Chapter 83 【083】Clovakia

Suddenly there was a group of people in the hospital lobby, Shi Jin looked up, they were wearing blue uniforms, with a blue eagle pattern engraved on the left chest.

It's Croatia.

Shi Jin just searched for the school badge.

It seems that the summer camp competition in Croatia is also very fierce, and even sent people to the hospital.

A group of people surrounded a certain young man in the middle. The man's sideburns were close to his ears, his facial features were well-defined, his sword eyebrows slanted and his starry eyes were shining. He seemed to be the one who was sent to the emergency room just now.

But judging by his state now, he should be fine.

"How are you, Lorraine?"

"Well, I'm fine." The boy called Lorraine's voice was still a little hoarse, and his hair was a little grayish purple in the dim light.

"Come on, drink some water." A glass of warm water was handed to him, and Lorraine took a sip and said apologetically, "Sorry, I made you worry, and I even lost the game."

"What's the matter! As long as you are fine!"

"However, it's really strange. How did those creatures in the water suddenly become so fierce? Just like the mutant monsters in the Xingwang training ground, the ordinary octopus suddenly became huge in size, and there were still growths in the round holes of the tentacles and suckers. Teeth, horrible."

Shi Jin's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Her ears moved, and she looked sideways at the group of students in blue uniforms.

Shi Yan noticed her stop, turned her head and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Shi Jin stared at them and said, "Xiao Yan, do you know the content of the summer camp competition in Croatia?"

The college summer camp competitions will be broadcast by Xingwang and Optical Brain Forum, but Shi Jin only paid attention to Victoria's school during this time, and didn't know the other two schools at all.

Shi Yan shook her head: "I don't know, I'm busy with my school's training."

Shi Jin: "..." Also.

The grandfather next to him said: "Clovakia... I know something about it. Their competition this year is divided into two types: team and individual. The team competes in missions in the ocean, and the individual is the same as Victoria's. Single duel competition .”

"That's it." Shi Jinming understood.

No wonder there are aquatic creatures in the words, and there is a duel in the sea.

When I searched for the school badge just now, I briefly browsed the basic information of Clovakia.

The college is located on a planet with only one continent. That planet is covered by sea water, and the area of ​​the continent is not very wide, about 900 million square kilometers, which is not even as large as the previous land area of ​​the earth.

Therefore, it is said to be a continent, but it is actually more inclined to an island. There are many kinds of creatures in the ocean, large and small, known and unknown, and the underwater terrain is particularly complicated, which is very suitable for exploration. Behind Victoria is a vast and silent rainforest, and Crowe Vakka is the ocean.This also makes Croatia always include underwater duels in the scope of the exam when planning the exam.

The school in Croatia has a history of 400 years and is the oldest of the three major military academies. The school emblem is a blue eagle, which symbolizes breaking through all obstacles and flying high, standing on the clouds overlooking the world.

Victoria's school emblem is the pattern of the sun, which symbolizes that the scorching sun will last forever, the sun of the interstellar empire will never set, and the spirit of Queen Victoria will last forever.

"Wait for me for 2 minutes, Xiao Yan." Shi Jin said suddenly.

"Sister?" Shi Yan was startled when he saw Shi Jin walking towards the group of Croatian students, as if he didn't understand why she suddenly came forward to greet them.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to bother you," Shi Jin asked with a smile, "The mutated aquatic creatures you're talking about...what kind of thing is that?"

An unfamiliar voice sounded in everyone's ears, and the students from Croatia looked towards the source, only to see a girl in a yellow-brown uniform standing behind them, with a sun-patterned school badge printed on the left chest of the uniform.

"Are you..." One of them frowned slightly: "Victoria's student?"

Shi Jin nodded, "Just passing by, I heard you guys talking about weirdness, I want to know more about it."

"What do you know about this?"

"Because I also met very strange creatures. Behind the rainforest of the college, those guys seem to have mutated." She said truthfully.

"There are also rainforests in Victoria?"

Shi Jin said: "Similarly, some ordinary forest apes suddenly grew fangs and became bloodthirsty and terrifying."


The boy named Lorraine suddenly said: "Those guys, we don't know the source of it very well. They encountered it in this team competition. The college attaches great importance to it. A special task force has been set up to investigate, but now No results yet."

Shi Jin turned on the optical brain, found a picture that Jiang Yuan had recorded before, and showed it to them: "Then near the monster, have you seen anything like this stone?"

Several people gathered around the picture and recalled it carefully. Suddenly, Lorraine's eyes became a little serious, and he said in a deep voice, "...Yes."

"Yes?" Shi Jin grabbed his words.

"Well," the young man nodded, "In the deep sea area where mutated aquatic creatures are active, there are similar stones, glowing on the bottom of the sea, very gorgeous, but I thought they were just ordinary prismarine, small in size, and can be touched with both hands. Pick it up."

"What is prismarine?"

Lorraine explained: "Stones that can illuminate the seabed are generally used by us as lights, and they are formed naturally."

"Did you feel any discomfort after getting close to that stone?" Shi Jin asked.

Lorraine was very keen, and understood the meaning of her words, and seriously recalled: "After being attacked by strange aquatic creatures, my head gradually began to tingle, and that feeling came up slowly. When I couldn't hold on, it was already too late, I just passed out with a headache, and then I was sent here."

But within a few minutes after arriving at the Central Emperor Star Hospital, his body was fine again.

Shi Jin: "..."

She said: "Thank you, classmate, let's add an optical brain connection. I am from the Exploration Department of our school. I am very interested in these. If your school has new investigation results in the future, can you talk to me?"

"Of course, it's fun to explore."

"Hey! Lorraine..." Some students disagreed.

The corners of Lorraine's lips curled slightly, and said, "It's okay."

The young man has sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, a straight nose, and a sense of Chinese dignity when he smiles, "Although Victoria is our opponent now, everyone may become comrades-in-arms when we go to the battlefield in the future. There is nothing wrong with making friends in advance. .”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Shi Jin, "I'm Lorraine from Croatia, how about you?"

Shi Jin said: "I—"

"Are you ready, sister?" Shi Yan suddenly appeared behind Shi Jin, interrupted her, and urged, "We have to go."

Seeing the girl's appearance, someone next to her immediately recognized her: "Wait! Are you Shiyan?!"

The two most famous members of the Shi family generation, Shi Yan and Shi Jiu, are not only at the top of the Xingwang training ground in the academy area, but also at the top of the joint ranking of the three major military academies, so they know that Shi Yan has many classmates, Also familiar with her face.

Everyone was amazed—since Shi Yan called the girl next to her sister, could she be Shi Jin, the C-level mental power of the Shi family who repeated two consecutive grades in Victoria? ?
(End of this chapter)

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