Chapter 80 [080] More Trouble

It was just tentative words, but Xie Yinci did not expect that Shi Jin would not play cards according to common sense at all.

He expected that the other party would deliberately change the subject.

However, Shi Jin suddenly said, "It's not a coincidence."

Xie Yinci: "..."

She nodded: "Yes, that's right, it's me, did you see all this?"

Xie Yinci: "..."

"Hush," the girl lowered her voice, her eyes were heavy, and she smiled at him with an inscrutable face: "Keep quiet, I don't want too many people to know."

"..." He actually admitted it like that.

Xie Yinci's words choked up a bit.

But he quickly adjusted himself, and was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted——

"You believe it?" Shi Jin said, her eyes were full of jokes, and her expression was sly.

Xie Yinci was taken aback, and immediately realized that she was teasing him, and then he couldn't laugh or cry: "Senior Shi Jin can also joke, but don't worry, even if it's true, I won't reveal it, am I so untrustworthy?" ?”

"Hahaha, I believe in President Xie's character, I'm just joking, don't take it to heart, and the president must not be the kind of hypocritical villain who is disgusting! No, but President Xie, I will definitely not be wrong." She boasted sincerity, her eyes glowing.

But these words made the arc of the boy's lips condense for a moment.

But only for a moment.

Xie Yin said: "...Thank you."

A small temptation was simply skipped by a joke.

Shi Jin was lying.

Xie Yinci knew that Shi Jin was lying.

And Shi Jin also knew that Xie Yinci knew that he was lying.

But the two of them tacitly did not mention this matter again.

After all, I can't tear my skin apart for the time being.

Shi Jin took out the drink from his bag and took a sip.

Close the lid and put it back, and directly use body movements to show that he is busy, interrupting Xie Yinci's subsequent words.

However, she somewhat underestimated Xie Yinci's patience.

Even if the atmosphere became awkward at this moment, the boy still had gentle eyebrows, and he kept his demeanor and gentleness with his eyebrows curved, and lived in peace with the girl beside him.

Shi Jin continued to watch the video, but Xie Yinci seemed to think of something suddenly, and asked casually, "By the way, senior."


"Are you familiar with Jiang Yan, the president of the Rainforest Exploration Department?"

It would be an understatement to say that you are not familiar with it.

When Jiang Yan and Jiang Yan went to the cafeteria to pack food yesterday, they ran into Ling Shuang on the road. The girl didn't get any advantage from herself. According to her personality, she would definitely go back and complain to those close to her.

So Xie Yinci definitely knew that he and Jiang Yan were pretty close.

"It's okay, what's the matter?" Shi Jin asked.

There was a bit of disappointment in the boy's voice suddenly: "I... actually had some misunderstandings with him before, which led to a little tension in the relationship, so I think that senior sister Shi Jin alienated me before, is it because of what Jiang Yan told you? Does it matter?"

Shi Jin shook his head: "He didn't say anything to me, this is the first time I know that Chairman Xie also has bad relations with people."

Xie Yinci smiled wryly: "After all, I can't make everyone like me."

"Is there any misunderstanding between you?"

"About two days ago, the Exploration Department uploaded an email about some kind of strange ore in the rainforest. Has Jiang Yan mentioned it to the senior sister?"

"No," Shi Jin said, "It's related to the rainforest. It should be an internal matter of their Exploration Department. Although I know Jiang Yan, it's definitely not to the point where they want to tell me everything inside."

"So senior sister doesn't know?"

"Of course, what do you understand? Tell me about it?" She blinked, her eyes glowing with interest, as if this topic made her no longer intentionally alienate the boy, but seemed to bring the distance between the two of them inexplicably closer .


Xie Yinci met Shang Shijin's eyes.

The young man's pupils are calm, without the slightest wave, deep and dark, like a mirror that can see through people's hearts, it seems to be able to see through everything.

However, Shi Jin's eyes were too calm, Xie Yinci watched her quietly, but couldn't see any trace of concealment from the other's eyes.

Unlike the joking admission just now, she seemed to be really ignorant of the ore.

"...I see," Xie Yinci withdrew his gaze, and said helplessly, "It's probably just about me and Jiang Yan. It's not good to rashly bring senior sister Shi Jin into it."

"It's okay! It's just talking, I'll watch it as a show, and the water won't soak me!"

Xie Yinci: "..."

He made two simple points.

Shi Jin listened carefully, nodded from time to time, and finally made a speech: "This matter is really hard to say."

She analyzed: "The president went to investigate first because he was worried about his classmates, but Jiang Yan and the others misunderstood that you wanted to steal credit, but from Jiang Yan's perspective, your actions are really no different from stealing credit. Misunderstandings are also normal, how can there be overnight feuds between classmates? It’s not like me and Chu Yan, you can talk to each other in the future, can’t you solve it?”

Xie Yinci: "Well, thank you, senior sister Shi Jin, for your suggestion."

What nonsense.

But the boy smiled sincerely.

Time passed quickly, probably because Xie Yinci had no intention of continuing the conversation with Shi Jin after he finished talking about it.

The airship arrived at the transfer station of the Central Emperor Star and parked at the sky harbor.

Shi Jin picked up his bag and turned around to ask Xie Yinci: "Is the president going to the hospital now?"

The boy suddenly apologized and said: "I'm sorry, senior sister Shi Jin, my father suddenly sent me an optical brain text message, asking me to go back now, I probably go home first, and then go to the hospital, so I won't be able to go with you gone."

"Okay, then see you next time!" Shi Jin turned around and left after speaking.

After the girl's figure disappeared into a pile of flying boats at the transfer station, the black-eyed boy with the bag slowly walked down the stairs.

The black pupil was cold and gloomy, with an indifferent expression.

He didn't believe Shi Jin's words at all.

But the other party deliberately concealed it, Xie Yinci could also pretend to be deceived.

Gold silk.


So obvious, are you really an idiot?

Lightning, special abilities, rainforest.

And——the woman with the same origin as the ore lifeform.

The previous C-level waste of mental power can suddenly drive mechas, and possesses strength and speed that ordinary people can't match.

Something must have happened to Shi Jin, otherwise she wouldn't have such a big change.

And judging from the current situation, this change is not good for him.

Xie Yinci lowered his eyes slightly, and the bangs on his forehead swayed along with his movements, making the pair of delicate and magnificent black pupils under the arch of the eyebrows faintly visible, and there was a little deep and coldness in the gap.

His time is running out.

So, he doesn't allow any variables.

If Shi Jin, became the biggest obstacle on his way.

So no matter what method he uses - he will eradicate her.

Xie Yinci is very good at disguising.

However, although the young man remained calm, while Xie Yinci was observing Shi Jin, Shi Jin was also looking at him.

She pretended not to understand about the ore, and Xie Yinci also pretended to believe it.


Shi Jin thought: Dealing with people is much more troublesome than fighting zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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