It is also a question of black technology.

But the starting points of boys and girls are completely different.

One is worried about losing the face of the family, and the other is worried about the impact on the body.

"I'm useless." Shi Jin said.

Shi Yan's face softened a little, "That's good."

But Shi Zhu said: "Xiao Ye has already mentioned to me that you used the mental power booster to drive the mecha at home to go out before."

Shi Jin: "..." I finally know what it means to shoot myself in the foot with a rock, and I shouldn't have lied to Shi Ye before.

She finally said: "After knocking my head last time, my mental strength has gradually increased. Li Shiye just doesn't know how to explain this kind of thing. After all, it's too metaphysical, just like an ordinary person who suddenly opened up Ren Du's second channel." Same."

Shi Yan: "What are the two veins of Ren Du?"

Shi Jin: "...I'll tell you later."

"Stop lying." However, Shi Jing didn't believe it at all, he seemed certain that Shi Jin had used something.


In the hospital, Shi Jin didn't want to pay attention to the dispute with Shi Jiu, so she pulled up Shi Yan beside her and said, "Go and see Xiao Ye first."

"Shi Jin!" Shi Jie called her again, his tone tinged with sternness: "You'd better apologize to Second Uncle and the others, black technology is not a trivial matter."

Shi Jin: "..."

She stopped, looked back at the young man coldly, "Shijiu."

The young man stared at her.

Shi Jin suddenly smiled: "Why do you hope so much—I use black technology?"

In a word.

In the boy's eyes, she suddenly saw a trace of anger as if she had been exposed.

However, the boy's face was still cold and calm.

"I'm doing this for your own good," Shi Jiu pushed his glasses, and said in a deep voice, "Sister, as a family member, I will not harm you."

Shi Jin: "..."

It won't hurt her, it's just PUA words. If he can't bear it, he can only blame his poor psychological ability to resist pressure. He never thinks there is anything wrong with his words.

As if he was hating iron but not steel, he was encouraging the other party by suppressing him.

Looking at his calm and peaceful appearance, it seemed that he was really only doing it for her own good.

Shi Yan tugged Shi Jin's hand, "Don't talk nonsense with him, sister, let's go."

Shi Yan has always disliked the boy's personality like an honor machine, even though Shi Jie has his own attachment, but that attachment is close to madness.

Ever since Ling Shuang learned about Shiji's invisible suppression of Shi Jin over the years, she hated him even more.

It was delayed by Shi Jing for 2 minutes, but fortunately Shi Jin still saw the object of the trip in the end.

Shi Ye was lying in the treatment cabin, although he was still in a coma, but the brows were obviously stretched.

The boy's face was pale, and his lips were bloodless.

Shi's mother, Shi's father and grandpa were all around the cockpit, and Shi Jin wanted to go up to have a look again. At this time, Shi's mother, who was standing beside her with red eyes, suddenly noticed her coming up, and said, "Why are you doing this now?" just came?!"

There was a harsh questioning tone, as if blaming Shi Jin for not caring about his younger brother.

Shi Yan frowned and reminded: "Mom, don't say that, my sister's mental strength can't ride the medical aircraft with us, its speed will cause damage to her head."

"Then can't we change to a public spaceship and come here in the morning?! It has to be in the afternoon. Is she really worried about Xiaoye, or is she forced to come here because of her status as a sister?"

"Xiao Ye takes care of you so much on weekdays, why don't you pay attention?!"

In Shi's mother's eyes, it seemed that Shi Ye, a nephew, was really more important than his own daughter, Shi Jin.

Before Shi Jin could speak, Shi Yan's voice became a little colder: "Mom, please don't speculate about sister so maliciously."

She blocked Shi Jin behind her, faced Shi Mu, looked at the woman at the same level, a little helpless and a little angry.

Shi's mother looked at Shi Yan, aware of her daughter's wrong emotions, she turned her head away with red eyes, and after a while, she said a few words from her lips: "You just protect her, Xiao Yan, even if you protect her, She will only be heartless."

Shi's father's tone was also not very good: "Not motivated, timid, cowardly, and mental power is only C-level. Isn't the family treating her well enough? Last time I was finally able to drive a transport mech. How happy is her mother and I?" ?! But it was only a few days before Xiao Ye had an accident, her younger brother was injured and passed out, and the whole family was here to accompany her, and she was the only one who came late..."

"Okay," Grandpa finally said helplessly, "Don't blame Xiao Jin all the time, I also see this kid's hard work."

It wasn't until Grandpa spoke up that Shi's mother and Shi's father didn't say anything more.

Standing behind Shi Yan, Shi Jin didn't have time to interrupt the whole process, as if he didn't speak at all, and the verbal crusade against her was over.


Oh hoo.

This is no room for self-expression.

She didn't really feel anything about the couple's accusations, probably because she looked at it from the sidelines of a stranger, so she didn't feel the same as the original owner, and she didn't feel any shame, pain, sadness or anger.

She came to see Shi Ye, and Shi's father and Shi's mother were just air.

The noise from the people around seemed to have affected the teenager in the treatment cabin.

Shi Ye's eyebrows moved slightly, and his breathing became a little heavier.

This little move made Shi's mother look away immediately, and went forward to see the boy's situation with great concern.

"Wake up?" she murmured.

However, Shi Ye only moved his eyebrows, and then didn't move again.

Shi Mu lost her gaze and let out a long sigh.

"Once Xiao Ye's condition stabilizes, he should be fine. Since my parents will stay here to accompany me tonight, then we and grandpa will go back first. I need to train, and grandpa needs to rest." Shi Yan took Shi Jin's hand The voice said calmly.

"Xiao Jin stays and takes care of her," Shi Mu said suddenly, "She doesn't need any training."

Shi Yan said directly: "Sister wants to accompany me, she is not free."

Shi Mu pursed her lips and didn't speak any more.

It seems that only grandpa Shiyan and Shijiu can make a woman shut up.

After leaving the ward, Shi Jing was no longer at the elevator door.

The boy had received a communication before, turned around and left in a hurry.

In the elevator, Grandpa suddenly reached out to pat Shi Jin's head and said, "...don't blame your parents, they have pushed themselves too hard these years."


"Since your uncle and aunt passed away, your parents have been under a lot of mental pressure every day. In the past, Xiao Ye and Xiao Jiu's parents were still there, and they supported the military and political circles. The Shi family has always had a high status and a prosperous family. , known as one of the three major families in the empire, in fact, in the past two years, our family has lost a lot of voice, whether in the political arena or in the military."

"Your father has been suppressed invisibly in the military, and your mother has been targeted everywhere in the political arena. They put their hopes on your generation, especially Xiao Jiu. She shined in her graduation exam and was favored by the queen, which will also help the family's status to a certain extent."

"That's why the child is under a lot of pressure. After his parents passed away, he has focused on family honor in recent years, which is like inheriting his father's mantle."

Shi Jin: "..."

This was the first time she knew that Shi Ye's parents had passed away.

She sympathizes with Shi Ye, and she also understands the pressure of Shi's father and Shi's mother at work.

But these should not be the reason for them to vent their pressure on the original owner.

The parents Shi Jin loves have already died in the last days of the earth.

So she doesn't have any sense of belonging to the Shi family, but fortunately, Shiyan Shiye and her grandfather are not bad, and getting along with them is relatively easy and pleasant.

She stays here temporarily to accumulate some wealth and information for herself. After graduation, she can find a spaceship or a mech and travel alone.

"Next year, Shi Ye and I should follow the path of Shi Jue." Shi Yan said suddenly.Attracted Shi Jin's attention: "But don't worry."


She turned her head and looked at Shi Jin - "Those heavy things, no matter what, will not fall on your head."

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