The fact that the brows of the two are indeed similar when they stand together confirms this.

Mental strength is only C-level, but because of the family relationship, he can enter the Queen's Military Academy, and even get a third chance to retake the fifth-grade course after repeating the grade twice. This kind of family privilege treatment is extremely inappropriate to many people fair.

So the name Shi Jin is no stranger to students in Croatia.

When chatting after dinner and tea, basically mention it as gossip in the big family, just laugh it off.

The last gossip was about a week ago when the parents and daughter knocked their heads and seemed to have amnesia, but the trending search was taken down after a while. I don’t know which undercover of the Shi family told about the amnesia before.

In the end, they didn't expect that the real master, who had always been active only in other people's gossip, would stand in front of them today.

"..." The mood is a bit complicated.Especially after I feel that the other party is not bad in the few chats just now.

On the contrary, Lorraine seemed to have guessed something a long time ago, and said calmly: "Sure enough, she is the daughter of the elders of the time, hello."

"However, how do you say that you joined the Exploration Department?" someone asked.

Shi Jin said: "It's boring. Anyway, I don't know how to learn. Why don't you find something interesting to do to pass the time."

She said with a smile: "Let's go first, and see you later."

Shi Jin's hand was held by Shi Yan, and the girl tugged twice, as if to urge her.

Lorraine nodded: "Okay, see you on the celebration day. The college has an investigation progress, and I will send you a newsletter."

Shi Jin is dragged away by Shi Yan.

She noticed that the girl seemed reluctant to communicate with people in Croatia.

"What's wrong?" Shi Jin asked his sister in a low voice.

Shi Yan said: "Sister, that person just now is Lorraine from the Luo family."

"Is the Luo family also famous?"

Knowing that Shi Jin smashed his head before and couldn't remember many things, Shi Yan explained: "Their family was developed last year. Last year, when the empire went to Grinwaka, the Luo family made great contributions as a major in the army. The limelight even overwhelmed the father who is a senior colonel, and was rewarded by the queen, and his father was accused and ridiculed openly and secretly, so he doesn't like the Luo family, and it's best for my sister not to have too much contact with them."

Shi Jin: "..."

She knew that her younger sister was worried that she would be exploited by men again, but the subordinate's limelight overwhelmed the boss, isn't it Shi's father's own problem? ?
I was useless to be targeted, and I blamed others for being too powerful, and I didn't let my daughter get in touch with people she hated. No wonder the entire Shi family started to go downhill after Shi Ye's parents passed away. This is really unreliable.

Shi Jin ignored Shi's father's thoughts at all, and said bluntly: "Instead of being jealous of others, that man should improve himself more, and those who have no ability will only mess around at home."

Grandpa sighed: "Xiao Jin, that's your father."

Meaning don't say that about him.

Shi Jin said: "Grandpa, it's better to point it out if there is a problem. With his temperament, he won't be able to avoid accidents on the battlefield in the future."

"Xiao Jin!"

"Grandpa." Shi Jin stopped in his tracks, his voice calm and unwavering, cold and indifferent.

She looked back at the old man quietly. She was obviously just a young girl who had just grown up, but her aura somehow gave off a battle-tested chill and coldness, "I'm not a child anymore. Compared to what you are here to persuade I respect him. The better way is to let him respect me first. After all, everyone is a human for the first time. As parents, don't rely on this status to deliberately vent pressure on your children, regardless of Indiscriminate and arbitrary accusations."

"Harm from family members is often more heart-wrenching than outsiders."

Therefore, she is glad that she lives on the earth and has a happy time with her family.

Grandpa's brows were full of helplessness, and his old face was full of sighs.

"I know you have complained about your parents since you were a child, but—"

"Now that you know, don't try to persuade me any more," Shi Jin interrupted the old man, and said seriously: "We should be grateful for the kindness of nurturing, but the mental damage is not so easy to erase. Maybe time can dilute everything, But not for me, and certainly not now."

The old man seemed to want to say something more, there was a gleam in his old and cloudy eyes, but he couldn't persuade him to speak when he met Shijin's thick ink-like pupils.

He might hope for a harmonious family, but the relationship between Shi Jin and Shi's father and Shi's mother can no longer be reconciled by persuasion.

"Sorry grandpa." Shi Jin said.


The old man shook his head, "Go home, Xiao Jin, you must be tired after coming to Emperor Star Hospital from the academy alone."

"it is good."

A video suddenly reached the top of the hot search list by airborne.

After clicking on it, it turned out that a B-level mecha instantly killed an S-level mecha.

Its popularity is even higher than that of Kervey's team PVP before.

The entire Star Network is discussing this matter, not only the regional network of Victoria College, but also the three major military academies and the mecha club alliance, almost all of them are watching that video repeatedly.

Many people analyze this.

If the driver uses a plug-in, what kind of black technology can instantly kill an S-class mecha on a B-class mech? ?

If there is no plug-in, how terrible is the physical fitness of the driver? !
[What about the value? ?Are the numbers out? ! 】The people from Xingwang urged them very much.

At eleven o'clock in the evening when the video came out, someone finally announced the battle values.

【25 N, 300m/s. 】

【...Does anyone think this value looks familiar? 】

Someone replied soon: [Wait!Isn't this the value of the last blow of the A-level mech against Chairman Xie Yinci when Kervi fought against the Rainforest Exploration Department? ? 】

As soon as the reply came out, the Xingwang forum was in an uproar.

[Combined with the fact that fighting is specialized in head hammering, I feel like I have discovered something...]

[I rely on it!Could it be the same person? ?Who is it? ? 】

[My Victoria, I was at the scene at the time, you may not believe it when I tell you, but——this was played by the eldest daughter of the C-level mental power of the Shi family! ! 】

【? ? ? 】

The number of posts on the Xingwang forum continued at a rate of nearly a hundred per second.

I have to say that this scene was too sensational.

The S-rank vs. S-rank duel is no big deal, and the same is true for S-rank vs. A-rank.

But S-level and B-level are highly discussed.

Especially this kind of one-hit blast kill.

And on top of these layers of buffs, a c-level waste of mental power was added as the driver, and the sensation instantly blew up the entire forum.

When Shi Jin got home, he took a shower.

Shiyan's room is next to her.

After wearing it for more than a week, it was the first time she saw Shiyan come back.

The girl also took a shower just now, stayed in the room for a while, and then came out suddenly. She didn't know what she saw on the star network. She was standing in front of the alloy door of Shi Jin's room, looking at him with complicated eyes.

"elder sister."

"What's wrong?" Shi Jin's hair was wet and dripping slowly before he could blow it.

Shi Yan asked: "Before, were you driving the A-level mecha that participated in the team competition at the Xingwang training ground?"

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