and the words are also harsh.

Fortunately, she came from the doomsday with a good attitude, and never paid attention to the arrogance of this teenage girl.

"No, it's okay, I like senior sister Shi Jin very much, you have always worked hard, so I will try my best to help you solve the problem," Xie Yinci said softly, approaching her intentionally or unintentionally, smiling quietly: "In the future, if senior sister has any questions, you can come to me like before. I have never felt bored. I will only feel lost when you deliberately avoid me."

The boy's eyes were clear, like a pool of crystal clear water, revealing a pure and sincere color.

Shi Jin: "..."

These words sounded very comfortable, and the gaze projected by the boy's eyes was also very good.

However, after knowing this guy's true personality, Shi Jin always felt that Xie Yinci had an indescribable taste of tea no matter his actions, demeanor or words.

With Jiang Yan as a comparison, it is basically clear at a glance who is sincere and who is fake.

Shi Jin said perfunctorily: "Okay, in the future, if there are any questions or troubles that I don't understand, I will come to President Xie."

"That would be great, so that I can feel a little less guilty when it comes to Junior Shi Ye." Xie Yinci pretended to joke, with warm joy in his eyes, just like winter. As soft as the warm sun.

After he finished speaking, Shi Jin took out his optical computer, put on his earphones, and began to scan videos on the optical computer network.

I thought the topic could stop here, but Shi Jin seemed to have underestimated Xie Yinci's verbal skills.

The flying boat was quiet for a while, and the video scrolled down to show randomly. When the fingertips accidentally slid to the PVP game with Jiang Yan and the others last time, the boy next to him suddenly said: "This is the team PVP game I participated in recently. Ah, Shi Jin-senpai, have you read it?"

It was the rainforest.

Shi Jin nodded: "Look, after all, it has been on the hot search list for several days, and it was the first thing I saw when I visited the Optical Brain Network. The president played well."

Xie Yinci smiled wryly: "It's a pity that I still failed. I thought I had reached the apex. I didn't expect that the technology and physical fitness that I have always been proud of were defeated so easily."

"Normal, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and sky beyond the sky, just keep working hard."

"The dark-gold mecha that was matched to the duel is only A-level, but its pilot has an aura that surpasses S-level, which is very similar to Shi Jin-senior." Xie Yinci suddenly looked at her, his eyes widened. Guang Youyou, with a smile on his lips, whispered word by word: "Senior sister also used only a B-level mecha to kill S-level Chu Yan in one blow. What a coincidence."

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